RObert Donoghue
Lead Development Writing
Brian Engard Brennan Taylor Mike Olson Mark Diaz Truman
Fred Hicks
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An Evil Hat Productions Publication
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Fate System Toolkit EHP0005
Copyright 2013 Evil Hat Productions, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Mark Diaz Truman would like to thank Rob Wieland,
Marissa Kelly, and Jim Crocker for their help and inspiration.
Mike Olson extends a special thanks to Jeffrey Build Points Fuller.
Fred Hicks and everyone else at Evil Hat Productions would like to thank 10,103 people individually but there just isnt space for it.
First published in 2013 by Evil Hat Productions, LLC.
10125 Colesville Rd #318, Silver Spring, MD 20901.
Evil Hat Productions and the Evil Hat and Fate logos are
trademarks owned by Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved.
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-61317-050-2
Kindle ISBN: 978-1-61317-067-0
ePub ISBN: 978-1-61317-068-7
Printed in the USA.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior express permission of the publisher.
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For those working at a copy shop and not at all sure if this means
the person standing at your counter can make copies of this thing, they can.
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This is a game where people make up stories about wonderful, terrible, impossible, glorious things. All the characters and events portrayed in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to real people, fantasy adventurers, wizards of the arcane, supernatural cops in a China-colonized Hong Kong/America that never was, cybernetic super-intelligent apes, or squirrel mechanics is purely coincidental, but kinda hilarious.
Foreword: A Not The
This book is a Fate System Toolkit . It is not The Fate System Toolkit .
What do we mean by that?
This Fate System Toolkit began as a stretch goal for the Fate Core System kickstarter. Originally, it was only the magic system section of the book. As the funding for that campaign grew, so did this book. And close on its heels, far outstripping the capacity of this book, came the requests for what should go into this book.
It was damn flattering to think folks thought we could take on all those topics. Impossible, mind youbut damn flattering.
That said, we knew we had to fulfill the spirit of all those requests, even if we couldnt match the letter of them. And so, expanding outward from our magic toolkit, is this Fate System Toolkit .
True to its name, our Toolkit is not a device that does exactly what you want right out of the box. But it is a collection of ideas, approaches, and other fiddly bits that can get you there. To put it another way, when folks asked us for the moon, we decided instead to offer them a variety of methods for building rockets. (We build rockets now. Rockets are cool.)
When looking for the right fit for your game, dont get suckered by appearances. Say something in here talks about handling giant monsters as maps or as collections of characters, rather than as a single scaled-up character. While it says on the tin this heres a method for handling giant monsters, thats just how the idea was packaged. It also offers you a method for how to handle boss fights in general. Or a strafing run against an orbital death satellite. Similarly, ways to take on the topic of superheroes in your Fate game are covered by a variety of concepts and sections within this bookonly one of which is labeled superheroes.
This is not to say that every tool out there could be in here, but there are enough ideas and hard surfaces to push off of that youre sure to find something that gets you going. And when you do find yourself with a new idea, please dont keep it to yourself. There are many places where great, excited conversation is happening right now that could use your voice and ideas, whether its the FateRPG Yahoo Group, the Fate Core community on Google+, the tabletop gaming forums on and RPGGeek, or elsewhere online or off. Fate s audience is thousands strong and full of smart people, a whole passel of whom are way smarter than the folks who made Fate in the first place.
More than anything, this Fate System Toolkit is a training guide for your brain. In this kit youll find dozens of ways to add something new, something else, something different to your Fate Core game. In a few cases it will be exactly the right thing. In the vast majority of circumstances, it will be a starting point for further tinkering. Roll up your sleeves. Youve got a master collection of tools to work with here. Now lets see what you can make with them!
Fred Hicks
July 15, 2013
1: Introduction
Why Were Here
Think of Fate as a machine, built to produce a specific outcome. Like many machines, Fate can be adjusted to produce other outcomes; it contains a system of dials, a network of rules that can be adjusted up, down, and to the sides to achieve the result youre looking for. Its robust, flexible, andmost importantlyhackable.
What does that mean, that its hackable? First, it means that you can change rules. This is true of any gameif youre playing Monopoly , allowing players to collect money when they land on Free Parking would be a hack. It changes the nature of the games economy and makes the game a little more forgiving, so its a little harder to lose the game early due to lack of funds. Fate is like thatit can be altered. Do you want the GM to have more fate points? The players to have higher skills? Want to change the way aspects work? All of these things are possible with a little effort on your part.
The second part of being hackable is that Fate doesnt resist your changes. In fact, its adaptable enough that it can take smaller changes in stride without anything breaking, and even major changes require only a few tweaks to other parts of the game. Its not just that you can hack Fate , its that Fate is easy to hackif youre willing to do the work.
To get the feel you want, some changes may be necessary. Fate is a system of dials, and Fate Core presents default settings for all of those dials. Maybe those settings arent right for your game. Maybe you need to adjust some of those dials or even add new ones, but youre not sure what changes to make, or what other parts of the system those changes might impact. Dont worrythats why were here.
The Fate System Toolkit is a book about how to hack Fate , what happens when you do, and what you can do when you start monkeying with the way stuff works. If that sounds like your kind of thing, then this book is for you.
Rules vs. Rulings
Sure, you can hack Fate , but should you? Sometimes the answer is yes. If youre playing a supers game, youll need to add some super powers. If youre playing a game about street racing, it might be good to have a few rules regarding vehicles.