Series Editor: Alison Brammer
Palgrave Macmillans Focus on Social Work Law series consists of compact, accessible guides to the principles, structures and processes of particular areas of the law as they apply to social work practice. Designed to develop students understanding as well as refresh practitioners knowledge, each book provides focused, digestible and navigable content in an easily portable form.
Available now
Looked After Children, Caroline Ball
Child Protection, Kim Holt
Capacity and Autonomy, Robert Johns
Making Good Decisions, Michael Preston-Shoot
Forthcoming titles
Court and Legal Skills, Penny Cooper
Adoption and Permanency, Philip Musson
Youth Justice, Jo Staines
Children in Need of Support, Joanne Westwood
Safeguarding Adults, Alison Brammer
Author of the bestselling textbook Social Work Law, Alison Brammer is a qualified solicitor with specialist experience working in Social Services, including child protection, adoption, mental health and community care. Alison coordinates the MA in Child Care Law and Practice and the MA in Adult Safeguarding at Keele University.
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Caroline Ball 2014
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In grateful memory of
John Malcolm Ball
Adoption Act 1976
Adoption and Children Act 2002
s. 18
s. 18(3)
s. 21
s. 24
s. 25
s. 26
s. 46
Care Standards Act 2000
Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000
Children Act 1908
Children Act 1948
Children Act 1975
Children Act 1989
Part III
s. 1
s. 1(1)
s. 1(3)
s. 3(1)
s. 4A
s. 8
s. 8(1)
s. 9(3)
s. 10
s. 13
s. 14AG
s. 14A(5)
s. 14D
s. 17
s. 20
s. 20(6)
s. 20(7)
s. 20(8)
s. 21(2)
s. 21(2)(b)
s. 22
s. 22(3)
s. 22(3A)
s. 22(4)
s. 22(5)
s. 22AF
s. 22C
s. 22G
s. 23
s. 23B(8)
s. 23C
s. 23CA
s. 24(5)
s. 24A
s. 24B
s. 25
s. 25(1)
s. 25B(1)
s. 25B(3)
s. 26
s. 26(3)
s. 31
s. 31(1)
s. 31(2)
s. 31(8)
s. 31(9)
s. 31A
s. 33
s. 34
s. 34(1)
s. 35
s. 38
s. 44
s. 46
s. 67(1)
s. 91(14)
s. 105(6)
Schedule 2
Schedule 2, para. 15
Schedule 2, para. 15(1)
Schedule 2, para. 19B
Schedule 3
Schedule 8
Children Act 2004
s. 11
ss 4447
Children and Adoption Act 2006
Children and Families Act 2014 ,
s. 12
Children and Young Persons Act 1963
Children and Young Persons Act 1969
Children and Young Persons Act 2008
Civil Partnership Act 2004
Community Care Act 1996
Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000
Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
Disabled Persons Act 1986
Education Act 1996
Equality Act 2010
Foster Children Act 1980
Housing Act 1996
Human Rights Act 1998 ,
s. 7
Infant Life Protection Act 1872
Learning and Skills Act 2000
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
Local Authority Social Services Act 1970 ,
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Poor Law Act 1930
Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act 1889
Street Offences Act 1959
Care Leavers (England) Regulations 2010
Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010
Children Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006
Children Act 1989 (Higher Education Bursary) (England) Regulations 2009
Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005
Children (Secure Accommodation) Regulations 1991
Childrens Homes Regulations 2001
Disqualification from Caring for Children (England) Regulations 2002
Disqualification from Caring for Children (Wales) Regulations 2004