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Louis P. Cassimatis - American influence in Greece, 1917-1929

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The diplomatic relations between Greece and the United States in the interwar period have received scant attention from historians, primarily because of the non-political and non-military role of the United States in that part of the world prior to the Second World War. The American presence in Greece after 1917, however, would be fundamental to the social and economic development of the Greek nation, while American influence would eventually permeate all levels of Greek society.Dr. Cassimatis offers the first, full-length account of this formative period in the history of Greek-American diplomacy. The issues separating the governments of the United States and Greece in the 1920s were simultaneously self-contained and international in scope. For Greece, they were self-contained because they involved solutions to domestic problems affecting the welfare--indeed, the survival--of the Greek nation. Internationally, they were interconnected because efforts to bring about their resolution contributed to an American entanglement in the Near-East policies of Great Britain, France and Italy. Thus, American loans, commercial aggrandizement, the inroads of American capital, philanthropy, and cultural relations were but components of a larger diplomatic setting in which the interests of the United States came into conflict with the interests of the Western European powers.

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title American Influence in Greece 1917-1929 author Cassimatis - photo 1

title:American Influence in Greece, 1917-1929
author:Cassimatis, Louis P.
publisher:Kent State University Press
isbn10 | asin:0873383575
print isbn13:9780873383578
ebook isbn13:9780585292069
subjectGreece--Relations--United States, United States--Relations--Greece, Greece--History--1917-1944, United States--History--1919-1933.
publication date:1988
lcc:DF787.U5C37 1988eb
subject:Greece--Relations--United States, United States--Relations--Greece, Greece--History--1917-1944, United States--History--1919-1933.
Page iii
American Influence in Greece 19171929
Louis P. Cassimatis
Page iv 1988 by The Kent State University Press Kent Ohio 44242 All - photo 2
Page iv
1988 by The Kent State University Press, Kent, Ohio 44242
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 88-3021
ISBN 0-87338-357-5
Manufactured in the United States of America
The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cassimatis, Louis P.
American Influence in Greece, 19171929.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. GreeceRelationsUnited States. 2. United
StatesRelationsGreece. 3. GreeceHistory
19171944. 4. United StatesHistory19191933.
I. Title.
DF787.U5C37 1988 303.4'8273'0495 88-3012
ISBN 0-87338-357-5 (alk. paper)
British Library Cataloging-in-Publication data are available.
Page v
For Antoinette, Nicholas, and Peter
Page vii
1. The Rise of American Influence in Greece
2. The United States and the First Abdication of Constantine
3. The Tripartite Loan of 1918
4. Political Relations from the Fall of Venizelos to the Destruction of Smyrna, 19201922
5. Constantine and the Forced Loan of 1922
6. Political Relations from the Destruction of Smyrna to the Promulgation of the Greek Republic, 19221924
7. Refugee Settlement: American Philanthropy in Action
8. The United States and the Establishment of the Refugee Settlement Commission
9. Financing the Settlement of the Refugees: The Refugee Loan of 1924
10. Public Works in Greece and the Role of American Capital
11. The United States and the Refugee and Stabilization Loan of 1928
A. The Tripartite Loan of 1918
B. Protocol Relating to the Settlement of Refugees in Greece
C. Organic Statutes of the Greek Refugees Settlement Commission
D. Members of the Refugee Settlement Commission
E. Balkan Peace: The Influence of American Economic Participation via Greece
F. Letter from Morgenthau to Hull
Selected Bibliography

Page ix
Sixty years ago Brainerd P. Salmon, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Greece, wrote: "American interests in Greece are commercial, financial, educational, and at times philanthropic, but never political."1 This estimate of Greek-American relations between the two World Wars is essentially correct, but it is also simplistic, for it tends to reinforce the prevailing perception that the significance of those relations is minimal. To be sure, before 1940 the dominant foreign influences in Greece emanated from Europe, while the United States remained very much on the periphery of the political arena in which the Greek government had to operate. Moreover, to the extent that one government's influence over another government's political and military affairs constitutes direct involvement or intervention, the period after 1947 represents a radical point of departure for Greek-American political relations. But the course of history is not determined by military and political events alone. Social, cultural, and economic forces are integral parts of a nation's existence. Any foreign influence that helps to shape these forces must be considered an important factor in that nation's destiny.
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