Springer Proceedings in Complexity
Springer Proceedings in Complexity publishes proceedings from scholarly meetings on all topics relating to the interdisciplinary studies of complex systems science. Springer welcomes book ideas from authors. The series is indexed in Scopus. Proposals must include the following: - name, place and date of the scientific meeting - a link to the committees (local organization, international advisors etc.) - scientific description of the meeting - list of invited/plenary speakers - an estimate of the planned proceedings book parameters (number of pages/articles, requested number of bulk copies, submission deadline). submit your proposals to: christopher.coughlin@springer.com
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efika ule Eretin and Nihan Potas
Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2017 Explorations of Chaos and Complexity Theory
efika ule Eretin
International Science Association, Ankara, Turkey
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Nihan Potas
International Science Association, Ankara, Turkey
Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
ISSN 2213-8684 e-ISSN 2213-8692
Springer Proceedings in Complexity
ISBN 978-3-319-89874-2 e-ISBN 978-3-319-89875-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018948822
Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019
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In memories of my lovely mother Mbeccel...
efika ule Eretin
In memories of my grandfather Yusuf Kenan...
Nihan Potas
Leadership is one of the earliest concepts that experienced in the world in humankind in all senses, and also chaos and complexity have taken its place in the new world order. Not only physicists but scientists from all fields to present their explanations and discussions on the topic with a facilitating effect to adapt to the new world order are primarily a valuable service for science and humanity. The research in question should be continuous in tandem with the changing nature of chaos and complexity and the face of the world. This is why this latest edition of the book Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2017 is simply a delayed matter already. This unique book is a need to continue the academic journey because the realities keep shifting goal posts and as such research and academic works cannot afford complacency lest management and leadership will lose direction in the near future.
Exploring chaos and complexity on a regular basis, therefore, offers management, leadership, education, and academia a beacon of hope to prevail over chaotic and complex systems abound. Particular focus is reserved for an exploration of nonlinearity as well as data modeling and simulation in order to open up new approaches and perspectives to discussion of key phenomena. This ultimately spells the entry point of the latest edition of the book Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2017 .
This book opens up to all fields and branches of knowledge unlike many which are highly specific; the book is also customized to various levels of knowledge pursuit making it viable to both undergraduate and graduate students while fitting other random readers. This is premised on the view that the language used thereof is simplified and tailor-made to suit a diversity prevalent within academic readership.
This book includes exploration of management and leadership from a nonlinearity perspective, contains a practical application of theoretical concepts to management and leadership, and features a laymans language usage to dissect chaos and complexity phenomena. Furthermore, this book contains an analysis of chaotic and complex systems from scientific, quasi-scientific, and social science fields. While it explores chaotic and complex systems from all fields of knowledge in order to stake a claim of prevalence of compatibility between knowledge fields. Recent developments in research, management, and leadership are also explored in this book.
The proceedings from the 2017 symposium on chaos, complexity, and leadership will illuminate current research results and academic work from all branches of science, mathematics, physics, education, economics, management sciences, and social sciences. We would like to thank all the participants, guests, and members associated with ICCLS 2017, to make the symposium successful.
We hope you will enjoy the new version of this unique book series.
efika ule Eretin
Nihan Potas
Ankara, Turkey
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