Sharing Digital Photos For Dummies, Pocket Edition
by Julie Adair King, Mark Justice Hinton, and Barbara Obermeier
Sharing Digital Photos For Dummies, Pocket Edition
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W elcome to Sharing Digital Photos For Dummies, Pocket Edition . Its official: Digital photography is no longer considered a fleeting fad or solely a game for techno-types. Today, everyone from preteens to great-grandmothers is recording their memories with digital cameras, abandoning their old film models to the attic, the basement, or worse.
This growing enthusiasm for digital photography is for good reason, too. The features and quality packed into todays digital cameras are nothing short of astounding. Tiny, fit-in-your pocket cameras are now capable of producing images that, in some cases, surpass those of professional models from five or six years ago and at prices that were unheard of in years past. Digital SLR models, which accept interchangeable lenses, are now remarkably inexpensive, too, making the step up to semi-pro features much more accessible to enthusiastic shutterbugs.
For many people, though, figuring out how to use all the features offered by todays cameras, let alone how to download, organize, and share digital photos, is an intimidating proposition. Sharing Digital Photos For Dummies, Pocket Edition answers all your questions about sharing photos in easy-to-understand language, with a dash of humor thrown in to make things more enjoyable. This book spells out everything you need to know to make the most of sharing your digital photos with friends and family.
Whats in This Book?
Sharing Digital Photos For Dummies, Pocket Edition covers all aspects of sharing your photos. Whether you want to learn how to post your photos online (with a service like Flickr) or email your photos to friends, this book will help you get started. There are also chapters on printing and scanning your photos as well as how to set up a digital frame.
Conventions Used in This Book
When you need to choose a command from a program menu, you see the menu name, an arrow, and then the command name. For example, if you need to choose the Print command from the File menu, you see this instruction: Choose File Print.
Sometimes, you can choose a command more quickly by pressing keys on your keyboard than by clicking through menus. These keyboard shortcuts are presented like so: Press Ctrl+A. This simply means press the Ctrl key and the A key at the same time, and then let up on both keys. When shortcuts differ depending on whether youre a Windows or Mac user, the PC shortcut appears first, followed by the Mac shortcut.
Icons Used in This Book
Like other books in the For Dummies series, this book uses icons to flag especially important information. Heres a quick guide to the icons used in Sharing Digital Photos For Dummies, Pocket Edition:
This icon represents information that you should commit to memory. Doing so can make your life easier and less stressful.
