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First published by Michael Joseph, 2013
First published in Penguin Books 2014
Copyright Mary Berry, 2013
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted
Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders. The publishers will be glad to rectify in future editions any errors or ommissions brought to their attention.
Typeset by Jouve (UK), Milton Keynes
ISBN: 978-1-405-91286-0
I dedicate this book to my husband, Paul, and also
my loving and supportive family always there for
me and always with me.
List of Permissions
All photos are from private collections apart from the below.
Inside Covers
The Original Fte Company
Sam Beddoes
Dave M. Benett/Getty
James Hemming
Stephen Butler/BAFTA/ Rex Features
Hart/Evening News/Rex Features
Fremantle Media
Jonathan Hordle/Rex Features
Joe Plimmer, Camera Press London
Megan Taylor
The Cake & Bake Show
Ian West/PA Wire/Press Association Images
David Fisher / Rex Features
Charlotte Murphy
Fremantle Media
David Woolford
Pacific Coast News
Ken McKay/Rex Features
Love Productions
Love Productions
Love Productions
The Original Fte Company
Love Productions
WPA Pool/Getty
Edward Lloyd/Alpha Press
James Hemming
Love Productions
David Fisher/Rex Features
Cook Now, Eat Later by Mary Berry, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2002.
Cook Now, Eat Later by Mary Berry, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2002.
Mary Berrys Family Sunday Lunches, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2011.
Mary Berrys New AGA Book, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2011.
Mary Berrys New AGA Book, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2011.
Mary Berrys New AGA Book, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2011.
Mary Berrys New AGA Book, published by Headline Publishing Group, 2011.
Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders. The publishers will be glad to rectify in future editions any errors or omissions brought to their attention.
I have been immensely blessed to have Lucy Young, my assistant, by my side for twenty-three years, sorting me out, organizing my life and being my friend. We write books together and think alike, with never a cross word, and will have many more years together I hope.
Louise Moore at Penguin commissioned this book and it has been a sheer joy to work with her she was so encouraging as each chapter evolved. Her energy and enthusiasm were infectious and I felt like I was her only author, which is a real skill when she looks after so many people. Thank you for being lovely.
Catherine Woods turned my wavering voice into my story, memories and events. Catherine became one of the family, gently encouraging me to spill the beans with kindness and laughter.
Tamsin English edited the book with such care and interest in my story; choosing the photos with her was a wonderful trip down memory lane.
In the words of my father, my birth caused no end of trouble. I arrived on 24th March 1935, two weeks before I had been expected, on the day that my parents, Alleyne and Margery Berry, had been scheduled to move house. Not at all convenient, as you can imagine! When my mother went into labour in the bedroom of their maisonette on Park Street in Bath, the removal men had to be sent packing and the disgruntled new tenants persuaded, by Mums doctor, to delay their own move. Years later, in his memoirs, my father would record my birth as follows: After coming to Bath, for a short time we lived in a converted half-house [maisonette] and Mary had the confounded cheek to be born there when she should have arrived a fortnight later. It was certainly not be the last time that my father would have cause to despair of his only daughters flightiness.
Thanks to the inconvenient timing of the arrival of Mary-Rosa Alleyne Berry it was a week behind schedule that my family moved into their new home at 5 Park Lane, opposite Baths Victoria Park. My father, who was a surveyor, had designed the house himself to accommodate his growing family, which as well as troublesome week-old me also included my five-year-old brother, Roger. My younger brother, William, would arrive four years later, and one of my earliest memories is of seeing him as a chubby baby sitting in a high chair in the kitchen at Park Lane, tied in with a loop of woolly blue fabric of the type used in school to show whether you were in the red team or blue team. In those days it was thought to be clever financial planning to have your children spaced so widely apart, but its not a bit good growing up as you have absolutely nothing in common with your siblings. Were the greatest of friends these days, but as a child I was just beaten up all the time by my big brother.