![Housing Health and Well-Being Housing is a social determinant of health and - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/449512/Images/0.jpeg)
Housing, Health and Well-Being
Housing is a social determinant of health and this book aims to provide a concise source of the theory and evidence on safe and healthy housing to inform students, academics, public and environmental health practitioners, and policy-makers, nationally and internationally.
The book reviews the functions of housing and its relationship with the health and well-being of residents. It examines the implications of failures to satisfy those functions, including the potential impact on individuals, households, and society. It assesses options directed at avoiding, removing, or reducing threats and at promoting healthy indoor environments, particularly for the most susceptible and vulnerable members of society. It is essential reading for students, academics, and professionals within the areas of environmental health, public health, housing, built environment, social policy, housing policy, health policy, and law.
Stephen Battersby , MBE, is an environmental health practitioner, independent consultant, and advisor.
Vronique Ezratty , MD, is a medical doctor and an environmental health risk assessor at the Service des Etudes Mdicales (SEM) of Electricit de France (EDF), Paris, France.
David Ormandy is a visiting academic specialising in housing and health, and is attached to Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK.
Routledge Focus on Environmental Health
Series Editor: Stephen Battersby, MBE PhD, FCIEH, FRSPH
Pioneers in Public Health
Lessons from History
Edited by Jill Stewart
Tackling Health Inequalities
Reinventing the Role of Environmental Health
Surindar Dhesi
Statutory Nuisance and Residential Property
Environmental Health Problems in Housing
Stephen Battersby and John Pointing
Housing, Health and Well-Being
Stephen Battersby, Vronique Ezratty and David Ormandy
Housing, Health and Well-Being
Stephen Battersby, Vronique Ezratty and David Ormandy
First published 2020
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
and by Routledge
52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
2020 Stephen Battersby, Vronique Ezratty and David Ormandy
The right of Stephen Battersby, Vronique Ezratty, and David Ormandy to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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ISBN: 978-1-138-09698-1 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-10510-9 (ebk)
Typeset in Tmes New Roman
by Deanta Global publishing services, Chennai, India
This series, Routledge Focus on Environmental Health, is now maturing and is no longer just an initiative. The aim remains the same: to explore environmental health topics, traditional or new, and sometimes contentious issues, in more detail than might be found in the usual environmental health texts.
We want to encourage readers and practitioners, particularly those who might not have had work published previously, to submit proposals, as we hope to be responsive to the needs of environmental and public health practitioners. I am very keen that this is seen as an opportunity for first-time authors and, as such, would urge students (whether at first- or second-degree level) to consider this an avenue for publishing findings from their research. Why, for example, should the hard work that has gone into a dissertation lie in an unread manuscript on a library shelf?
Our hope remains that this is a dynamic series, providing a forum for new ideas and debate on current environmental health topics. So if you have any ideas for monographs in the series please do not be afraid to submit them to me as series editor via the email address below.
I have always encouraged new authors and for environmental health practitioners on the front line to get published, writing from their experiences of trying to protect public health. Setting down in writing some analysis of what worked in practice, what was successful, and what wasnt and why, can provide useful insights for others working in the field. It is not just an exercise in gathering CPD hours, but it can provide a useful method of reflection and aid career development, something that anyone who considers themselves a professional should do. Furthermore, all too often the work of EHPs goes unrecorded and unremarked and, with the demise of the Journal of Environmental Health , I am pleased to be working with Routledge to provide this opportunity to offer another route for practitioners to change this.
It is intended that this series should not take a wholly technical approach but that it should also provide an opportunity to consider areas of practice in a different way, for example looking at the social and political aspects of environmental health in addition to a more discursive approach on specialist areas.
We recognise that environmental health can be taken to mean different things in different countries around the world. I know that Clays Handbook of Environmental Health has chapters that might not be relevant to some practitioners in different countries, nevertheless EHPs are a key part of the public health workforce wherever they practise. So, this series will enable a wider range of practitioners and others with a professional interest to access information and also to write about issues relevant to them. The format means a relatively short production time so contents will be more immediately available than in a standard textbook or reference work.
Forthcoming monographs are likely to cover such areas as licensing, environmental health in South Africa, and air pollution and health. That does not mean we have no need of further suggestions, quite the contrary, so I hope readers with ideas for a monograph will get in touch via Ed.Needle@tandf.co.uk or Patrick.Hetherington@tandf.co.uk.
Stephen Battersby MBE PhD, FCEIH, FRSPH
Series Editor
For any country in the world, the dwelling where you live affects both your physical and mental health. It is the very reason why, in the UK 100 years ago, the Addison Housing Act was needed and heralded the first massive house-building programme of council housing, helped by government subsidies, resulting in the construction of 500,000 houses within 3 years. So, even though the term was not used then, it was recognised that housing is a social determinant of health. This work aims to provide a concise source of the theory and evidence on safe and healthy housing and to inform students, academics, public and environmental health practitioners, and policy-makers, nationally and internationally.