Aberigh-Mackay, George (Political Orphan),
Absent-Minded Beggar, The,
adultery: in British India,
Aesthetic Movement,
Afghan War, Second,
A. H. Wheeler and Co.,
Ahmed Khel, Battle of,
Aitken, Edward,
Akbar, Emperor,
Ali, Mahbub,
Alighar Muslim University,
Allahabad Club,
Allahabad University,
Allen, Charles (C. T.),
Allen, George,
Allen, Maud,
Allens Weekly Mail,
Alliance Bank of Simla,
Allingham, William,
Amber fortress,
American Civil War,
Amherst, Lord,
Anarkali (Lahore),
Arithmetic on the Frontier,
Armstrong, Lieutenant J. E. O.,
Arnold, Edwin: The Light of Asia,
At the End of the Passage,
Athenaeum Club,
Atkinson, Captain George,
Aurangzeb, Emperor: royal mosque (Lahore),
Ave Imperatrix,
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep,
Back Bay Reclamation Scheme,
Badshahi Mosque (Lahore),
Baksh, Kadir,
Baldwin, Alfred,
Baldwin, Louisa,
Baldwin, Louisa (ne Macdonald),
Baldwin, Stanley,
Balestier, Beatty,
Balestier, Carrie see Kipling, Carrie
Balestier, Josephine,
Balestier, Wolcott,
Ballad of East and West, The,
Ballad of the Kings Jest, The,
Ballad of the Kings Mercy, The,
Bambridge, Elsie (ne Kipling),
Bancroft, Nathaniel: From Recruit to Staff Sergeant,
Bang upon the Bass Drum,
Barrack-Room Ballads,
Barrie, J. M.,
Bedford, Duke of,
Beg, Mirza Moorad Alee,
Bell, Moberly,
Bengal Horse Artillery,
Benmore (Simla),
Beresford, George,
Beresford, Lord William,
Besant, Sir Walter,
Beyond the Pale,
Bikaner House (Lahore),
Birkenhead, Lord,
Black Jack,
Black Mountain Campaign (1888),
Blackwood, Lady Helen,
Blavatsky, Madame,
Boer War,
Bomanjee, Pestonjee,
Bombay Fort,
Bombay Gazette,
Bombay Gymkhana,
Bombay Philharmonic Society,
Bombay University,
Brackenbury, General Sir Henry,
Brides Progress, The,
Bridge-Builders, The,
Brotherhood, The,
Brown, Ford Madox,
Browning, Robert,
Buck, Sir Edward,
Buckingham, Lord,
Burne-Jones, Edward Ned,
Burne-Jones, Georgie (ne Macdonald),
Burne-Jones, Margaret,
Burne-Jones, Phil,
Burton, Isabella,
Bushwood Boy, The,
Byculla Ball,
Caine, William Sproston,
Calcutta Review,
Calcutta University,
Captains Courageous: a Story of the Grand Banks,
Carmody, Lance-Sergeant William,
Carrington, Charles,
Carroll, Lewis: The Walrus and the Carpenter,
Cassells Magazine,
caste system,
Century Magazine,
Chalmers, J. M.,
Chameleon, The,
Charles II, King,
Chesney, George,
child-rearing: in British India,
Chiragan Fair,
Christmas in India,
City of Dreadful Night and Other Places,
City of Dreadful Night, The,
City of the Heart, The,
Civil and Military Gazette see CMG Clandeboye, Viscount (Archibald Blackwood),
Clifford, Lucy,
Clive of India,
CMG (Civil and Military Gazette),
Coleridge, Samuel: Ancient Mariner,
Collar-Wallah and the Poison-Stick,
Colvin, Sir Auckland,
Colvin, Sir Sidney,
Comet of the Season, The,
Common Soldiers,
Conland, James,
Connaught, Duke and Duchess of,
Cornhill Magazine,
Corps of Guides Cavalry and Infantry,
Cory, Colonel Arthur,
cotton trade: Bombay,
Countess of Dufferins Fund for Supplying Medical Aid to the Women of India,
Courting of Dinah Shadd, The,
Crawford, Arthur,
Crawford, Francis Marion,
Crawford Market (Bombay),
Crofts, W. C.,
Cunningham, Judge: Chronicles of Dustypore,
Curzon, Lord,
Daily Mail,
Dalhousie, Governor-General,
Dane, Louis,
Danny Deever,
Dare, William,
Darwin, Charles,
Das, Sarat Chandra,
Dass, Ram,
Dassera Festival,
Daughter of the Regiment, A,
Davids, Rhys,
Davies, Colonel Newnham,
Day, William,
Days Work, The,
Dehra Dun,
Departmental Ditties,
Dhammapada scriptures,
Disraeli, Benjamin,
Dodge, Mary Mapes,
Doubleday, Frank,
Dray Wara Yow Dee,
Drums of the Fore and Aft, The,
Dufferin, Lady,
Dufferin, Lord,
Dunsterville, Lionel,
Durrani, Ahmad Shah,
Dury, Lieutenant R. A. T.,
Dusky Crew, The,
East India Company,
East Lancashire Regiment,
Elphinstone College (Bombay),
Enlightenment of Pagett, MP,
English Flag, The,
Erskine, Claude,
Esterhzy, Prince Louis,
Exposition Universelle (Paris),
False Dawn,
Fenwick, Major George,
Ferozeshah, Battle of,
First Punjab Volunteers Rifle Corps,
Fitzgerald, Toby,
Flaxman, George,
Fleming, Captain Jack,
Flora Fountain (Bombay),
Fond Memory,
Ford oKabul,
Forjett, Charles,
Forster, E.M.,
Fort Lahore,
Fortnightly Review,
Freemasons: Kiplings encounter with,
Frere, Sir Henry Bartle,
Friend of the Free State,
From the Masjid-Al-Aqsa of Sayyid Ahmed (Wahabi),
Fulford, William,
Gaiety Theatre (Simla),
Garm a Hostage,
Garrard, Flo,
Gate of the Hundred Sorrows, The,
Gattis Musical Hall (London),
Gladstone, William,
Glory of the Garden, The,
Goad, Horace,
Godavari River,
Gordon, Nelly,
Gosse, Edmund,
Goulding, Colonel H. R.,
Government College (Lahore),
Grange, The,
Grave of the Hundred Dead, The,
Great Census, The,
Great Exhibition,
Great Indian Peninsula Railway,
Griffin, Sir Lepel,
Griffiths, John,
Grombtcheski, Colonel,
Gugger, River,
Gunga Din,
Guthrie, Thomas Anstey,
Gwynne, H. A.,
Haggard, Henry Rider,
Haileybury College,
Hamilton, Captain Ian,
Hamilton, Vereker,
Hardy, Thomas,
Harlan, Josiah,
Harper, Henry,
Harper and Sons,
Harris, Joel Chandler,
Harte, Bret,
Havelock, General,
Hayes, Banjo,
Head of the District, The,
Hearsey, Captain Andrew,
Hearsey, General Sir John,
Helen, Countess of Gifford,
Henley, W. E.,
Hensman, Howard,
Hill, Alex,
Hill, Edmonia,
Hill of Illusion, The,
His Majesty the King,
Holloway, Harry,
Holloway, Sarah,
Hot Weather,
Hume, Allan Octavian,
Hunter, Sir William,
Hyderabad, Nizam of,
Ilbert Bill,
Ilbert, Sir Courteney,
Imperial Diamond Case,
In Black and White,
In Flood-Time,
In the House of Studdhoo,
In Partibus,
In the Rukh,
In the Spring Time,
Incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney, The,