It has always been Allen Tillers aim toprovide a factual insight into haunted locations in Adelaide, andindeed, the rest of Australia.
He lifts the veil onghost stories and reveals the truth behind the myths and tales thatso often become urban legend and local folklore. His mission is toresearch the historical facts of locations, people, places andbuildings from adistinctly paranormal perspective.
The Haunts ofAdelaide was born
![Copyright 2013-14 Allen Tiller Published by CUSTOM BOOKPUBLICATIONS - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/398332/tmp_b4c501e31d407091d03f91047f3fe3b1_V4N9vk_html_3131f3bc.jpg)
![Copyright 2013-14 Allen Tiller Published by CUSTOM BOOKPUBLICATIONS - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/398332/tmp_b4c501e31d407091d03f91047f3fe3b1_V4N9vk_html_3b2fc141.jpg)
Copyright 2013-14 Allen Tiller
Published by
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All thecharacters are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons,living or dead, is purely coincidental
History, Mystery
and the Paranormal
![This book isdedicated to my wife Karen and myfamily Sarah Chantelle - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/398332/tmp_b4c501e31d407091d03f91047f3fe3b1_V4N9vk_html_m696fba6b.jpg)
This book isdedicated to my wife, Karen,
and myfamily, Sarah, Chantelle & Grandson Jacob
to the memoryof a long time friend & brother
May you RestIn Peace
The Haunts ofAdelaide Founded 2012
ParanormalInvestigator, Blogger, Historian, Photographer, Poet,Cinematographer and Director, Allen also stars in televisionshow Haunting Australia which has aired in more than twenty countriesacross four continents.
Eidolon Paranormal, of which he was founder and remains CEO, hasbeen investigating the paranormal for some years, teaching thepublic how to debunk alleged paranormal activity for themselvesthrough meetings and media resources.
His interestin the paranormal started at a young age, reading countless booksand watching a myriad of paranormal related television shows. Hedeveloped an interest in history and genealogy, bringing theseinterests together when he began to look into the history of whatis considered Australias most haunted town Kapunda where hisgrandparents had lived and his family were amongst the foundingpioneers.
Prior to filming a television episode in a cemetery outsideKapunda, Allen met his future wife, Karen, later proposing in thatvery cemetery. Both now live and work in Kapunda.
His twocurrent blogs have both been nominated for the 2013 Australian blogawards. Allen has appeared in local media in respect of paranormalrelated topics and has written for two international paranormalmagazines, in addition to local teams blogs and websites. He isalso a published poet, a keen videographer and editor, musician,writes his own music for some his own productions and is a keenadvocate for the survival of endangered Australian nativewildlife.
The Haunts ofAdelaide was added to the National Library ofAustralia PANDORA archive after being read by members of theState Library of South Australia, who decided it was worthy ofinclusion in this historical archive collection.
Photos byAllen Tiller & Karen Tiller 2013-14
Thanks to theNational Library of Australia. the State Library of SouthAustralia, PANDORA Archive, the Barossa Herald,Advertiser,
Sunday Mail,Trove andJohn Cauldon, Grant Osborn.Darren Bacchus, David Hogg, Guarav Tiwari, Ray Jorden, Ian Lawman,Rayleen Kable, Jason Grain, Jayde Richards, Scott Tipler and MattDent. A special thank you to Robb Demarest for his knowledge,expertise and humour, and for being all round awesome.
All thepeople who have followed Karen and I on our journey, helped alongthe way, and touched our lives. Without your support this bookwould never have been written and our journey would not have beenas blessed; we are truly grateful. Thank you
The City of Adelaide
1 TheAdelaide Arcade
2 AyersHouse
3 BartonVale House
4 BrightonBeach & the Ghost of Kitty Whyte
5 BromptonIGA
6 CarclewHouse
7 EstcourtHouse Grange
8 TheExetor Hotel
9 GlyndeHouse
10 - GrahamsCastle (Prospect House)
11 - GrangeHouse - Magill
12 -Greenhill Galleries
13 - HolyTrinity Church
14 - KeswickArmy Barracks
15 - Kurralta Waterfall Gully
16 - NapierBuilding Adelaide University
17 - NorwoodPrimary School
18 - PenangMalaysian & Chinese Restaurant
19 -Schneiders Alley
20 - SeaviewTheatre
21 -Squatters Arms
22 - St.Kilda Adventure Playground
23 -Stonehenge Medindie
24 - TheRoyal Adelaide Hospital
25 - The ArtGallery of South Australia
26 - TheUnion Hotel
27 -Waterfall Gully
28 - TheWomens and Childrens Hospital
29 -Younghusband Mansion
30 -Skeletons on Rundle Street
![1 - TheAdelaide Arcade In 1885 Adelaide was abustling city boasting a - photo 5](/uploads/posts/book/398332/tmp_b4c501e31d407091d03f91047f3fe3b1_V4N9vk_html_5567a400.jpg)
1 - TheAdelaide Arcade
In 1885, Adelaide was abustling city, boasting a population upward of 150,000 residents inthe only free colony of Australia. South Australia was notsettled by convicts, rather it was seen as a utopia of sorts forthe wealthy and free settlers.
The sealed streets were linedwith gas lamps, there was a postal service, newspapers, theatre andhorse racing everything .a wealthy colonist could ask for.
On December 12 1885, AdelaideArcade was officially opened by Governor Sir William Robinson. Thebuilding was officially opened by Governor Sir William Robinson.Situated on Rundle Street, the arcade boasted fifty stores, with50,000 square feet of space, Turkish Baths, electric lighting, twolevels, ventilation and a unique parcel delivery system.
The stone entrance was builtfrom marble quarried and carried from Kapunda, and ornamental castiron was bought from Fulten & Co. Panels of glass weretransported from England, and special ornate tiling was used toline the floors of this grand structure of, what was at the time,progressive and modern architecture.
The idea for the shops was tohave a ground floor area displaying wares and goods and an upstairsroom for working and storage. At the time, each shop had its owninternal staircase.
Adelaide Arcade was one of thefirst buildings in Adelaide to be lit totally by electric light. In1885 it was also announced that Gays Arcade would be adjoiningAdelaide Arcade to Twin street, the design was drawn by architectJames Cumming.
The opening day of the arcadecaused quite a flutter in the city streets, 60,000 had been spentto build the Arcade, in a time of high unemployment, many of thelower classes were not accepting of this, and thought to cause anuproar at the opening ceremonies.
The gates were locked at eitherend as dignitaries and officials dined. Hungry people and theunemployed lined the gates. Watching the officials eat, and drinkchampagne, a stir was beginning through the hungry crowd, butbefore a riot began, seventy officers from the Adelaide policeforce arrived and moved the potential rioters on. This action,however, did not stop the Governors car being pelted with stonesas he drove away after the function.
The electricity used to powerthe lighting of the Arcade came from an on-site power generator, alarge engine, located in what is now the Manhattan Dry Cleaners atshop nine. Each shop was fitted with a gas lamp for emergencies,and had heating and a cooling ventilation
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