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Dalzell Julian - Talent without borders global talent acquisition for competitive advantage

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Dalzell Julian Talent without borders global talent acquisition for competitive advantage

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Global talent strategy -- Talent analytics -- Recruiting talent globally -- Selecting talent globally -- Global staffing and talent management

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Talent Without Borders

Talent without borders global talent acquisition for competitive advantage - image 1

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and certain other countries.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Ployhart, Robert E., 1970 authorr., Weekley, Jeff A., Dalzell, Julian.

Title: Talent without borders : global talent acquisition for

competitive advantage / by Robert E. Ployhart, Jeff A. Weekley, Julian Dalzell.

Description: New York, NY, United States of America :

Oxford University Press, [2018] |

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2017015632 | ISBN 9780199746897 (alk. paper) | ISBN 9780190844981 (epub)

Subjects: LCSH: Employee selection. | EmployeesRecruiting.

Classification: LCC HF5549.5.S38 P59 2018 | DDC 658.3/11dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017015632

To my family: Matthew, Ryan, Jack, Ella, and Lynn, who have shown me the true meaning of talentRob

To Addie, Lucy, and BenJeff

To my loving family: Mary Sue, Lisa and Andrew, whose willingness to share my global journey enabled me to live my dreamJulian


Talent drives the global economy. Talent is the resource that creates economic growth through exceptional innovation, service, and performance. But talent is scarce, and finding the right talent, in the right place, and at the right time, is challenging. The types of talent a firm needs to create or implement its strategy are unlikely to be found in a single region. This means that competitive firms must be able to effectively identify, recruit, and hire the needed talent wherever it exists in the world. In this sense talent is like all scarce and valuable resources. However, talent is about people, and unlike tangible resources such as land or money, people have preferences, hopes, dreams, and relationshipsand these characteristics differ across countries and cultures. Talent cannot be owned; it can only be accessed or rented. Thus, the supreme challenge for modern firms is to develop a capability to identify, attract, and hire talent globally.

Talent Without Borders explains how to generate a competitive advantage through the effective use of global recruitment and staffing. The book offers a practical approach for how to think about acquiring talent strategically and globally. The book has several noteworthy features:

Picture 2 Emphasis on linking global staffing to organizational strategy, financial performance, and competitive advantage.

Picture 3 Explicit consideration of practical issues that influence the implementation of global staffing solutions.

Picture 4 Practical insights based on the best science available, and the authors decades of global human resource and staffing experience gained from different points of viewpractitioner, consultant, and academic.

Picture 5 Focus on analytics and data to enable evidence-based decisions.

Picture 6 A global framework and model that provides a reasonable balance of generalization and localization. That is, the framework is relevant for any region of the world.

Picture 7 Consideration of the entire talent life cycle, from attraction through retention.

One of the books most unique features is its use of a lively, dynamic, first-person case that is used to convey the technical material through the eyes of Roger. Roger is a new human resource manager in a global firm, who is promoted to a talent leader responsible for developing and implementing a strategic staffing plan in Southeast Asia. Roger must move from England to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. This first-person perspective brings the technical material to life in a way that is more engaging. Although Roger is a fictional character, the challenges he struggles with are very real and hence readers can learn from Rogers experience as they begin their own global staffing journey. However, for those not wanting to read the case, it can be completely ignored without any loss of the technical material.

We express our sincere thanks to Abby Gross, Courtney McCarroll, and members of Oxford University Press, for their incredible guidance, assistance, support, and patience through this entire process. They have been professional and fun to work withtruly top talent in every way!

We also thank our current and former colleagues and employers for their support. The book was improved by many conversations with our colleaguesfar too many to thank individually. We appreciate the assistance of the Riegel and Emory Center for Human Resources, and the Center for Executive Succession, in the Management Department at the University of South Carolina. References and content for the book were created with the assistance of many research assistants, particularly Michael C. Campion, Matt Call, Jason Kautz, Ormonde Cragun, and Youngsang (Ray) Kim. We are indebted to them for their efforts!

Finally, we thank the most important peopleour families. They supported the time needed to work on this project, including weekends, late nights, and early mornings. They provided perspective and insight to the various topics and choices relating to content. And they provided incredible patience by politely enduring many conversations about the book and its topics. We couldnt have done it without them!

To all these individuals we saythank you, gracias, merci, grazie, (domo) arigato, do jeh, danke, and terima kasih!!!

The authors represent a unique team of experts with extensive expertise in the research, consulting, and management of global staffing. The book offers numerous practical insights based on their collective experience.

Robert E. Ployhart is the Bank of America Professor of Business Administration and an internationally recognized expert in human resources, staffing, talent analytics, and legal issues relating to talent. He has published over 100 scholarly articles and chapters on these topics, written two books, and served as an associate editor for multiple academic journals (Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Review, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes). He has received many scholarly awards, and is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He has also engaged in an active consulting practice with domestic and global organizations. He has a PhD in industrial and organizational psychology from Michigan State University (1999), an MA in industrial and organizational psychology from Bowling Green State University (1996), and a BS in psychology from North Dakota State University (1994).

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