By the same author
Call for the Dead
A Murder of Quality
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
The Looking Glass War
A Small Town in Germany
The Naive and Sentimental Lover
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
The Honourable Schoolboy
Smileys People
The Little Drummer Girl
A Perfect Spy
The Russia House
The Secret Pilgrim
The Night Manager
Our Game
The Tailor of Panama
Single & Single
The Constant Gardener
Absolute Friends
The Mission Song
A Most Wanted Man
Our Kind of Traitor
A Delicate Truth
The Pigeon Tunnel
A Legacy of Spies
Agent Running in the Field
An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
First published in hardcover in Great Britain by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House Ltd., London, in 2022
First United States edition published by Viking
Copyright 2022 by Viereck Ltd
Penguin Random House supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin Random House to continue to publish books for every reader.
Illustration credits can be found on .
Parts of this book, including several letters, appeared in The Guardian and The New York Times.
library of congress cataloging-in-publication data
Names: Le Carr, John, 19312020, author. | Cornwell, Tim, editor.
Title: A private spy : the letters of John le Carr / edited by Tim Cornwell.
Other titles: Letters of John le Carr
Description: New York : Viking, 2022. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2022045174 (print) | LCCN 2022045175 (ebook) | ISBN 9780593490679 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780593654439 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Le Carr, John, 19312020Correspondence. | LCGFT: Personal correspondence.
Classification: LCC PR6062.E33 Z48 2022 (print) | LCC PR6062.E33 (ebook) | DDC 823/.914 [B]dc23/eng/20220922
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
Cover design: Paul Buckley
Cover photograph: John le Carr (David Cornwell), Hamburg 2012. anton corbijn
Adapted for ebook by Cora Wigen
For Noah
Forgive this long scribe, but sometimes letters are more fun.
le Carr to his stepmother Jean Cornwell, 4 June 2009
We all write too few letters these days.
to Al Alvarez, 16 September 2016
List of Illustrations and Picture Credits
. David Cornwell with his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
. David Cornwell with his parents and brother.
. Ronnie Cornwell in close proximity to the Duke of Edinburgh.
. David and Tony Cornwell as children.
. Jeannie Cornwell.
. The Sherborne School Junior Hockey Team.
. Reginald Stanley Thompson.
. Ronnie, Jeannie, David and Tony Cornwell.
. David skiing.
. David and Ann.
. David and Charlotte Cornwell.
. Vivian Green.
. Davids drawing of Ann.
. John and Miranda Margetsons wedding.
. Sir Victor Gollancz.
. New York Times bestseller list.
. Graham Greene.
. The Cornwell family in Greece.
. Le Carr and his sons drawing together.
. Le Carr and Richard Burton.
. Susan Kennaway.
. Sydney Pollack.
. Jane Cornwell.
. Robert Gottlieb.
. Le Carr and Jane working on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
. Le Carr and his family at Tregiffian.
. Le Carr and Alec Guinness on Hampstead Heath.
. Yvette Pierpaoli.
. Le Carr and David Greenway on Corfu.
. Le Carr and Al Alvarez.
. Le Carr and his whippet, Mac.
. Charlotte Cornwell.
. Le Carr and Vladimir Stabnikov.
. Le Carr and Jane at the races.
. Sonny Mehta.
. Le Carr and Anthony Barnett on an anti-war march.
. Le Carr and Ralph Fiennes.
. Le Carr and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
. Le Carr and the cast of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
. Le Carr and Ben Macintyre.
. Le Carr, August Hanning, Tim Garton-Ash and Prince Albrecht Ernst of Oettingen-Spielberg.
. Le Carr and the cast of The Night Manager.
. Le Carr with his sons.
. Le Carr and Yassin Musharbash.
. Le Carr and Jonny Geller.
. Le Carr on an anti-Brexit march.
. Le Carr on his eighty-ninth birthday, wrapped in the Irish flag.
Text Illustrations
: Cartoon by David for the Downhill Only Journal.
: Two skiing cartoons by David.
: Letter from Maresfield Training Camp.
: Letter to Ann.
: Davids illustration for the Oxford Left magazine.
: Davids sketches of young Etonians.
: Davids sketches of monks at Cerne Abbas Friary.
: Davids sketch of John Bingham.
: Illustration by David from Talking Birds.
: Self-portrait by le Carr, 1961.
: Letter to Stephen Cornwell.
: Letter to John Cheever.
: 1994 cartoon of le Carr, by Jeff Danziger, in the Christian Science Monitor.
: Note to Wendy Le Grice.
: Self-portrait by le Carr a hundred pages into a new novel.
: Illustration from a letter to Tom Stoppard.
: Self-portrait by le Carr for charity.
: Note to Jane Cornwell.
Picture Credits
The majority of images have been reprinted by kind permission of the Cornwell family; other credits are below.
Inset: , Sean Smith.
Text illustrations: , Jeff Danziger editorial cartoon used with permission of Jeff Danziger, CounterPoint Syndication and the Cartoonist Group. All rights reserved.
I hate the telephone. I cant type. Like the tailor in my new novel, I ply my trade by hand. I live on a Cornish cliff and hate cities. Three days and nights in a city are about my maximum. I dont see many people. I write and walk and swim and drink. So wrote my father, in a 1996 article-cum-letter, sent to his long-time editor Bob Gottlieb and others, called Talking to My American Publishers.
I am writing these few words of introduction from the same Cornish cliff. Yesterday a wind was whipping round the stone walls, shaking and swaying the hardy skimmia and veronica bushes of my fathers garden, with a sea as fierce as Ive seen it, twisting the rollers into white crests. But now the place is bathed in brilliant winter sunshine, bouncing off a rippled ocean, with a magpie hopping on the lawn.
In 1969 my father took on a row of three derelict cottages and an adjoining hay barn, converting and expanding them over fifty years, adding his library and writers studio and creating his own artists garden, with hidden lawns and sculptures and thick hedges of giant hewn stone.
I have very much hibernated down here, see almost no one, he wrote to his stepmother Jeannie in 1972, after he bought the buildings and about a mile of untamed cliff from a local farmer. And work seven or eight hours a day on a new book, just a thriller to mark time... I get up at seven each morning to a ninety mile an hour gale that hasnt stopped for four days, and only the bloody power cuts for company except that I like it very much and enjoy my work, and the fields and the sea, and the potato farm that is part of the place. The book, just a thriller, was