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Copyright 2012 by Words That Heal LLC. All rights reserved
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
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Credits: graphs on page 37 adapted from the NOAA/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; map on page 123 adapted from the Centers for Disease Control.
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To my patients, my family, and my dogs
James Dowd, M.D.
To Gregthanks for your wonderful love and support.
Diane Stafford
Twice a year I write a one-page newsletter to physicians who refer patients to me, and one fall I decided to include information on vitamin D deficiency. At the time, I had only a basic knowledge of vitamin D. Id seen one woman who had obesity, arthritis, mood disturbance, and chronic pain. She was severely vitamin Ddeficient, but all of her symptoms improved when I put her on vitamin D supplements.
I began studying vitamin D for the newsletter, and that was when a whole new perspective on medicine opened up for me. It was as if I had discovered an ocean that connected all my islands of knowledge, and Id just received a free pass on a ship that could navigate these seas.
We all struggle to live our lives with purpose, but its really something special when purpose finds us and carries us on an unexpected journey. In this case, the ships that have carried me on this journey have crews, and I cannot thank them enough for the excitement they have returned to my practice of medicine.
Michael Holicks research introduced me to this incredible hormone. As I pored over the scientific literature, I began to meet the researchers who have spent their entire careers studying vitamin D, many of whom passed on their passion to a younger generation of scientistspeople such as Robert Heaney, Anthony Norman, Bruce Hollis, Reinhold Vieth, Cedric Garland, Gary Schwartz, Barbara Boucher, Norman Bell, Armin Zittermann, Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan Harris, Ann Looker, Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, Margherita Cantorna, Rolf Jorde, William Grant, John Cannell, and Captain Hector DeLuca. So many have learned so much from Hector DeLuca. And there are many more.
As I began to apply what I learned about vitamin D, I found that while many patients felt better after starting supplements, many did not , which led me to explore calcium balance and the factors that influenced this mineral beyond vitamin D. It seems I had stepped off one ship and onto another, and the journey morphed into a completely new understanding of how diet regulates body chemistry, affecting much more than our weight. The new crew included scientists and clinicians such as S. Boyd Eaton, Loren Cordain, Anthony Sebastian, Lynda Frassetto, Friedrich Manz, Thomas Remer, Jrgen Vormann, Charles Pak, Khashayar Sakhaee, Artemis Simopoulos, Jane Kerstetter, David Barker, Peter Gluckman, and most recently, Jeffrey Gordon. These scientists and clinicians have changed my life.
This book was my chance to share my excitement and what I have brought to my practice with a larger audience. It fulfills the main reason why I pursued a career in medicine: to help people. For this opportunity, I thank my agent, Faith Hamlin, with Sanford J. Greenburger & Associates, and my coauthor, Diane Stafford, who transformed my often dry scientific ramblings into readable prose. Finally, I would like to thank Tom Miller, our editor at John Wiley & Sons. Tom has embraced our message and has helped to craft a book that were all excited about.
James Dowd, M.D.
In the yearlong journey that produced this book, I worked closely with my coauthor, James Dowd, M.D., whose experiences and knowledge made this book exceptional. I have great appreciation for his Vitamin D Cure, which has made a tremendous difference in many peoples lives, including mine!
Enormous gratitude goes to Faith Hamlin, our top-notch literary agent who made this book possible; Tom Miller, our editor at John Wiley & Sons, who brought his excellent insights and publishing savvy to this book; my parents, Clinton and Belle Shirley, who encouraged my way with words lifelong; my family and friends, who kept me balanced to the degree that a writer can be balanced. Love and thanks to my family, near and far, including Jenny, Ben, London, Allen, Camilla, Richard, Gina, Christina, Austin, Xanthe, Britt, Renee, Lindsay, Josh, Ella, Curt, Cameronand my dear husband Greg, Molly, Dylan, Cita, Greg, Laura, Patrick, Katrina, Mark, Matthew, and Melindaand all of their beautiful children, who always make me smile.
Diane Stafford
Authors Note
This book contains the authors opinions and ideas based on research. It is intended to provide helpful and informative information on the subject matter covered herein. This book is sold with the understanding that the authors and the publisher are not engaged in rendering professional medical, health, or other personal professional services via this book. If the reader wants or needs personal advice, counsel, or guidance, he or she should seek an in-person consultation with a competent medical professional who has the opportunity to assess that individuals exact health history and situation. Furthermore, the reader should consult his or her medical professional before adopting any of the suggestions in the book or drawing inferences from information included herein. This is a supplementnot a replacementfor medical advice from a readers personal health-care provider. Check with your doctor before following any recommendations in this book or before self-treating any condition that may require medical diagnosis or attention.