An All-Natural Nutrition Plan
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Copyright 2015 Patricia Antoine & Dr. Carlisle Antoine.
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To all women who are planning to become mothers and experience natural childbirth.
May this book inspire you to go the natural way and give your unborn child the best of everything to begin his/her new life on earth.
Always remember that children are a special gift from God and giving them a healthy start in life is one of the best things parents can do for them.
Children are a gift from God. When couples decide to have children, one of the things they want most is to have a healthy child . The health of both mother and father is essential to having a healthy baby. It is important that the genes from both parents are well nourished with the right combination of medicinal herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Not only is this a critical component to the health of the child, it can change your birth experience as well.
Painless Childbirth is another benefit of following the principles of health and taking the right combination of medicinal herbs, vitamins and minerals. It may sound too good to be true but one can experience a difference in childbirth as I did. A healthy baby, a healthy pregnancy, and a pleasant birth process are absolutely achievable.
My husband, (a registered Naturopath Physician) and I have always discussed the nature of childbirth and thought the process was just overwhelming. We decided to research the herbal formulas that play a significant role in the reproductive process. Armed with the formulas we discovered, we then combined them in such a strategic way that they complemented each other. The chemical constituents of these herbs not only nutrify the reproductive organs, but also allow for easy contraction and expansion.
There are essential factors one should take into consideration before pregnancy. At least six months to one year both parents should prepare themselves for this wonderful experience. Doing this dramatically reduces the risk for miscarriage, birth defects and other childhood dysfunctions.
Naturally painless (with minor discomfort at delivery) childbirth is something that can be accomplished by using the right herbal formulas, having a wholesome diet, regular exercise, lots of rest, drinking pure water, reading Gods word and wholesome books and fortifying trust in God. I have personally used this program and have shared it with friends and we have all experienced painless childbirth.
Once you have followed the program outlined in this booklet, you will experience childbirth in a different way.
When I first learned about cleansing the immune system, I realized that it was a very important factor to being healthy and having a strong immune system. After my first child, I decided to study midwifery and learn all I could about pre-natal care and to complement the nutrition I was studying.
I went on a complete body cleanse, made some changes to my diet and I truly felt stronger, healthier and more energetic. I then suspected I was pregnant because I missed my cycle. One thing I observed, when I became pregnant, is that I did not have any morning sickness. The prior cleansing and building of my immune system had prepared my body for the process of bearing this child.
With this new pregnancy I decided to apply what I have studied and learned about herbal formulas for pregnancy; the implementation of exercise, pure water, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, sprouts, veggie meats and other unprocessed foods. Because of this, I had lots of energy and was able to do everything normal, as when I was not pregnant. I took care of my 2 year old son, cooking, cleaning and doing everything a mother would do. I did not feel any extreme tiredness or exhaustion at the end of the day. I realized that the combination of everything I was doing allowed my body to adjust to pregnancy, a normal process of a womans body.
Nine months into this second pregnancy, I was making dinner when I felt my first contractions. They felt like muscle contraction but without pain. I check the time and decided to finish my dinner and see how they progressed. About 7pm that evening I was still having contraction. After drinking my raspberry tea, the contraction became stronger and closer together but still without pain. The tightening of the muscles and pressure on the lower part of my abdomen were not accompanied by the pain of a typical pregnancy. After checking the time on the contractions I was feeling, I saw they were coming five minutes apart. I told my husband it was time to go to the hospital.
When I got to the hospital, The nurse asked me if I was sure I was in labor, due to my countenance; I did not look like I was in pain; but after she hooked up the monitor she realized that I truly was in labor. Once my water broke I felt only pressure and minimal pain. By the time I delivered my daughter, I was not exhausted and the following day I was released from the hospital.
This experience prompted me to share with others the joy of having children without the pain most experience. My next four children were born at home with a mid-wife for my third child and my husband for the last three.
During the delivery of my other four children at home I did hydrotherapy, to enable easier stretching of the tissues and prevent tearing. During hydrotherapy, when the head is seen at the vaginal opening, one must not push, but hold off and at that time dip a white wash cloth in warm water, squeeze out the excess water and place the cloth at the sides of the vaginal opening. This should be done at least three times or more if needed. Then one can push when the urge comes.
My experience with childbirth is one that I cherish because I know that God has truly given us the tools and knowledge to help us have a wonderful experience at childbirth.
One of the first things that both parents should do is to detoxify or cleanse their immune system. This must be done before pregnancy. If one is already pregnant, cleansing cannot be done . In this case it is best just to drink the teas, take the recommended vitamins and minerals, and follow the diet plan (page ). This will make your pregnancy significantly easier and enjoyable.
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