Mimi Riser
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2013 by Mimi Riser
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Chapter 1
Magic has often been described assupernatural but only by those who dont understand howintrinsically natural real magic is. Throughout human history allcultures of all places and times have practiced some form of magic,ranging from the most elaborate of rituals to the simplest homespunspells. Magic is a way of communing with the Divine and taking anactive part in our own destiny by recognizing that we are part ofthe Divine, created by and comprised of the same cosmic energy thatdrives the whole Universe. As such, we have the power to tap intothat energy and use it to influence our lives for the better. Thetruth is, by our thoughts, words and deeds, we are all constantlyinfluencing ourselves and our surroundings anyway, so we may aswell learn how to do it for the greatest possible good.
Prayer is a form of magic; so are meditation,positive thinking and creative visualization. The latter, infact, is a key element of spellwork. Magic operates on theprinciple: As it is in the microcosm, so it is in themacrocosm. In other words, if you can clearly visualizesomething, you can draw it to yourself.
The spells in this book are simple ones thatrequire few ingredients and little preparation no fancy tools andtrappings, no complex rituals to learn. This is magic in itspurest, most straightforward form. Kitchen Witch Magic. Oldspells and timeless techniques that have been passed down to usthrough long centuries of successful use from the Wise Women andhealers of ages past. Everyday Magic that can be performedquickly and discreetly by anyone almost anytime and anywhere. Yetfor all its simplicity, Everyday Magic is a potent force. When wemake magic a part of our daily life, we empower ourselves andcharge our endeavors with proactive energy.
Like attracts like is the rootconcept from which magic grows. Thus its important for spellcasters to keep their motives clean and their thoughts positive.Never use magic maliciously or to cause harm. Doing so will alwayscost you. Always. Theres no escaping Karma. Its a prime law ofthe Universe that what we send out is what we get back. Thats howand why magic works. What goes around comes around, and we truly doreap what we sow. Plant only good, and youll harvest blessings andbenefits!
Chapter 2
FAQs about Magic
Question : Ivebeen told that witchcraft is an evil force that comes from thedevil. If I practice magic, will I end up burning in hell?
Answer : No,but the fear of magic is certainly an evil force that canwreak bloody havoc. And has. That fear is largely a holdover fromthe Inquisition, which brutally tortured and killed countlessinnocent people, and made money in the process. Under medieval law,condemned witches had all their property confiscated, plus theywere required to pay for their torture, imprisonment and execution.On top of which, they had to name accomplices, and were tortureduntil they did, so that others could be arrested and condemned (theway the trial procedure was set up, an arrest was tantamount to aconviction). The Inquisition may have been spawned by religiousfervor, but theres no denying it was also a business, and alucrative one. It was a black epoch of human history, but blackmagic had nothing to do with it.
In essence, magic is neither black nor white.Its a tool, and no more good or bad than any other tool at ourdisposal. A baseball bat, for example, can be used as a murderweapon, but thats not what it was designed for. And neither werewe designed to do harm, but to love and help one another. If youuse magic maliciously, youll have to pay the Karmic price, butthats a very different thing from eternal damnation.
Karma stems from the natural law of cause andeffect. We create it for ourselves by our actions and attitudes,and a difficult Karma can be worked off and atoned for by learningand practicing better ways. Karma teaches us wisdom throughexperience and keeps us on the right path. Hell, as a supposedplace of perpetual punishment, is a dead-end, and thus contrary tothe natural rhythm and flow of the Universe, which is circular andunceasing. Energy into matter. Matter into energy. In and out, backand forth, round and round. Everything moves in circles. Stars,planets, atoms, electrons Everything. Only hell supposedly isstagnant, which makes no sense from either the scientific or thespiritual standpoint. Hell is a dogmatic religious concept, but isactually found in very few of the worlds many religions.
Q : Speaking ofwhich, will I have to change my religion to practice magic?
A : No,definitely not. Magic isnt a religion and belongs to no onedoctrine. It can be, and has been, used successfully by people ofall cultures and creeds.
Q : But what if Ijust dontbelievein magic?
A : No problem.You dont have to. Whether we believe in their effectiveness ornot, we can still cast spells, and theyll still work. Why?Consider it this way: Do we have to believe the sun will rise forit to come up in the morning? If youre a Star Wars fan,you can think of magic as The Force.
Q : Okay, I triedit. I cast a spell. And itdidntwork.Now what?
A : First off,dont expect instant results. That doesnt mean you wont ever getthem; you very well might. But some spells, like seeds planted inthe earth, need time to take root and blossom. Secondly, keeptrying. Repeat the spell and try others. Try dozens. Have fun andhedge your bets. Theres a cumulative effect in magic work, and onespell builds on another, increasing the overall energy.
Finally, remember that we cant always seethe big picture, but the Universe can and may exercise veto powerto keep us from making a mistake. In other words, if youve beentrying to manifest a specific outcome, and its just not happening,that could be a sign you need to re-evaluate your motives anddesires. Step back and re-aim your sights. We dont always get whatwe may think we want, but we can get what we reallyneed.
Q : Does that meanI wont be able to make lightning bolts shoot out myfingertips?
A : Probablynot.
Q : What aboutturning my boss into a toad?
A : No, notthat either. In any case, turning people into toads is maliciousand bad for your Karma.
Q : You dont knowmy boss he already is a toad. Isnt there anything magical I cando about that?
A : Sure.Thats the whole point of magic; however difficult a situation,theres always something we can do about it. To use the case of adifficult work environment as an example, you can start by fillingand surrounding yourself with positive energy as a shield againstother peoples negativity (visualize it as suit of armor made frompure white light if you need a mental image).
Next, you can project your positive energyoutward. Simply planting a friendly smile on your face is a spellthat often works wonders; and answering harsh words with kind onescan diffuse a tense confrontation. For your own peace of mind, ifnothing else, always try to take the high road. Stay cool, staygrounded, and dont get sucked into other peoples melodramas.Youre better than that. And so are they actually. Given that weare all born of the same Divine power, even the worst person has tohave some good in them somewhere. By setting a positive example,you may help them bring their better qualities to the fore. Kiss afrog (or toad) and turn him into a prince metaphoricallyspeaking, of course.
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