Resumes For Dummies, 6th Edition
by Joyce Lain Kennedy
Resumes For Dummies , 6th Edition
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
Copyright 2011 by Joyce Lain Kennedy
Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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About the Author
Joyce Lain Kennedy is Americas first nationally syndicated careers columnist. Her twice-weekly column, CAREERS NOW, appears in newspapers and Web sites across the land. In her four decades of advising readers young, senior, and in-between Joyce has received millions of letters inquiring about career moves and job search and has answered countless numbers of them in print.
Joyce is the author of seven career books, including Joyce Lain Kennedys Career Book (McGraw-Hill), and Electronic Job Search Revolution, Electronic Resume Revolution, and Hook Up, Get Hired! The Internet Job Search Revolution (the last three published by Wiley Publishing, Inc).
Resumes For Dummies is one of a trio of job market books published under Wileys wildly popular For Dummies branded imprint. Job Interviews For Dummies, 3rd Edition, won the coveted Benjamin Franklin Award for best career book of the year, as it did for its first edition. The other book in the suite is Cover Letters For Dummies, 3rd Edition, which also received the Benjamin Franklin Award for best career book of the year.
Writing from a San Diego suburb, the countrys best-known careers columnist is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis. Contact Joyce at
About the Technical Reviewer
James M. Lemke has earned a reputation as a leader in talent strategies and processes. He is director of organizational development for Opportunity International. Previously, Jim spent 15 years as a human resources consultant. His client list included: Real Networks, Southern California Metropolitan Water District, Northrop Grumman, Southwest Airlines, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United Arab Emirates University, and the White House. Jim has held executive positions with Wachovia Bank, TRW, UCLA, Walt Disney Imagineering, and Raytheon. He resides in Buckeye, Arizona. Contact Jim at .
Authors Acknowledgments
Traci Brink Cumbay, project editor, who enormously improved this book. I appreciate Tracis strong editorial skills, analytic mind, and frank calls for more clarity when I wasnt getting the mush out of my mouth, er... computer. Tracis an authentic authors delight.
James M. Lemke, technical editor and reviewer of this book, who cheerfully served his 12th hitch in the role. In addition to his expertise in employment technology, Jim also knows all thats worth knowing about company human resource operations. And what a sense of humor!
Yevgeniy Yev Churinov, college student and technical associate, who never met a computer he couldnt fix. His work on this guide was heroic in both writing and technical challenges. Yev is a talent for whom I have great expectations and even greater respect.
Gail Ross, literary agent-attorney and longtime friend, who continues to help me make the right publishing moves. I appreciate you.
Lindsay LeFevere, acquisitions editor for this book, who makes the glue stick and the pages turn in the publishing experience. Lindsays way out in front in performance and awareness.
Kathryn Kramer Troutman, federal resume authority, who made an enormous contribution to this work with her amazingly quick technique to customize resumes. Good going, Kathryn.
Don Orlando, retired Air Force colonel, career coach, and resume writer, teaches job search skills to transitioning military veterans. I cant say enough good things about the value Don brought to the transition advice section of these pages.
Susan P. Joyce, the CEO of a popular job and career Web site, whom I award a year of gold stars for her immensely helpful coaching on a host of important issues addressed here.
Louise Kursmark, herself the author of acclaimed resume books, who suggested my inclusion of a strategic selection of sample documents that make it easy to distinguish the relationship between social networking online profiles, resumes, and bios.