The time-tested, sustainable way to enjoy what you eatwhile improving your health
By Maureen Kennedy
Copyright Maureen Kennedy 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise without prior permission in writing from the author.
Publisher: Cogitent Inc.
Canada ISBN 978-X-XXXXXX-X-X (Kindle Edition)
This book is for informational purposes only. NeitherCogitent Inc. nor the book's author assume any responsibility for errors,inaccuracies or omissions in this book. Any slights to people or organizationsare unintentional.
This book is intended to be a reference tool and not amedical manual. The information given herein is designed to help you makeinformed decisions about your diet. It is not intended as a substitute for anytreatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor or other licensed healthcare practitioner. You should always consult a doctor or licensed health carepractitioner before following any dietary or nutritional advice, or beforebeginning or stopping any diet or nutritional regime. If you suspect that youhave a medical problem, first seek competent medical help. We are not liablefor any losses or damages that may result from using the information orproducts presented on this book.
All trademarks belong to their respective owners. Allcontent in this book not belonging to the author or Cogitent Inc., includingimages, is believed to be public domain, and there is no copyright on thiscontent as far as we are concerned. However, if you do find copyrightedcontent, then the owner can contact us, and we will remove that content fromthis book.
Our kitchen and tasters have carefully tested the recipes inthis book. To the best of our knowledge, they are safe and nutritious forordinary use and users. If you have a food or other allergy, or have specialfood requirements or health issues, you should read the suggested ingredientsof each recipe carefully to determine whether or not they may create a problemand contact your doctor or licensed health care professional prior to using ofany of the recipes if you have any doubts. You use any of these recipes atyour own risk. We are not responsible for any hazards, loss or damage that mayoccur as a result your using any of the recipes.
TABLE of contents
If you are looking for a way to honor our natural resources andeat healthy and sustainable, yet tasty, food, the Mediterranean Diet easilydelivers.
How do I know this? My husband and I are very lucky: wespend several months every year on the island of Crete in Greece, living a trueMediterranean lifestyle.
In the warmer months, we join a group of Greek friends atour local beach for an early-morning swim in the Mediterranean Sea. We oftenspend an hour or two in the water and then over coffee as we chat, more oftenthan not about food (and of course politics!).
Every Saturday morning we drive to the nearby town forshopping at the outdoor lakiagora (peoples market).There we stock up on locally-grown, seasonal products sold by the farmers andproducers themselves: fruit, vegetables, cheese, greens, grains, nuts, andeggs. Most everything is organic by practice if not by certification. We runinto friends and stop for a quick (or not so quick) conversation. Often, wewill linger at a stall and talk to the farmer who is always happy to introduceus to local products we have never seen before (poisonous wild asparagus,anyone?).
We eat seafood 3 to 4 times each week. Our source is our"fish lady" who always has something delicious that the local boats line-caughtjust the night before - and some cooking advice from for varieties that are newto us.
Daily, we take leisurely walks around our neighborhood, andsometimes talk to the farmers tending their crops and animals. We also joinneighbors in foraging for an amazing assortment of wild horta (wildgreens) and herbs in fields or on the side of the road. We eat the hortaraw or boiled and season them with olive oil, lemon, garlic, salt andpepperdelicious, nutritious and about as simple and real as it gets.
We regularly join friends for meals, languishing over tablesthat are more often than not outside. Whether we are sharing a hearty lunch,light dinner or nibbling away at mezethes (small plates of snacks) warmconversation and laughter rule.
Processed food? You will see it very rarely in our Cretankitchen.
As you can see, food in Crete is just one branch of the MeDietthat also includes being social and active and making eco-friendly andsustainable choices.
I am frequently asked to share my Mediterranean lifestyle knowledgewith friends and family, including my recipes. Invariably the request is forthe traditional recipe along with specific instructions, including cookingtimes and measurements. Therefore, this book!
However, there is no one definitive, authentic version ofany recipe. Most traditional dishes are generations-old, and each cook hastheir own twist to the ingredients and preparation. As well: spices havedifferent strengths; the same type of vegetable or meat may take longer orshorter to cook depending on ripeness or age; and beans and pasta can vary inhow much water they will absorb, therefore affecting how long they will take tocook. Finally, everyone has preferences with regards to taste: you may likeyour food spicier or saltier, or your meat more well-cooked, than someone else.
Consequently, I have tried to make sure that the recipes inthis book honor the tradition of the country - or countries - they come fromand that they are as detailed as possible. However, there is nothing betterthan your taste and touch: if something looks and tastes like it is donecooking, it probably is. If the color is nice and it tastes great, you havedone well! Regardless, you will find that all of the recipes are easy to follow,and I have provided plenty of descriptive details, something that I have oftenfound lacking in cookbooks.
You will be able to prepare many of the dishes easily, butothers may need a bit of time, effort and your willingness to learn about newingredients and cooking techniques.
I hope you find that this book is a companion on yourjourney to a "Deliciously Conscious" lifestyle.
Spread your wings, expand your tastes and enjoy!
Stop looking for the pill which substitutes for theCretan diet.
There is no such thing.
-Serge Renaud, French Scientist
We keep hearing that the Mediterranean Diet is one of thehealthiest diets in the world and is fabulous for losing weight. And this istrue.
However, some people are looking for the "secretingredient" behind the success of the Mediterranean Diet with the goal ofconcentrating it, packing it into a pill and selling it. But we are learningthat isolating nutrients by removing them from their natural whole food packageand putting them into supplements does not make a recipe for good health.Eating foods like "superfoods" in bulk at the expense of a balancedapproach to your diet doesn't work either. Getting your antioxidants by eatinga carrot is good for you; gulping down a vitamin A capsule: probably not asmuch.
The Mediterranean Diet is not just one more fad diet forkeeping mortality and ill health at bay - it is a lifestyle where food is justone element. In fact, the word diet comes from the Greek word diaitawhich in many translations means whole way of life: work, recreation, sleep,family, social relationships and home. So the Mediterranean Diet is not onlythe healthy food; it is also the lifestyle, respect for the land, and fishingand farming traditions in the countries of the Mediterranean. You can adaptparts of almost all of these elements into your life to improve your health andmanage your weight.
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