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Ferguson, Ryan.
Stronger, faster, smarter : a guide to your most powerful body / Ryan Ferguson.
p. cm.
Includes index.
1. Physical fitness. 2. Exercise. 3. Muscle strength. I. Title.
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A Note of Gratitude
Many thanks are in order, for without the love, encouragement, support, and help Ive received along the way, this book, my very first attempt at writing one, would almost certainly not exist.
I would like to first thank the two incredible individuals who played the central role of taking my crazy idea of a book from words handwritten on notebook paper in prison to something that felt real, professional, and, most important, presentable. If Myka Cain and James Dunn, a.k.a. Young Dizzle, hadnt believed in my drive and vision, this exercise in creativity would likely have been nothing more than a short-lived moment in time. Worse, Id probably still be staring at notebooks full of chicken scratch and useful information with no clue of how to transfer it onto one of those things I hadnt seen in a decade... a computer! You two helped bring this to life with alot of hard work, while not once asking for or expecting anything of me. Even more than for getting this book off the ground, I would like to thank both of you for showing me what true friendship is all about. As far as I am concerned, we are, and always will be, a team. I cant wait for the day you get out of there, James, so we can work, and work out, together once again. As you know, Id acknowledge more of your editorial skills here, but I dont want the pettiness of prison to hamper your current existence.
Myka, my beautiful love, what can I even begin to say about you? So many times you have saved me on this book. The hours youve put in... you are an incredible woman! I dont know how you do it, but this should be your primary job. Editing, communications, design, technical skills, social media expert, youve got it all. And thats not even talking about your radiant personality and charming smile! I am one lucky man to have you in my life!
Id also like to thank the individuals who helped on other aspects of this book, primarily reading it over for ways to improve it, as well as those who fought for my freedom and took the time to review the evidence, thus not only believing in my innocence but knowing of it. The reason for thanking both at once is because, more often than not, these people were one and the same. Richard Drew, your name pops up first in my mind, since you have been and continue to be a huge part of my life. Im very lucky to have a friend who looks out for me as you have. Much love, man!
Ben Hamrah, Ashley Hennerich, Affton Hennerich, Mike Rognlien, Andrew Jenks, Anthony Galloway, Dylan Ratigan, Erin Moriarti, Gale Zimmerman, Jason Flom, and Chip Rosenbloom also come to mind here. Im grateful for so many aspects of what youve done for me and this book. Whether you know it or not, youve all contributed a great deal to my success in not only various aspects of this book but also, and more important, my success in finding the freedom that had been unjustly taken from me.
Speaking of the fight for freedom, I must say a huge thank-you to the brilliant Doug Johnson and my lifetime attorney, friend, adviser, and mentor, Kathleen Zellner. If not for their drive, passion, belief, and superior skill in the field of law, my family, my supporters, and I would likely still be fighting for justice.
Supporters! Yes, I have a special place in my heart for all of the beautiful people out there who have supported my family and me. It is you who showed me that even though there is much evil in the world, particularly from those in positions of authority, there is also an overwhelming abundance of kindness, generosity, and love. Just when I was about to give up on humanity, it is you who bonded together, bringing me the gift of peace and happiness that comes with knowing youre part of something much larger: a worldwide family!
Which brings me to the last and ultimately most important people in this book, in the fight Ive endured, and in my life in general: family. Bill Ferguson, Leslie Ferguson, Kelly Ferguson, Don and Kappy Frazier, Alberta Ferguson, Bob and Steve Frazier, the balance of the Fraziers, and the Norrises, as well as the rest of my extended family. Thank you so much to all of you for showing me what family is all about. I could not have made it through this past decade without you. This book wouldnt be a reality or have even been a dream of mine if you hadnt chosen to sacrifice, suffer, and endure the pain of the reality that held me hostage. You had the option not to care and I will never forget, or take that for granted. You are everything and I love you so much!
Especially Bill, Leslie, and Kelly Ferguson. No one in this world could have anticipated the brilliance of one family. Both in their fight and their love. Ive said it a million times, but whats once more? I would be nothing without you. My life begins and ends with you three. Always. I love you.
Thank you.
Ryan W. Ferguson
God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only choice is how.
My Life Behind Bars
Hello, my name is Ryan Ferguson. Thank you for picking up my book. This is the story of a young man who came of age within the confines of a maximum-security prison. What makes this story unique is that this man was locked up for a crime he did not commit. In total, he lost nearly 10 years of his life. Friends turned their backs on him. The world called him a murderer and a liar. The experience could have broken him. Yet he chose to fight back and persevere. That man is me, and my story began on March 10, 2004. That was the date I was arrested for murder.