The Tweets of President Donald J. Trump
The Most Liked and Retweeted Tweets from the Inauguration through the Impeachment Trial
2020 by Forefront Books for original content
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Print Trade Paper: 978-1-948677-56-1
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From the first president of the United States all the way to the current occupant of the White House, the ability to communicate with the American people effectively has always been of monumental importance. During the days of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson, newspapers were the primary vehicle used by presidents to connect with the voting public. During each administration, some newspapers supported the governing administration while others opposed it.
Then during the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, making use of modern technology, changed everything. Harnessing the popularity of the radio as his medium, he communicated directly with the American people via his Fireside Chats. At the time, this innovation was groundbreaking. Along with newspapers, radio remained the primary communications vehicle until the 1960 presidential election. During his campaign, John F. Kennedy masterfully used the medium of television for the first time to communicate his new vision for America. Achieving an upset, he won the presidential election by defeating Richard M. Nixon.
The effective use of television, particularly with campaign ads, has dominated the political landscape ever sincethat is, until Donald J. Trump arrived in 2016. He used the internet to communicate instantly and effectively with the American people on their cellphones. But Twitter was (and remains) his preferred social media vehicle. Establishing his political positions by tweeting numerous times a day, Trump pulled a major upset by defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States.
Once in office, Trump did not abandon his penchant for tweeting. Instead, he doubled down on it, making it his primary means of communicating with the American people. As one can imagine, this has not set well with reporters and news anchors in the media who consider themselves to be the primary disseminators of what is newsworthy and what is not.
Nevertheless, this has not dissuaded Trump in the least. Knowing how effective sending a tweet could be, he once wrote, Boom. I press it and within two seconds we have breaking news.
Since the establishment media has been predominantly hostile toward President Trump, he has used his Twitter account to bypass them completely, other than to criticize them for spreading fake news. Instead, he has gone to the American people directly. Despite the fact that nearly 70 percent of Americans believe the president tweets too often, he continues to tweet daily.
His tweets, which often set policy, have become an important part of not only his legacy but also of the permanent presidential record. A decade earlier, such a thing would not have seemed possible. But that was then, and this is now. Tweeting has become the natural progression for communication from newspapers to radio to television to the internet. His tweets have become a permanent part of American history.
Wall Street keeps its eye on President Trumps Twitter feed so keenly that the Dow Jones average rises and falls based on what Trump tweets. World leaders consistently look to what President Trump tweets, especially where foreign policy is concerned. Politically, Trumps followers and political enemies react, almost instantaneously, to what Trump tweets about this and that.
He tweets so often that the role of press secretary has diminished significantly in his administration. What is important is the content of Trumps tweets. Based on what Trump says, he sets policy, announces initiatives, and hires and fires people, all while simultaneously scolding the media and the deep state for their attempts to undermine his administration.
With a massive Twitter following of 75.2 million by the spring of 2020, Trumps direct impact upon the American population cannot be dismissed, nor can the value of his tweets as an essential part of the historical record be denied. To put the enormous impact of his tweets into perspective, Trump won the White House with 63 million votesa number significantly lower than his massive Twitter following.
The Tweets of President Donald J. Trump is a primary documentnot a secondary resource where others recount what Trumps tweets contain. There are Trumps own words. Because of this, the reader will know exactly what President Trump thought about myriad issues based in his tweets, making this book far more valuable than what his friends or enemies have to say about what he wrote. As you will come to learn by reading The Tweets of President Donald J. Trump, the difference is staggering.
Entering office with enthusiasm and boundless energy, the Trump administration begins with the president tweeting shortly after midnight of his first day in office. Anticipating a peaceful transition of power, as protestors march in the street in opposition to him and Democrats in Congress unite to resist him, Trump is faced with a united front of opposition against him from day one, and he tweets about it.
It all begins today! I will see you at 11:00 A.M. for the swearing-in. THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES - THE WORK BEGINS!
1/20/2017 12:31
Today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another or from one party to another but we are transferring (1/2)
1/20/2017 17:51
power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you the American People. #InaugurationDay (2/2)
1/20/2017 17:51
![Picture 5](/uploads/posts/book/163268/images/common01.jpg)
What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people.
1/20/2017 17:52
January 20th 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.
1/20/2017 17:53
The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. From this moment on its going to be #AmericaFirst