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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Haynes, Stephen N.
Behavioral assessment and case formulation / Stephen N. Haynes, William H. OBrien, Joseph Keaweaimoku Kaholokula.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-118-01864-4 (alk. paper); 978-1-118-09976-6 (eMobi); 978-1-118-09977-3 (ePub); 978-1-118-09975-9 (ePDF)
1. Psychodiagnostics. 2. Behavior modification. I. OBrien, William Hayes. II. Kaholokula, Joseph Keaweaimoku. III. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Mental Disordersdiagnosis. 2. Behavior. 3. Mental Disorderstherapy. 4. Personality Assessment. WM 141]
RC473.B43H39 2011
To Megumi
S. H.
To my parents Patricia Hayes OBrien and William John OBrien, who blended heart and science and my brothers, Daniel, Timothy, Michael, and Joseph OBrien, who taught creative thinking and how to take a punch
W. H. O.
A Hawaiian proverb states, Aohe pau ka ike i ka hlau hookahi (not all knowledge is obtained from one school). To my parents, Lawrence and Beverly Kaholokula, whose schooling set a solid foundation. To friends and family, whose schooling is lifelong.
J. K. K.
Clinicians face many challenges in the clinical assessment process. Several questions of particular importance arise: What is the best assessment strategy to use with a particular client? What assessment methods will best capture a clients unique strengths, limitations, behavior problems, and intervention goals? How can data from multiple sources be integrated in order to yield a valid and clinically useful case formulation? What procedures should be enacted in order to ensure a positive clinician-client relationship and be sensitive to the unique aspects of each client? How should intervention processes and outcomes be monitored?
Behavioral assessment is a science-based paradigm that guides the clinician as he or she faces these assessment challenges. This book outlines the underlying principles of the behavioral assessment paradigm. It also provides guidelines for the application of behavioral assessment strategies and methods that can strengthen the validity and utility of clinical judgments.
In Chapter 1, we discuss behavioral assessment within the broader contexts of clinical and psychological assessment and measurement. Although we emphasize clinical applications of behavioral assessment, the principles and methods of this paradigm are important elements of measurement in psychopathology, education, organizational psychology, cognitive neuroscience, social psychology, and other areas of inquiry that rely on behavioral data.
We emphasize a science-based approach to clinical assessment. Without a scientific foundation, clinical judgments are more likely to be incomplete, less informative, and/or invalid. As a result, clients are less likely to receive optimal intervention benefits. Throughout the book we draw attention to the importance of (a) the client-clinician relationship; (b) being sensitive to the cultural and other unique aspects of a client; (c) the role of the clinician as a behavioral scientist; (d) using methods that can reduce biases in assessment and clinical judgments; (e) using a constructive and positive orientation in the assessment process; (f) using multiple assessment methods, instruments, contexts, and informants to enhance the validity of clinical judgments; (g) using time-series assessment strategies throughout the assessment process in order to evaluate changes in behavior over time; (h) including observation methods in clinical assessment; (i) using measures with strong psychometric evidence appropriate for the client; (j) using measures that are sensitive to change; (k) specifying the key dimensions of behavior problems beyond those associated with a diagnosis; (l) assessing functional relations associated with client behavior problems and goals; and (m) considering the influence of broader contextual and social systems factors that may be affecting a client.
In Chapter 2 we introduce the functional analysis as a paradigm for clinical case formulation. The functional analysis is a product of behavioral assessmentthe integration of important, modifiable, causal variables and causal relations associated with a clients behavior problems and intervention goals. A clinical case is used to illustrate the applications of behavioral assessment methods and to show how data obtained in the assessment process can be integrated into a functional analysis. Functional Analytic Clinical Case Diagrams (FACCDs), which are causal diagrams of a functional analysis, are also introduced. The functional analysis and FACCD are designed to parsimoniously communicate the functional analysis to others, as an aid in teaching case formulations, and to assist in selecting the most cost-beneficial intervention focus with a client. We also examine assessment contexts that affect the cost-benefits of the functional analysis.