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Chapter 1 William Housley and Richard Fitzgerald 2015
Chapter 2 Rod Watson 2015
Chapter 3 Elizabeth Stokoe and Frederick Attenborough 2015
Chapter 4 Christian Licoppe 2015
Chapter 5 Edward Reynolds and Richard Fitzgerald 2015
Chapter 6 Sean Rintel 2015
Chapter 7 William Housley and Robin James Smith 2015
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014948352
British Library Cataloguing in Publication data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-4462-7072-1
ISBN 978-1-4462-7073-8 (pbk)
Editor: Jai Seaman
Assistant editor: Lily Mehrbod
Production editor: Victoria Nicholas
Copyeditor: Rosemary Campbell
Proofreader: Louise Harnby
Indexer: Martin Hargreaves
Marketing manager: Sally Ransom
Cover design: Jennifer Crisp
Typeset by: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd, Chennai, India
Printed by: Replika Press Pvt. Ltd, India
We dedicate this book to Stephen Hester; a great ethnomethodologist and inspirational teacher.
About the Authors
Frederick Attenboroughis currently Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies at Loughborough University. He has written extensively in the area of feminist media studies, focusing on the media as broadly conceived from an ethnomethodological perspective. His publications include co-editing a special issue of the journal
Gender & Language that focused on gender, language and the media (2014, Vol. 8/2) as well as articles in
Discourse & Communication,
Discourse & Society,
Feminist Media Studies and
Journal of Gender Studies that have analysed what it is that we read when we read about sexism, rape, misogyny, and so on, in the media.Richard Fitzgeraldis Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Macau. Since completing his PhD at the University of Wales: Bangor UK he has held posts at Brunel and Cardiff Universities in the UK and the University of Queensland, Australia. He has written extensively in the area of Membership Categorisation Analysis, often with a focus on broadcast media. His publications have also included co-editing two special issues of the
Australian Journal of Communication, focusing on Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis (2009, Vol. 36/3, with Carly Butler and Rod Gardner, 2013, Vol. 40/2, with Sean Rintel and Edward Reynolds) and co-editing
Media, Policy and Interaction (Ashgate, 2009) with William Housley.
William Housley, PhD, DSc.Econ.,is Professor of Sociology at Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences. He has written extensively in the areas of membership categorisation, team interaction, collaborative work and media communication. He has also contributed to the field of qualitative social inquiry and research methods. More recently his work has engaged with the emerging field(s) of digital social research, social media analytics, big data and disruptive technologies. This work is being realised through the COSMOS (Collaborative Online Social Media ObServatory) research programme. He is currently co-editor of
Qualitative Research (published by Sage), serves on the editorial board of
Big Data and Society (published by Sage) and is lead author (with Edwards, Williams and Burnap) of the forthcoming book
Digital Society: Theory, Method and Data (Sage, 2015).
Christian Licoppe, PhD,is Professor of Sociology, alumnus of the Ecole Polytechnique and acting head of the Social Science Department at Telecom ParisTech. Trained in history and sociology of science and technology, he is interested in conversation analysis and multimodal interaction analysis, and more generally ethnographic studies of multi-participant interaction in mobile and institutional settings. He has been extensively involved in the field of mobile studies, where he has studied the interactions of mobile users in location aware systems and the social consequences of the ways they refer to place and proximity. He is currently engaged in a large-scale video-ethnographic research project on courtroom interactions, in relation to the introduction of videoconference systems and the way they are part of a reshaping of such an institutional speech event.Edward Reynoldsis currently Lecturer in Conversation Analysis at the University of New Hampshire. His research focuses on the organisation of groups in conflict, in particular the ethnomethods of categorisation, comparison and conflict. His publications include co-editing a special issue of the
Australian Journal of Communication (2013, 40/2, with Sean Rintel and Richard Fitzgerald) and research on the interactional organisation of deception in the
British Journal of Social Psychology (with Johanna Rendle-Short, 2011) and the description of an undescribed practice of conflict-talk in
Pragmatics (2011).Sean Rintelis a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK) in the Computer Mediated Living area and a Lecturer in Strategic Communication at The University of Queensland. He was awarded his PhD in 2010 from the University at Albany, State University of New York, chaired by Professor Emerita Anita Pomerantz. His research focuses on how the affordances of communication technologies interact with language, social action and culture. He has published on video-mediated communication, Internet Relay Chat, social media, online television websites, phatic technologies, memes and internet culture, and telerehabilitation. He edited the 2013
Electronic Journal of Communication Special Issue on Videoconferencing in Practice: 21st Century Challenges (2013, Vol. 23/1&2). With Richard Fitzgerald and Edward Reynolds he co-edited the