Sophie Williams
Rethinking Stateless Nations and National Identity in Wales and the Basque Country
Sophie Williams
Office for National Statistics, Newport, Wales
ISBN 978-3-319-91408-4 e-ISBN 978-3-319-91409-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018947402
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Pour Jocelyne, tu me manques normment, et cest trop dommage que je ne puisse pas partager celui-ci avec toi. Tu es dans mes penses pour jamais.
Para Maite, porque me gustara decirte eskerrik asko para todo.
This book is based on research conducted for a doctoral thesis, awarded in January 2017 from Swansea University. The research was conducted over a three-year period, comprising initial literature review and methodological investigation, a fieldwork period and a final empirical analysis and presentation of findings. It is intended for scholars of national identity, or nations and nationalism more broadly, alongside those interested in stateless nations or academia specific to Wales and/or the Basque Country.
Sophie Williams
Newport, Wales
Firstly, I would like to thank a great many people who helped me organise and conduct my fieldwork, including all my focus group participants and interviewees, all of whom were extremely helpful and accommodating. Special thanks go to: (in Wales) Dyfrig Davies, Emily Hammett, Dr. Sin Edwards, Sue and Brian Miles, Professor Richard Wyn Jones, Professor Colin Williams, Dr. Patrick Carlin, Dr. Alan Sandry, Syd Morgan, Mary Burrows, Dr. Will Roberts, Professor Elin Haf Gruffydd Jones and Sin Jobbins in Aberystwyth University, Professor Helen Sullivan, Maryl Rees, Eirian Conlon, Jennie Hurd, Megan Roberts and the Ebeneser Chapel in Caernarfon; (in the Basque Country) Professor Daniele Conversi and the University of the Basque Country, Dr. Begoa Conde, Dr. Rafael Bengoa, Dr. Amaia Inza Bartolome, Dr. Xabier Itcaina, Dr. Terexa Lekunberri and Jone Goirigolzarri Garaizar. I would also like to thank my internal and external examiners for their helpful and constructive feedback.
I would like to thank the T Newydd National Writers Centre of Wales in Llanystumdwy for their generous hospitality and for looking after me for the evening.
I would like to thank my former employer, David Rees AM, for his support and advice throughout and his generosity in allowing me the time to complete my Ph.D.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the James Pantyfedwen Foundation for their great generosity in funding my studies.
I would like to thank Dr. Cillian McGrattan who has supported me throughout, has read multiple versions of this book and offered his advice and who has been a constant source of encouragement, for which I am very grateful.
I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt thanks to Dr. Julen Zabalo Bilbao, who has been a consistent supporter and friend and without whom I would not have been able to complete my fieldwork in the Basque Country.
I would like to thank my thesis supervisors, Professor Jonathan Bradbury and Dr. Matt Wall, who put up with a lot from me and who have consistently supported me and enabled me to achieve this work. Thank you to you both.
I would like to thank my parents, Jan and Paul, for their eternal support, encouragement and love. They have been with me through thick and thin, providing intellectual as well as emotional support and I could not have done it without them. I would also like to thank my parents-in-law, Eirwen and Gareth, for their love and support, as well as my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Caroline and Clive, and my two nieces, Caitlin and Charlotte.
Finally, I would like to thank my husband Darren for his love and encouragement, his practical advice and assistance and for always being there for me when I need him.
Appendix A: Focus Group Participants (Wales)
Appendix B: Focus Group Participants (The Basque Country)
Appendix C: Welsh and Basque Interviewee Details
Appendix D: Basque and Welsh Political Parties
List of Figures
Fig. 2.1 Theoretical elements (1)
Fig. 2.2 Theoretical elements (2)
Fig. 3.1 Conceptualisations of Basqueness
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Sub-approaches of primordialism
Table 2.2 Modernist approaches
Table 2.3 Characteristics of Wales and the Basque Country
Table 2.4 October 2017 Euskobarmetro Survey
Table 2.5 Results from Provincial Foral Government of Gipuzkoa/University of the Basque Country Survey
Table 3.1 Questioning themes
Table 3.2 The continuum of Welshness
Table 3.3 The continuum of Basqueness
Table 3.4 Comparing across groups (Wales)
Table 3.5 Comparing across groups (The Basque Country)
Table A.1 Wales: Caerphilly (South Wales Valleys-Welsh Wales)
Table A.2 Wales: T Newydd writers centre, Llanystumdwy (North West Wales-Y Fro Gymraeg)
Table A.3 Wales: Caernarfon (North West Wales-Y Fro Gymraeg)
Table A.4 Wales: Tumble, Carmarthenshire (West Wales-Welsh Wales)
Table A.5 Wales: Swansea (South West Wales-Welsh Wales)
Table A.6 Wales: Newport (South East Wales-British Wales)
Table A.7 Wales: Aberystwyth University (Y Fro Gymraeg)
Table A.8 Wales: Mold, Flintshire (North East Wales-British Wales)
Table B.1 Oati (Gipuzkoa)