Alice in
and the
World Trade
Center Disaster
Why the official story of 9/11
is a monumental lie
First published in October 2002.
David Icke Books
185a High Street
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Copyright 2002 David Icke
No part of this book may be reproduced
in any form without permission from
the Publisher, except for the quotation
of brief passages in criticism
British Library Cataloguing-in
Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is
available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0-9538810-2-4
Alice in
and the
World Trade
Center Disaster
Why the official story of 9/11
is a monumental lie
To all those who lost their lives
on September 11th and to their
loved ones left behind .
To all those who have lost their lives
in the war on terrorism and to
their loved ones left behind .
Other books and DVDs by David Icke
Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion
Tales from the Time Loop
Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster
Children Of The Matrix
The Biggest Secret
I Am Me I Am Free
And The Truth Shall Set You Free 21st century edition
Lifting The Veil
The Robots Rebellion
Heal the World
Truth Vibrations
It Doesnt Have To Be Like This
Freedom or Fascism: the Time to Choose
Secrets of the Matrix
From Prison to Paradise
Turning Of The Tide
The Freedom Road
Revelations Of A Mother Goddess
Speaking Out
The Reptilian Agenda
Details of availability at the back of this book
and through the website
This world is only an illusion and
we can change it any time we want .
Its just a choice right now
between fear and love .
So predictable
the plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a Third World War either by stimulating the Muslim world into a holy war against the West or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both.
David Icke, The Biggest Secret 1998
Powell, like the Bushes and Cheney, is bloodline and thats why he is to be the new Secretary of State. Given that line-up and their mentality and agenda, dont be at all surprised if the United States finds itself in another manipulated war during this administration. You will see monsters being created in the public mind to justify such action.
David Icke, writing on his website on the day that George W. Bush was inaugurated, January 20 2001
Twas always so
Why of course the people dont want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people dont want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Hermann Goering
Just a theory?
There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.
Senator Daniel K. Inouye
We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.
David Rockefeller
September 11th 2001
(five-sense perspective)
We live in multi-dimensional infinity we are multi-dimensional infinity. Therefore, there are infinite perspectives from which to view the same events and all can be different, but equally true. It simply depends where the observer is standing at the time.
In this book I will focus for the most part on observing the shocking attacks of September 11th from within what I call the five-sense prison the world that we see, hear, touch, smell and taste. It is from this point of observation that all but a few on this planet perceive life. But in the final chapter I will observe the attacks of 9/11 from a much wider perspective and only then can they be seen in their greater context.
What happened on September 11th?
Ask Alice
Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isnt.
And contrary-wise what it is, it wouldnt be.
And what it wouldnt be, it would.
You see?
Lewis Carroll
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
chapter 1
The real agenda behind 9/11
The Mysteries of Life speak to those who are willing to listen.
S ince 1991 I have been uncovering the network that really controls this world behind the faades of freedom, democracy, liberty and justice. In truth, these exist only as illusions and delusions in the manufactured movie we are told is life. They are figments of our perception, thats all.
Through these years there has rarely been a day in which I have not worked in some way to uncover or communicate the astonishing story of how a network of interbreeding bloodlines going back to the ancient world has expanded its control over the human population until, today, a full-blown global dictatorship is within its sight and within its grasp. To understand the true background to the horrors of September 11th 2001, you have to research and understand so many subjects, many of them considered bizarre or crazy to our conditioned reality. Once the pieces are understood then the puzzle has to be put together to allow the extraordinary picture of human existence to be revealed. So when people ask me why this information has never been made public before there are three main answers: (a) many researchers have uncovered aspects of it, even large swathes of it, but communicating what they know through the mainstream media has been impossible; (b) the compartmentalised secrecy behind which the truth is hidden has been extremely effective; and (c) because of the staggering amount of research over so many years that is necessary to understand the pieces even before the puzzle itself can be addressed.
Without this background knowledge the manipulators can hoodwink the global population by explaining away grotesque atrocities like September 11th with a ridiculous cover story that protects the real perpetrators and justifies the responses, like the war with Afghanistan, that further their goal of global dictatorship. In my last three books on these subjects, And The Truth Shall Set You Free , The Biggest Secret , and Children Of The Matrix , I have presented a total of 1,500 pages detailing the story of human control and how the same interbreeding bloodlines that produced the kings and queens of the ancient world now produce the presidents, prime ministers, banking and business leaders, media owners and military chiefs of the 21st century. For those who really want to know the nature of the human condition and the mental, emotional and, increasingly, physical prison in which we find ourselves, they can read those books or go to the thousands of web pages of information at . Clearly, I cant detail it all again in this book because its focus is the staggering events of September 11th 2001 and their aftermath, but the information is already in print for anyone who wants more supporting evidence. Here, for those new to these subjects, I will set out a brief summary of the essential background necessary to understand what really happened on 9/11. Readers of my other books will already be well versed in this information.
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