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Copyright 2013 by Eric and Jessica Childs
Illustrations copyright 2013 by Owen Sherwood
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Childs, Eric, author.
Kombucha! : the amazing probiotic tea that cleanses, heals, energizes, and detoxifies / Eric and Jessica Childs.
p. cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-101-62026-7
1. Kombucha tea. 2. Tea fungusTherapeutic use. I. Childs, Jessica, author. II. Title.
RM666.T25C45 2013 2013020753
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This book is dedicated to Brooklyn,
the borough that nourishes our family
so we can nourish yours.
The first time I tried kombucha, I was hooked. Not only is it delicious, but I quickly realized that it had great health and performance benefits for an endurance athlete like me.
Weve all heard, You are what you eat, but perhaps it should be, You are what you digest. Digestibility is key to high-net-gain nutrition and helps release the largest yield of micronutrients, a concept I discuss further in my book Thrive. If your body cant break down your food and assimilate it, the nutritional value cannot be realized. I found that adding kombucha to pre-workout fuel speeds up digestion. Uncluttered digestion is important for everyone, but its value is heightened for athletes when they consume their pre-workout fuel. I became such a fan of kombuchas ability to increase the net gain of food that I used it in the formula for my Vega Pre-Workout Energizer.
Another remarkable effect of kombucha is the drastic reduction in inflammation the kombucha drinker experiences from its alkaline-forming nature. Inflammation reduction is another essential component to overall health. If youre an athlete, its exponentially more valuable. Increased flexibility and increased range of motion, both benefits of lowering inflammation, translate into better performance while significantly reducing the risk of muscle strain and tear.
Less inflammation also equals enhanced efficiency. If muscles are able to move freely with little force being exerted, thats energy being conserved with every contraction. The benefit is immediately reaped with improved athletic performance.
For non-athletes, think of all the muscle contractions you make throughout a typical day even by just walking across the room. If you arent suffering from inflammation, you dont work as hard. If you dont spend energy on movement, you still have it in your fuel tank. So kombucha will boost your energy by way of enhanced muscle efficiency, not the short-term stimulation you get from many of the energy drinks on the market.
Eric and Jessica Childss breadth of knowledge on the topic of kombucha is staggering, from a historical and scientific standpoint, right up to its creative application for modern-world benefit. Ive been a fan of their work ever since I had my first bottle of KBBK buch back in 2009. If they have their way, everyone will drop the soft drinks and head to the all-natural energy drink that is kombucha, and I support their efforts wholeheartedly.
Brendan Brazier
July 15, 2013
K ombucha is the superfood of beverages. It is probiotic, like yogurt, and is loaded with antioxidants. It detoxifies the liver and blood, it provides a crash-proof energy boost, it focuses the mind, it settles digestion, and it streamlines a wide variety of inefficiencies in the body. All of this in a delicious beverage without the high amounts of caffeine and sugar that jam-pack the drink shelf.
Whether you are taking your first sip while you read this or you have been drinking kombucha since the sixties, kombucha has transcended time and distance to arrive here. From ancient Asian origins, the live fermented tea known as kombucha has been passed down from our ancestors to bestow its life-supportive properties on modern folks. And we sure need it these days in our hustling bustling world of pollutants, hard work, and lack of sleep. Kombucha is an ancient elixir that is excellent support for health and well-being in our modern world.
From celebrity style pages to the homes of families around the world, you will see kombucha in the hands of people from all walks of life. Artists flock to kombucha to help focus their minds and bodies for their intense creative processes. Athletes prefer kombucha as an all-natural energizer and performance enhancer. The elegantly beautiful keep a bottle nearby to help them stay young and gorgeous. Health experts laud kombuchas natural detoxifying properties, including it in their prescription for optimum health. Whatever your reason for trying kombucha, you will be amazed with how easy it is to make and how effective it is in optimizing your health.
As the owners of Kombucha Brooklyn (KBBK), a business whose primary objective is to nourish our world community with delicious kombucha brews, we get to mingle with all sorts of buch devotees. At gatherings that we call buch brigades, we open the doors to the KBBK Learning Center so kombuchasseurs can come drink special in-house kombucha craft brews, show off their own home brews, and share the happiness and good health that kombucha brings. Yoginis, robot builders, farmers, doctors, skateboarders, construction workers, foodies, retirees, kids, and even dogs (!) show up to these events out of a passion for the beverage. One thing we have learned is that whether you are a fully invested kombuchasseur whose buch is an essential part of everyday life or you just like to grab a bottle every now and again after a hard workout, people who drink kombucha do it because it makes their lives better. Every kombucha drinker has his or her own story to tell. Here are ours.