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Caitlin Crews - Katakiss Last Mistress

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Caitlin Crews Katakiss Last Mistress
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I had heard you were between mistresses at present I had so hoped to be the - photo 1

I had heard you were between mistresses at present. I had sohoped to be the next.

His dark eyes flared, then turned to molten gold. She held his gaze as if she were as bold, as daring, as her words suggested. Hoping that she could be. She had to be.

But of course, she continued, because this was the crux of itbecause she knew Peter was listening and so she had to push the words out, no matter how they seemed to clog her throat, as your mistress, I would require your generosity. A great deal of it.

For another endless moment Nikos only watched her, his gaze still searing through herreducing her to ash, making her breath desert herbut otherwise his big body remained still, alert. It was almost as if she had not propositioned him. As if she had not offered to prostitute herself to him as casually as she might have ordered a drink from the bartender.

But then, making every hair on her body prickle, Nikos smiled.

It had been a long time in coming, this moment, and Nikos could not help but savor it. Revel in it. He had never dared dream that his archenemys sister would offer herself to him as his mistress, thus ensuring his ultimate victoryhis final revenge. But he would take itand her.

Katrakiss Last Mistress BY Caitlin Crews wwwmillsandbooncouk CAITLIN - photo 2

Katrakiss Last Mistress


Caitlin Crews


CAITLIN CREWS discovered her first romance novel at the age of twelve. It involved swashbuckling pirates, grand adventures, a heroine with rustling skirts and a mind of her own, and a seriously mouthwatering and masterful hero. The book (the title of which remains lost in the mists of time) made a serious impression. Caitlin was immediately smitten with romances and romance heroes, to the detriment of her middle-school social life. And so began her life-long love affair with romance novels, many of which she insists on keeping near her at all times.

Caitlin has made her home in places as far-flung as York, England, and Atlanta, Georgia. She was raised near New York City, and fell in love with London on her first visit when she was a teenager. She has backpacked in Zimbabwe, been on safari in Botswana, and visited tiny villages in Namibia. She has, while visiting the place in question, declared her intention to live in Prague, Dublin, Paris, Athens, Nice, the Greek Islands, Rome, Venice, and/or any of the Hawaiian islands.

Writing about exotic places seems like the next best thing to moving there.

She currently lives in California, with her animator/comic book artist husband and their menagerie of ridiculous animals.

To Liza, who dreamed of gold-eyed dragons, Jane, who knew I couldnt pull that punch, and Jeff, who makes it easy to write about heroes.

Chapter One

NIKOS K ATRAKIS was by far the most dangerous man aboard the sleek luxury yacht. Ordinarily Tristanne Barbery would take one look at a man like himso dark and powerful her breath caught each time she gazed at him from her place within sight of the elegant marble-topped bar where he stoodand flee for her life in the opposite direction.

Any man who seemed to dim the sparkling blue-green waters of the Mediterranean Sea with his very presence was far too complicated, far too much for Tristanne. This is not about you, she told herself fiercely, then ordered herself to release the fingers shed clenched into fists. She willed away her nausea, her shakiness. Her panic. Because this was not, indeed, about Tristanne. It was about her mother and her mothers crippling, impossible debts. And she would do whatever she had to do to save her mother.

There were other rich and powerful men aboard the boat, rubbing expensively clad shoulders together while gazing at the glittering shores of the Cte dAzure: the olive-clad hills and pastel waterfront facades of Villefranche-sur-Mer to the left, the red-topped villas of Cap Ferrat to the right, and the sparkling sweep of Villefranche Bay spread out around them in the late afternoon sun.

But Nikos Katrakis was different from the rest. It wasnt simply because he owned this particular yacht, though his ownership was as clear as a brandalmost visible, Tristanne thought; almost seeming to emanate from him in waves. It wasnt even the undeniable physical power he seemed to just restrain beneath his deceptively calm surface, even dressed as casually as he was, in denim trousers and a white dress shirt left open at the neck to display a swathe of dark olive skin.

It was him.

It was the way he stood, commanding and yet so remote, so alone, even in the center of his own party. There was a fierce, unmistakably male energy that hummed from him, attracting notice but keeping all but the most brave away. He would have been devastating enough if he were unattractivehe was that powerful.

But of course, Nikos Katrakis was not, in any sense of the word, unattractive. Tristanne felt a shiver of awareness trace its way down her spine, and she could not bring herself to look away. He was more powerful than her late father had been but not, she thought, as cold. And somehow she could sense that he was no brute, like her brother, Petera man so cruel he had refused to pay her mothers medical bills, a man so heartless he had laughed in the face of Tristannes desperation.

Yet something about Nikos made her think he was different, made her think of dragonsas if he was that magical and that dangerous; as if he was epic. He was too virile. Too masculine. His power seemed to hum around him like an electric current. Dragon, she thought again, and her palms suddenly itched to sketch the bold, almost harsh lines of his facethough she knew that was exactly the sort of thing Peter so scorned. There was no explaining creativity to her overbearing brother.

But all of that was precisely why Nikos Katrakis was the only man who would do. She was wasting time simply gazing at him, trying to get up her nerve, when she knew Peter would be searching for her before too long. She knew he did not trust her, no matter that she had agreed to go along with his plan. And she would go along with it, or seem to, but she would do it on her terms, not his. And she would do so with the one man Peter hated above all othersthe one man Peter viewed as his chief business rival.

She had moved beyond nervous into something elsesomething that made her pulse flutter and her knees feel like syrup. She could only hope that it didnt show, that he would see what her brother, Peter, claimed everyone saw when they looked at her: nothing but Barbery ice.

Its about time you used your assets to our advantage, Peter had said in his cold voice. Tristanne shook the memory away, determined not to react to him any furthereven in her own mind. Not when so much was at stake. Her mothers survival. The independence she had fought so hard to win. Tristanne sucked in a fortifying breath, sent up a little prayer and forced herself to walk right up to Nikos Katrakis himself before she talked herself out of it.

Nikos looked up from his drink at the polished wood and marble-topped bar and their eyes met. Held. His eyes were the color of long-steeped tea, shades lighter than the thick, dark hair on his head and the dark brows that arched above, making them seem to glow like old gold. They seared into her. Tristannes breath caught, and a restless heat washed over her, scalding her. The sounds of the high-class partygoers, their clinking glasses and cultured laughter, disappeared. Her anxiety and her purpose fell away as if they had never been. It was as if the whole worldthe glittering expanse of the French Riviera, the endless blue-green Mediterranean Seafaded into his hot, gold gaze. Was consumed by him, enveloped into him

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