International Law and Economics
Series Editors
Stefan Voigt
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Anne van Aaken
University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Andrew T. Guzman
University of California at Berkley, Los Angeles, USA
Stefan Oeter
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Joel P. Trachtman
Tufts University, Medford, USA
Naigen Zhang
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
The world has been experiencing a long period of globalization. At the same time, ever more international law has been created to deal with the many consequences of globalization such as problems of coordination, spillover effects across countries, the protection of foreign direct investment or the prosecution of crimes against humanity. To date, the economic analysis of international law has been lagging behind this development. This series aims at changing this by contributing to the understanding of international law. It strives to be a forum for contributions on all aspects of the economic analysis of international law ranging from the analysis of the genesis of international law, its ratification, its effects on government behavior, the means to monitor compliance to sanctions against actors not complying with the law.
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Florian Kiesow Cortez
The Political Economy of International Agreements
A Collection of Essays
1st ed. 2021
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Florian Kiesow Cortez
Institute of Law and Economics, Universitt Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
ISSN 2364-1851 e-ISSN 2364-186X
International Law and Economics
ISBN 978-3-030-85193-4 e-ISBN 978-3-030-85194-1
The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
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The research for this volume benefited from thoughtful and generous comments from numerous scholars. First, I am indebted to Prof. Stefan Voigt, who provided invaluable and enriching feedback throughout all phases of completing this volume.
Critical remarks received at various academic conferences and workshops helped to improve the final product, however, as per usual, any remaining errors remain mine. Particular chapters of this volume have been presented at the annual conferences of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economic (SIOE), the Public Choice Society, the World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR), the Polish Association of Law & Economics, among others.
I owe gratitude to Prof. Christian Bjrnskov and Prof. Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska for thorough reviews and comments in the context of workshop/conference sessions in Hamburg and Warsaw, respectively. I also very much appreciate valuable comments from Prof. Andrew Guzman during a visiting researcher stay at UC Berkeley.
I am also particularly thankful to my colleague Prof. Jerg Gutmann for the always very productive collaboration, and to several colleagues at University of Hamburgs Institute of Law and Economics for inspiring and thought-provoking conversations.
Further, special thanks go to the organizers and participants at the George Mason University Philosophy, Politics, and Economics workshops held in Fairfax and also to workshop participants at Columbia University for their comments.
Finally, funding by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is gratefully acknowledged.
Florian Kiesow Cortez
Florian Kiesow Cortez
Florian Kiesow Cortez and Jerg Gutmann
Florian Kiesow Cortez
Florian Kiesow Cortez
The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
F. Kiesow Cortez (ed.) The Political Economy of International Agreements International Law and Economics
Florian Kiesow Cortez
Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Florian Kiesow Cortez
Political economists have devoted efforts to understand under what conditions sovereign states conclude bargains with each other and to what effect. This field has attracted scholarly attention as well because at its heart stands the puzzle of why self-interested actors representing states would ever agree voluntarily to relinquish portions of their sovereign control by entering into joint initiatives with other states or even by jointly delegating authority to international agents like international organizations (IOs) (Voigt & Salzberger, ).
This volume has as its goal to advance and contribute to the research field on the political economy of international agreements. While pursuing this line of inquiry we situate ourselves in the research tradition that analyses international political interactions through a political economy lens (Dreher & Lang, ). Instead of relying on states as the main unit of analysis, this line of research has at its unit of analysis rational actors or groups of actors with heterogeneous preferences and incentives. Another important feature of this research tradition is the emphasis put on how institutional constraints shape the incentives of the different actors involved.
The overall findings of this volume have relevance to several themes that are currently attracting interest in the academic literature and public discourse. For example, a number of scholars have been part of a discussion regarding a possible backlash against multilateralism in connection with an uptick in nationalist and populist tendencies and other factors (Copelovitch & Pevehouse, ). It is of value to improve our understanding of the drivers of participation in international institutions based on hard evidence from the last couple of decades, a task taken on in this collection of essays.