Also by Ivy Larson and Andrew Larson, MD
Clean Cuisine
40 Green Drink, Smoothie & Other Superfood Recipes
A Clean Cuisine Anti-Inflammatory Diet Collection
Ivy Larson and Andrew Larson, MD
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An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the authors
InterMix eBook edition / January 2014
Copyright 2014 by Ivy Larson and Andrew Larson, MD, FACS.
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Changing Your Plate Can Change Your Fate
It Changed Ours!
I was 32 when I started cooking; up until then, I just ate.
Julia Child
There are many things in this world you cannot control, but the food you eat is not one of them. The food you choose to eator not eatis directly within your control, and those choices have a major impact on how your body looks, feels, and ages. This is good news or bad news depending on how you look at it, but knowledge is a highly motivating factor for us! For example, did you know your body is in a constant state of remodeling? This is actually something you can use to your advantage if you fuel it properly. On average, you renew about 1 percent of the cells in your body daily, and those cells come in either stronger and younger or weaker and older; your overall nutrition and lifestyle play a tremendous role in cell regenerationfor better or worse. Without question, the most important thing you can do to improve your health and your appearance is to eat a clean, healthful diet. And this is something that is within everyones reach.
In our book Clean Cuisine: An 8-Week Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Program That Will Change the Way You Age, Look & Feel (Penguin, 2013), we explain the science behind how adopting an anti-inflammatory Clean Cuisine diet will not only help reverse the symptoms of inflammatory disease, but will also slow the aging process, help you to effortlessly achieve your ideal body weight, and dramatically improve your overall appearance, mood, energy level, and general health. Many people begin our Clean Cuisine program because of serious medical conditions, but the biggest side benefit consistently reported is weight loss. Most important, it is weight loss without hunger and without food cravings. As a surgeon who specializes in bariatric surgery but who also sees patients with a wide variety of other medical conditions, Andy cant think of anybody who would not benefit from eating an anti-inflammatory Clean Cuisine diet. And yet sadly, in his fifteen-year surgical career, he has seen and operated on thousands of patients whose lives have been devastated by poor food choices. This does not have to be the case.
We fervently believe genes are not your destiny. The science that studies how the food we eat affects the way our genes express themselves is called nutrigenomics. Based on this philosophy, the food you eat provides the building blocks for your body: You actually do become what you eat. Certain foods create a youthful, energetic, lean, and disease-proof body whereas other foods do the exact opposite. The foods you eat can actually communicate with your cells, and your cells behave the way the food you eat tells them to. Nutrigenomics puts the power in your own hands to change the way you age, look, and feel. We find this tremendously motivating and encouraging!
Regardless of your current state of health, without regard to your genetic makeup, you can make the choice to eat foods that nourish your body, reduce inflammation, slow aging, and protect against disease. We know for a fact that eating a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet based on unrefined whole foods with a hearty emphasis on plant foodswhich make up the recipes in this bookis healthy for everyone. The science to back this up is just irrefutable.
Two diets strongly associated with longevity and decreased disease burden, the traditional Japanese diet and the Mediterranean diet, are similar in that they are both notable for their favorable omega-3 to omega-6 fat balance (at least in part as a result of their both including moderate amounts of fish), their emphasis on vegetables, their near total exclusion of refined and processed foods made with omega-6-rich vegetable oils such as corn oil and cottonseed oil, and their relatively minimal reliance on milk and meat. Those of you who are familiar with these diets will notice that Clean Cuisine is similar, yet places even more emphasis on eating a fruit and vegetable-forward, plant-strong plate and on obtaining all carbohydrates from