Copyright 1999 by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles.
Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Rutledge Hill Press, Inc., 211 Seventh Avenue North, Nashville, Tennessee 37219. Distributed in Canada by H.B. Fenn and Co., Ltd., 34 Nixon Road, Bolton, Ontario L7E 1W2. Distributed in Australia by The Five Mile Press Pty., Ltd., 22 Summit Road, Noble Park, Victoria 3174. Distributed in New Zealand by Tandem Press, 2 Rugby Road, Birkenhead, Auckland 10. Distributed in the United Kingdom by Verulam Publishing Ltd., 152a Park Street Lane, Park Street, St.
Albans, Hertfordshire AL2 2AU. Typography by Compass Communications, Inc.,
Nashville, Tennessee Illustrations by Jim Hsieh
Book design by Harriette Bateman
ISBN: 1-55853-746-5 Printed in Republic of China
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 04 03 02 01 00 99 Contents W hen writing this little book, I was reminded once again of the joy and comfort that comes when we take time to experience lifes simple pleasures. As we dash and crash, zig and zag our way through stressful schedules and impossible deadlines, we often forget that the satisfaction and fulfillment we seek can be found where we are and with what we already possess. Dale Carnegie explained it this way: Most are looking for some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows. What we need is not more time and resources, but a new awareness and appreciation for the little priceless moments already ours to enjoy. On the following pages youll read some of the little things that have made a big difference in my life.
I couldnt help but smile as I remembered each one: a congratulatory note from a friend mailing a college student a funny greeting card a neighbors friendly wave freshly squeezed grapefruit juice homemade soup simmering on the stove leaving a quarter in the pay
phone for the next person to find paying someone a compliment Junior Mints Why not compile your own list? Its the best way I know of discovering that the little things we often take for granted arent so little after all. Living big and joyful and content is almost always the result of our finding satisfaction in lifes ordinary day-to-day pleasures. And God must be fond of them too, for He made so many of them for us to enjoy. B less each day with
your favorite music. B lessed is the man who can
enjoy the small things,
the common beauties, the little
day-to-day events: sunshine on
the fields, birds on the bough,
breakfast, dinner, supper, a
friend passing by. So many
people who go afield to search
for happiness have left it behind
them back home sitting on the
front porch. David Grayson A lways have something
beautiful in sight, even if
its just a daisy in a
jelly glass.
N ever regret any
money spent on
books or fresh
I ve learned that ... ... true serenity is holding your wifes hand when falling asleep at night. Age 62 ... beautiful flower gardens always seem to be tended by the nicest people.
Age 62 SimpleJoys Grammar school Christmas pageants Stopping to read roadside historical markers Waking up to winters first snowfall Homemade pumpkin bread, warm from the oven O ften the deepest relationships
can be developed during the
simplest activities. Gary Smalley I think it ticks God off if you
pass the color purple in a field
somewhere and dont notice it. Alice Walker S urprise a loved one with a
little unexpected gift. U se a picture of a loved one
as a bookmarker. H old puppies, kittens, and
babies anytime you get
the chance. E veryday happiness means
getting up in the morning,
and you cant wait to finish
your breakfast. You cant wait
to do your exercises. You cant wait to put on
your clothes.
You cant wait to
get outand you cant wait
to get home, because
the soup is hot. George Burns SimpleJoys Someone leaving the porch light on for you Music that makes you want to get down and boogie Sharing a funnel cake Taking a child to get her first library card I ve learned that .. ... boredom is the result of not being aware of the beauty and the possibilities all around you. Age 73 ... one of lifes greatest joys is to have my two grandchildrenfight over my lap.
Age 65 A contented mind is the
greatest blessing a man can
enjoy in this world. Joseph Addison H e is richest who is content
with the least. Socrates
I still find each day too short
for all the thoughts
I want to think, all the walks I
want to take, all the books I
want to read, all the friends I
want to see. The longer I live,
the more my mind dwells upon
the beauty and the wonder of
the world. John Burroughs SimpleJoys Slow dancing cheek-to-cheek The smell of new-mown grass The song, The Impossible Dream Ranch dressing on almost anything S hare a box of animal
crackers with a child. L earn to play Amazing
Grace on the piano. P ut some little candy hearts
on a loved ones pillow.
S limplicity is the key to seeing
things clearly. Oswald Chambers T he ordinary acts we practice
every day at home are of more
importance to the soul than their
simplicity might suggest. Thomas Moore I ve learned that... ... you shouldnt wait until you are forty to get your first full body massage. Age 43 ... my day is perfect when a song comes on the radio and my one-year-old wants to dance with me. Age 21 B eauty of style
and harmony and grace and good rhythm
depend on simplicity. Plato G ratitude unlocks the fullness
of life.
It turns what we have into
enough and more. Melody Beattie SimpleJoys Cream of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich Blowing someone a kiss The sound of my grandfathers voice saying grace A single magnolia blossom in a crystal bowl T he foolish man seeks
happiness in the distance, the
wise grows it under his feet. James Oppenheim A ll you need for happiness is
a good gun, a good horse, and
a good wife. Daniel Boone R emember the three
universal healers:
calamine lotion,
warm oatmeal,
and hugs.
SimpleJoys Snow geese flying in perfect formation Underwear still warm from the dryer An early morning walk on the beach Tootsie Roll Pops I ve learned that... ... watching a hummingbird build a nest, hatch, and care for her babies can brighten many days. Age 66 ... nothing makes me feel better than talking to my sister over a pint of Ben and Jerrys.
Age 15 W e dont remember days,
we remember moments. Cesare Pauese S mile at each other. Smile at
your wife, smile at your
husband, smile at your children,
it doesnt matter who it is. And
that will help you to grow in
greater love for
each other. Mother Teresa B efore we set our hearts too
much upon anything, let us
examine how happy they are
who already possess it.
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