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Marcus Papadopoulos - Arise, Rossiya-The Return of Russia to World Politics

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Marcus Papadopoulos Arise, Rossiya-The Return of Russia to World Politics
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What is for certain, however, is that Russia has been resurrected and is today actively and successfully re-establishing its Tsarist and Soviet-era influence and power across the international scene. Readers enter the esoteric world of Russian society, beliefs, and national and international politics in this relevant and insightful book. In an in-depth overview of the Russian peoples perceptions of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, the author explores the incidences and legislation that have led to Vladimir Putins current rise to power in modern-day Russia. The book also transports readers through Russias relationships with Cuba and Serbia, and it carefully examines the fall of the Soviet Union and the consequences of that fall. The author also explains why many modern-day Russians perceive Vladimir Putin as a capable leader. Lastly, the narrative places Russia on the international stage, a place where few readers may think Russia has a great sphere of influence. The book documents Russias role on this stage in correlation to countries like America and Britain. For readers interested in Russian and Soviet history, this book is an engaging read. The book contextualizes Russias often fraught relationship with the rest of Europe, including former Soviet states like Ukraine. Thus, it serves as a strong informant regarding the current war between Russia and Ukraine. It helps readers understand the cultural, historical, and even linguistic similarities that place Russia at the forefront of Eastern European and European politics and relations. Those with a specific interest in NATO will find the discussions interesting and pertinent. The book also provides an in-depth look at Russias relationship with Serbia, which enlightens Western readers to the magnitude of Russias influence and power. For seasoned readers of geopolitical prose and for those beginning to take an interest in current events, especially those current events surrounding Russia, this book is mutual ground and a sure conversation starter.

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Published in the United States by GM Books, Beverly Hills, California.

Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Marcus Papadopoulos, PhD

Copyright 2021 by Marcus Papadopoulos

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from I.P.A. Graphics Management, Inc., dba GM Books, except for brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed "Attention Permissions Coordinator," at the address below:

GM Books

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ISBN (Print): 9781882383-78-8

ISBN (Digital): 9781882383-79-5

Publisher: William Dorich

Book Design: Randy Haragan

Cover Design: Jonathan Allinson

Printing in the USA

Arise, Rossiya: The Return of Russia to World Politics

Marcus Papadopoulos, Ph.D.

Table of Contents

About The Author

Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos is a leading expert on Russia, and appears frequently on Sky News, BBC News, RT, Al Jazeera, Press TV and Al Mayadeen as an analyst on contemporary Russian affairs. He also specializes in Serbia and the former Yugoslavia and is an analyst in matters relating to Syria, Iran, international relations in general and British politics. Marcus earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and Modern History at London Guildhall University; took a masters degree in Modern History at Royal Holloway, University of London; and also at Royal Holloway, received a Ph.D. in 20th century Russian history. The title of his doctoral thesis is: "British Official Perceptions of the Red Army, 1934-1945." His academic paper on Russophobia for the International Likhachov Scientific Conference, and his speech at the House of Lords on the origins of the current tension between America and Russia, received significant media coverage. Marcus is a member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery of the United Kingdom, in his capacity as publisher and editor of Politics First.

Endorsements This is the best book written about contemporary Russia that I - photo 1


This is the best book written about contemporary Russia that I have read. It tells the story of how Russia, severely crippled after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has managed to once again become a world power. The Cold War was replaced by a "New World Order," designed to ensure the USA would establish "full spectrum dominance" over the world. Russia was the first target. In pursuit of this goal, the USA - led NATO countries have violated international law and the United Nations Charter, broken promises and treaties, engineered regime changes, and have encircled Russia with new NATO members. Despite all that has been done and the trillions of dollars spent, Russia today has emerged as a potent world power. In today's uncertain world, superpower rivalry must end and the war against Russia must stop. This book can play a role by calling upon US and NATO leaders to stop the silly charade of demonizing Russia and the Russian people.
James Bissett, former Canadian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria.

Marcus Papadopoulos and publisher William Dorich have created the perfect message for the world as it emerges from the COVID-19 year 2020 and starts to face an entirely new era. is an important work because it shapes an understanding of global context which is not only different, but patently more objective, than the West's preoccupation with attempts to perpetuate the 20th Century global structure. The book does not attempt to shape a debate in terms of which great power in the post-COVID world has the most nuclear throw-weight, but rather how Russia is becoming a global power which has learned great lessons from Tsarist Russian imperialism on a regional scale, and Soviet imperialism on a global scale. And yet the re-emerging Russia is neither of its predecessors. It is, as Papadopoulos explains, something which needs to be viewed with fresh eyes and an abandonment of prejudices. The book reflects a keen understanding of Russian and Soviet history and tendencies. But it is also immensely readable, and it will not leave the reader unchanged.
Gregory R. Copley, author of The New Total War of the 21st Century and the Trigger of the Fear Pandemic.

The good news: Arise Rossiya by Marcus Papadopoulos is a timely and valuable corrective to the malign myths about Russia and Russia's place in the world that have become ubiquitous in Western centres of power and influence. The bad news: those most in need of that corrective are unlikely to read it. As a long-time denizen of the Washington policy apparatus, I find it difficult to imagine many of the Deep State critters whose worldview I came to know over many years would venture to crack open a book that shatters their malign, ignorant, and self-serving myths. While hoping my assessment is wrong, let us at least anticipate that skeptical minds tired of being force-fed a false narrative about Russia and Russians by our governmental, media, and academic elites will find in Dr. Papadopoulos' analysis the factual ammunition to counter that narrative. A must-read book.
James George Jatras, retired US diplomat, former senior foreign policy adviser to the US Senate Republican leadership.

An excellent counterblast to the Russophobic propaganda of woefully ill-informed western media and academia. The book's main message is that the world should not fear Russia but embrace it as a partner. Well-written and highly accessible, it is a great contribution to the seething debate about the sources and dynamics of Putin's foreign and domestic politics.
Geoffrey Roberts, Emeritus Professor of History, University College Cork.

Marcus Papadopoulos Arise, Rossiya: The Return of Russia to World Politics is the book desperately needed in our fake news and ideologically driven world. He writes: "Today, in the corridors of power in Washington and in London, there is shock, together with indignation, at how Russia is a resurgent country in world politics, challenging American global supremacy." Papadopoulos explains contemporary Russia as a result of the country's historical resilience and the West's perennial and arrogant misunderstanding of the Russian people. For the Washington Consensus, Papadopoulos will be deemed an outlier. For those of us who know Russia, we know he is spot on!
Peter Lavelle, Host of RT's CrossTalk.

"No mind can grasp the Russia stance; No yardstick measures her extensions; The splendid grace of Russia stands; Belief in her abhors pretensions." That was written by the famous Russian poet and diplomat Fedor Tyutchev in 1866. More than a century and a half have passed since then but many people in the West, including high Government leaders and politicians, still have enormous illusions and delusions about Russia and her role in the contemporary world. Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos has made a very brave attempt in his book to reveal and refute the established myths about Russia and its politics, to show that Russia is not looking for conflicts with the West, but at the same time cannot allow anyone to teach her in a mentoring tone as to what is good and what is bad. For those who are interested in studying Russia and who wish to better understand this 'incomprehensible' country, Dr. Papadopoulos' book is certainly of great interest.
Nikolai Topornin, Professor of Law, MGIMO-University, Moscow.

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