Tabbners Nursing Care
Theory and Practice
Sixth Edition
Gabrielle Koutoukidis, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Business (Transformational Management), MRCNA
Head of Strategic & Business Development, Faculty of Health Science & Community Studies, Holmesglen Institute, Melbourne, Victoria
Kate Stainton, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BN (Mid), Grad Dip Nurs (Education), MA Hlth Sc (Nurs)
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Newcastle Private Hospital, Newcastle, New South Wales
Jodie Hughson, MPH, Grad Cert Health Promotion, RN
Community Services Manager, Metro South, Anglicare Southern Queensland, Queensland
Churchill Livingstone
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This edition 2013 Elsevier Australia
5th edition 2009. 4th edition 2005. 3rd edition 1997. 2nd edition 1991. 1st edition 1981.
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This publication has been carefully reviewed and checked to ensure that the content is as accurate and current as possible at time of publication. We would recommend, however, that the reader verify any procedures, treatments, drug dosages or legal content described in this book. Neither the author, the contributors, nor the publisher assume any liability for injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from any error in or omission from this publication.
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
Koutoukidis, Gabrielle.
Tabbners nursing care : theory and practice / Gabrielle Koutoukidis ; Kate Stainton ; Jodie Hughson.
6th ed.
9780729541145 (pbk.)
Includes index.
Nursing Textbooks.
Stainton, Kate.
Hughson, Jodie.
Publisher: Libby Houston
Developmental Editors: Elizabeth Coady and Jane Coulcher
Project Coordinator: Natalie Hamad
Edited by Sybil Kesteven
Proofread by Tim Learner
Picture research by Karen Forsythe
Illustrators: Trina McDonald and Rod McLean
Cover and internal design by George Creative
Index by Robert Swanson
Typeset by Midland Typesetters, Australia
Printed in China by China Translation and Printing Services
The publisher and editors would like to thank all past and present contributors and reviewers.
Louise Alexander, BNur, Postgrad Cert (Psych Nurs), PGC (Education), MEd (PET)
Lecturer, Bachelor of Nursing (Mental Health), Holmesglen Institute, Victoria, Australia
Jacqui Allen, RN, BA (Hons), MPsych
Lecturer in Nursing, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
Christine Baker, MNsg, Grad Dip Ad & Voc Ed, BHlthSc, Dip VET, Cert IV TAE, Cert Sexual Health, MRNCA
Senior Educator, Nursing Programs, Swinburne University, Victoria, Australia
Carol Barbeler, RN, BNur (Post-reg), M Appl Gerontol, Dip Training & Assessment
Educator, Nursing and Aged Care, GippsTAFE, Victoria, Australia
Lucinda Brown, RN, MPH, Grad Dip Health Sci
Lecturer, Deakin University, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Victoria, Australia
Sue Brown, BHlthSc, MHlthSc, GCert (TT) (Vic), DN (La Trobe), RN
Nurse Consultant: Life in Place
Amy Dearsley, RN/RM
Educational specialist, Laerdal Australia
Carmel Duff, RN, Grad Dip Adv Nurs (Education)
Lecturer in Nursing, Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Leah East, BN, RN (Hons), PhD
School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
John P. Elias, BSc (Hons), PhD
Human Bioscience Lecturer, Holmesglen Bachelor of Nursing, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Andree Gamble, RN, BN, Postgrad Dip Adv Clin Nurs (Child Health), Postgrad Cert Prof Educ & Training, Grad Cert Clin Simulation, M Nurs Sci, Cert IV TAA, Dip Bus
Lecturer, Bachelor of Nursing, Holmesglen, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Michelle Hall, BN, Grad Cert (Health Prof Ed), Cert IV (TAE)
Teacher, Nursing, Health Science and Biotechnology Department, Holmesglen, Melbourne, Victoria
Marguerite Hoiby, RSCN, RN, Cert Spinal Injuries & Rehab Nursing, Cert Op Room Nursing, Grad Dip Educ Admin, Grad Dip Bus
Quality & Risk Manager, Linacre Private Hospital, Victoria, Australia
Lead Auditor Quality Management Systems (ISO) & Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (RTAC)
British Standards International Aged Care Assessor
Aged Care Accreditation Standards & Accreditation Australian Sessional Trainer, Skills Training Australia, Knox, Victoria, Australia
Finbar Hopkins, RN, RMN, RM, BA Sciences (Nurs), Grad Dip (Womens Health), MA
Lecturer in Nursing, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Greer Hosking, RN, ONC, BEd, Cert IV Training and Assessment
Jodie Hughson, MPH, Grad Cert Health Promotion, RN
Community Services Manager, Metro South, Anglicare Southern Queensland, Australia
Jennifer Jennings, RN, BN, Grad Dip (Adv Clin Practice), GCHPE, Grad Cert Health Prof Educ, GCCS, Grad Cert Clinical Simulation
Yangama Jokwiro, BSc (NS), MSc (Physiology)
Bioscience Lecturer, Holmesglen Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Gabrielle Koutoukidis, Dip App Sci (Nurs), BNurs (Mid), Adv Dip Nurs (Ed), MPH, Dip Business, Voc Grad Cert Bus (Transformational Management), MRCNA
Head of Strategic & Business Development, Faculty of Health Science & Community Studies, Holmesglen Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Susan Lanyon, RN, CCRN, Grad Dip Midwifery, BT/BA
Teacher of Nursing, Holmesglen Institute, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Teresa Lewis, RN, Cert Intensive Care Nurs (Post-reg), Cert Infect Control Nurs (Post-reg)
Infection Prevention and Control Manager, Newcastle Private Hospital, New South Wales, Australia
Member Australasian College of Infection Prevention & Control (ACIPC) [previously Australian Infection Control Association (AICA)]
Suzanne McArthur, RN, BEd (La Trobe), Postgrad Dip Crit Care Nurs (Austin), Cert IV TAA
Nursing Course Coordinator; Diploma of Nursing, Advance TAFE, Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia
Member, Australian Wound Management Association
Member, Moderation Delivery Committee Certificate IV/Diploma in Nursing, Victoria, Australia
Gillianne Meek, RN, BSc (Hons), MN
Team Leader, Waiariki Institute of Technology, Rotorua, New Zealand
Anne Moates, RN, Midwife, MCHN, M Pub Health, MEd, B AppSci (Nurs), Grad Dip Adv Nurs (Child, Family and Community Nursing), Grad Dip Adv Nurs (Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing), Grad Cert Nurs (Educ)
Senior Educator, Health and Nursing, Chisholm Institute, Victoria, Australia
Shyamala Munusamy, BHSc (Nursing), Adv Dip Nurs (Neuroscience), Dip Nurs (Singapore), Cert IV TAA
Goetz Ottman, PhD
Lead Researcher, Uniting Care Community Options/Deakin University Research Partnership, Victoria, Australia
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