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dailyBooks Verity--by Colleen Hoover
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Verity--by Colleen Hoover: summary, description and annotation

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Verity: byColleen Hoover| Conversation Starters
Lowen discovers notes hidden by popular writer Verity Crawford which were not meant for anybodys eyes. She learns about secrets that horrify her. But she is also attracted to Jeremy, Veritys alluring husband, and is tempted to reveal the notes to him to reveal the true nature of Veritys character. My mother used to say that houses have a soul, and if that is true, the soul of Verity Crawfords house is as dark as they come, she says. Will she give in to her romantic desires? Amazingly well written and unputdownable, the suspense thriller will leave you questioning everything.
Verity is written by Colleen Hoover who is #1 New York Times bestselling author of Young Adult and romance novels.
A Brief Look Inside:
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Colleen Hoovers


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EVERY GOOD BOOK CONTAINS A WORLD FAR DEEPER THAN the surface of its pages. The characters and their world come alive through the words on the pages, yet the characters and its world still live on. Questions herein are designed to bring us beneath the surface of the page and invite us into the world that lives on. These questions can be used to:

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Table of Contents

Introducing Verity

Introducing the Author

Inspiration Behind Verity

Discussion Questions

Trivia Facts About Verity

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Introducing Verity
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V erity is a book written by romance author Colleen Hoover. It is a romantic thriller written by an author known for her romance books. Writer Lowen Ashleigh is struggling to keep up with her finances when she gets a writing job she cannot resist. Jeremy Crawford, the husband of the famous writer Verity Crawford, asks her to take over Verity's book projects because she is now physically incapable of completing them. She met an accident which rendered her unable to work again. She agrees to Jeremy's request that she stay in their house and go through the unfinished manuscripts and notes that Verity has in her office. As she does her work, she discovers notes hidden by Verity which were not meant for anybody's eyes. She learns about secrets that horrify her. But she is also attracted to Jeremy and is tempted to reveal the notes to him to reveal the true nature of Verity's character.

The book is psychological suspense, with a dark and foreboding tone. The opening scene creates a strong impact among readers which makes it hard for readers to put the book down. The tension rises as Lowen slowly realizes that the Crawfords have many secrets and are not who they seem to be. The narrative has a book within a book plot which was deftly used by the writer. The author creates confusion in the readers as they are they cannot trust whom to believe. It is difficult to ascertain who is lying and who is mentally off. A review by itsbooktalk.com says she felt the ending was too abrupt and rushed. The romantic suspense was, however, an enjoyable reading experience. Lowen's point of view is used in the story and gives the readers a closer look into her psyche. "My mother used to say that houses have a soul, and if that is true, the soul of Verity Crawford's house is as dark as they come," she says.

A review by Anasattic.com says that the book does not have characters who appeal to her. "For the most part, I need to love the characters, or at least one of the characters in a book I am reading. I didn't know in Verity. I didn't particularly like any of them," she says. The review thinks that the book does not aim to have characters who are appealing. But it is still a book that is hard to put down because of the doubts that it has created in the mind of the reader. The reviewer claims she does not read thrillers nor watches them. "But I also avoid ugly cry books, but Colleen has made me love hers. So I trusted her and went in blind, only knowing that it was very different than her past works," she writes.

Critics say the book is not easy and relaxing to read. Some say it is not even enjoyable. But they like how the suspense is created. "Amazingly well written and unputdownable, Colleen will leave you questioning everything," a reader says. A review by the bibliothequeblog.com asks the question "who are you really, Colleen Hoover?" The reviewer says the author of Verity is not the same Colleen Hoover whose books she has read in the past. "It's hard for me to believe that this is the same CoHo I fell in love with. Something here has changed, and I honestly doubt it's me. What I do know is that somehow, a day after finishing Verity, I felt the loss. A part of me got completely detached from Colleen Hoover," the reviewer writes. It hurt her to say goodbye to the author she always loved. "But how could I be with someone that contributes with more darkness than light? With an author that is no longer for me?" A review by underthecoversblog.com says the book reminds her of the novel The Ghostwriter by author Alessandra Torre. The reviewer thought that she had already figured out the plot. "I should've known better and kept my mind engaged in gathering clues if there were any. Credit to the author for making me so wrapped up in the story...," she writes. The review says the shocking part comes at the very end and readers won't see it coming. The ending also shows a morally grey point in the novel. The reader is made to question the right and wrong actions committed by the characters. "There is a HEA (happily ever after), but it may feel like a questionable one for people that fall on one side of that moral spectrum than others," the review says. It cites the thrill and excitement in reading the book and hopes that Hoover writes more books like this one.

Verity is written by Hoover who is #1 New York Times bestselling author of Young Adult and romance novels.

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Introducing the Author
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C olleen Hoover has written #1 New York Times bestselling novels and novellas classified as New Adult and Young Adult contemporary romance. Her first novel, Slammed, was published in January 2012 and reached #5 on the New York Times list.

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