
MAT For Dummies Published by
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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats and by print-on-demand. Some content that appears in standard print versions of this book may not be available in other formats. For more information about Wiley products, visit us at www.wiley.com . Library of Congress Control Number: 2013932107 ISBN 978-1-118-49675-6 (pbk); ISBN 978-1-118-59192-5 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-59203-8 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-59194-9 (ebk) Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 About the Authors Vince Kotchian is a full-time test-prep tutor, writer, and admissions consultant who has helped hundreds of students get into the schools of their choice. Originally from Connecticut, Vince graduated from Boston College and now lives in San Diego. In addition to his in-person tutoring, Vince works online with students both throughout the United States and internationally.
In his free time, Vince enjoys playing and watching sports, reading and writing fiction, and running (which is enjoyable at least some of the time). Edwin Kotchian is an MAT tutor and freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of test-prep material. He is also a professional musician and composer. Dedication Vince would like to dedicate this book to Julie Melisse. Authors Acknowledgments We would first like to thank Margot Hutchison, our agent, for bringing us this opportunity. Wed also like to thank Tracy Boggier for helping the project get off the ground; Tracy Brown, our project editor, for her organizational guidance; Krista Hansing for her skillful copyediting; and our technical editors, Lisa Tolliver and Jake Fox-Rabinovitz, for their invaluable feedback about the books content.
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Introduction W hether youre taking the MAT for graduate school admission, a job, or some other reason, youre probably at least somewhat concerned about the test.
Something about standardized tests just seems to intimidate many people. And as Im sure you know, your score will probably matter quite a bit. Or maybe youre so used to taking tests in school that the thought of facing the MAT doesnt faze you, but you figure you may as well read up on it. But no matter what your initial attitude, its good to take a closer look at what youre up against. The MAT is probably unlike any test youve ever taken. For starters, it has just one type of question on it: the analogy.
You may remember analogies from other standardized tests theyre questions posed in this form: Banana is to fruit as carrot is to __________. You then have to select an answer from four choices, only one of which creates a clear, logical relationship between the terms in the analogy. The right answer to this analogy is vegetable : A banana is a type of fruit, just as a carrot is a type of vegetable. The other unusual characteristic of the MAT is that, unlike most standardized tests, it covers a whole bunch of different topics, ranging from general knowledge to math, to literature, to science. Since it tests your knowledge of so many different areas, the test is extremely difficult to completely master. After all, youre not Wikipedia.
Fortunately, you can intelligently prepare for the content the MAT covers by learning the most common terms, people, and concepts in categories such as history, art, and music. Why is the MAT so weird? Well, studies have consistently shown that if someone can reason the relationships between things, they probably can make connections easily, solve problems, and see patterns skills that come in handy in most jobs and fields of study. Schools and employers that use the MAT want some evidence that you have the ability to think, and a good score on the MAT is one indication that you do. People with knowledge of lots of different areas may also be intellectually curious, another desirable trait. As with most tests, the MAT has a time limit: You have just 60 minutes to answer 120 questions. Even if youre a whiz with analogies, youre going to want to employ some intelligent strategies to earn as many points as you can in that hour.