The Monthly Challenge Writing Series
Book 1
Copyright 2021 by Ruth Barringham
Published in Australia
The author is the copyright owner of this work and no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised without the permission of the Author.
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The Author is not a lawyer or an accountant and does not intend to render legal, accounting or other professional advice within this book. No guarantees of income, sales or results are promised. It is recommended that users of this book seek legal, accounting and other independent professional business advice before starting any business or acting upon any advice given herein.
ISBN: Ebook 978-0-9871151-5-7
CiP data available Australian Libraries.
Also by Ruth Barringham
How to Quit Smoking
How To Write An Article In 15 Minutes Or Less
Goodbye Writers Block
7 Day Ebook Writing and Publishing System
Living The Laptop Lifestyle
Mission Critical for Life
Quick Cash Freelance Writing
Build A Lucrative Niche Website
Fast & Profitable Article Writing
The One Month Author
See more of my books on my website
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The Author is not a lawyer or an accountant and does not intend to render legal, accounting or other professional advice within this book. No guarantees of income, sales or results are promised. It is recommended that users of this book seek legal, accounting and other independent professional business advice before starting any business or acting upon any advice given herein.
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Table of Contents
Welcome to Quick Cash Freelance Writing.
This book is part of the Monthly Challenge Writing Series.
Its called Quick Cash because youre going to discover ways to earn money as a freelance writer by writing as little as 5 minutes a day.
Dont believe it can be done?
Well in 5 minutes you could write and submit a short readers letter to a magazine for $50, or write and submit a movie idea to a production company for $50,000.
I began my writing career as a freelance writer over 20 years ago. I chose this kind of writing because I was looking for a way to earn money from my writing that was not only fast, but was also fun to do. And once I started freelancing and the payments started coming, I was hooked.
But dont get me wrong. Not everything I wrote and submitted was published. Like most freelancers, I received far more rejections than acceptances, but it didnt stop me. If my work was rejected by one publication, I quickly sent it to another.
And I did plenty of writing and submitting and had a whole variety of projects on the go at all times, which made it so interesting.
Thats the beauty of freelance writing. You get to choose what you want to do and its a really flexible way to work so you can choose to do it part-time or full-time. I did it part-time until I was earning enough money to quit my job, and then I started freelance writing full-time as well as doing other writing projects of my own that created on-going passive income, which you can learn about in the other 3 books in this Monthly Challenge Writing Series.
Freelance writing is ideal for those who want to earn extra money, and even if youve never earned money this way before, once youve worked your way through this book, you should have earned at least 100-times what you paid for it or a lot more. Of course, it depends on what you do and how many submissions you make, and well look at this in the next chapter.
So whether youre looking to write part-time or full-time or youre a student or youre retired, you can be a freelance writer, working from anywhere, anytime. And if you dont have a lot of time, you can get up early to write or stay up late.
One thing I know about freelance writing is that it can be addictive. But that doesnt mean its easy. It takes researching potential markets, tracking your submissions, writing, and keeping accounts. But its never boring.
You only need basic skills to get started and once you start working, it gets easier and quicker. To begin with you only need to be able to write coherently and know how to use a computer, the rest youll learn along the way.
The Challenge.
Just remember that Quick Cash Freelance Writing is a challenge. So this isnt a book to read passively.
What you need to do is read it through once and then go through it again, only this time youre actually going to do the work.
This book is divided up into different chapters with 7 of those chapters covering different ways to earn money as a freelance writer.
But I dont want you to just read each chapter, I want you to do it. Research suitable markets (its explained how to do this) and then begin writing and submitting.
Dont just submit one thing. Aim to make 3-10 submissions at once. I know that sounds like a lot, but once you start, youll realise that its not, and it makes more sense to submit more than one piece of work at a time.
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