Two-Way Radios and Scanners For Dummies
by H. Ward Silver
Two-Way Radios and Scanners For Dummies
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About the Author
H. Ward Silver has experienced a 20-year career as an electrical engineer developing instrumentation and medical electronics. He also spent 8 years in broadcasting, both programming and engineering. In 2000, he turned to teaching and writing as a second career, producing Ham Radios For Dummies in 2004. He supports Seattle Universitys Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in laboratory instruction. He is an avid Amateur Radio operator, Extra Class, first licensed in 1972. Each month, his columns and articles can be found in the national ham radio magazine, QST, published by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). He is the author of the ARRLs online courses in Antenna Design and Construction, Analog Electronics, and Digital Electronics. When not in front of a computer screen, you will find him working on his mandolin technique and compositions.
This book is dedicated to my mom, who enabled her mad scientist son to conduct his basement activities in radio and science. Also to our family cat, Mirage, who carefully supervised the author throughout the creation of this book.
Authors Acknowledgments
I would like to gratefully acknowledge the Uniden America Corporation for providing equipment, a number of excellent graphics, and for their technical reviews of several chapters. Paul Opitz, Uniden Marketing Manager, was particularly generous with his time and assistance. I must also recognize the professional contributions of my editor, Nicole Haims, who patiently trimmed and guided each chapter to the polished form you enjoy. My technical editor, Kirk Kleinschmidt, also provided invaluable review and commentary. Thanks also to Melody Layne at Wiley for enabling me to write this second title.
Much gratitude also goes to the members of the Vashon-Maury Island Radio Club and of the Vashon Disaster Preparedness Coalition, who were the guinea pigs for many of my planning and training experiments.
Thank you!
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