![Acquisitions Editor Mariann Barsolo Development Editor Stef Jones Technical - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/49030/images/cover_fmt.jpg)
Acquisitions Editor: Mariann Barsolo
Development Editor: Stef Jones
Technical Editor: Steve Pate
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Copyright 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-118-28812-2
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ISBN: 978-1-118-33487-4 (ebk.)
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To Karrie and Mia, who continue to put up with me.
There are lots of folks I'd like to thank, for many more things than just this book. For lots of technical professionals, or probably anyone publishing their first real book, there's this temptation to list everyone who got you to where you are. For me, that would be a pretty long list, so I'll list only a few folks along the way who made a pretty big difference in my life and career until now.
First, I have a few teachers that really steered me in my youth Rose Bridgeman, who thought I just might be a good public speaker; Carol Lofgren (when I knew her), who somehow made learning Latin the coolest thing in school; and Janet Weeks, who fostered in me a deep passion for both learning and reading amazing literature and actually got me through a rough patch when I needed a friend.
I'd like to thank Paul Janus, who had some faith in me a long time ago and helped me transition from a nontechnical career to a technical one. He probably hasn't thought about me in a long time, but he made a big difference early on. Thanks to Herb Mattord, who hired me and gave me that first major exposure to corporate infosec. Thanks to my friend John Lampe, who was the first serious hacker I got to know and respect and taught me that there's always more than one way to do things. Thanks to my friend Lara Dawson, who got me started down the road with SysAdmin, Audit, Networking, and Security (SANS) a long time ago, and to Stephen Northcutt, who mentored me a lot in the early days and connected me with one of my more interesting gigs. Thanks also to all my fellow SANS instructors and the whole team over there all of you are really extended family to me.
My friend Chris Farrow had a lot to do with my career at a vital point in fact, I took over his old job, and what a wild ride that turned out to be. Chris, if you're reading this, you've turned out to be a great friend over all these years, and I'm thankful for all you've done for me. Thanks to all my friends and colleagues at IANS, especially Phil Gardner, who is a great guy to work for and with. I'd be remiss not to thank all of my awesome clients at Voodoo Security too you'll always get my best efforts, every single time. One other shout-out must go to Robert Kiyosaki, whose book Rich Dad, Poor Dad convinced me to start buying real estate a long time ago, and that's worked out brilliantly.
Huge thanks to the team at Sybex Pete Gaughan, Mariann Barsolo, Rebecca Anderson, Connor O'Brien, and Stef Jones, who did an amazing job editing my scribbles. My technical editor, Steve Pate, gets my everlasting gratitude as well you're a great friend and colleague, and this book is better for your efforts.
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