Post-Soviet Politics
Series Editor: Neil Robinson, University of Limerick, Ireland
The last decade has seen rapid and fundamental change in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Although there has been considerable academic comment on these changes over the years, detailed empirical and theoretical research on the transformation of the post-Soviet space is only just beginning to appear as new paradigms are developed to explain change.
Post-Soviet Politics is a new series focusing on the politics of change in the states of the former USSR. The series publishes original work that blends theoretical development with empirical research on post-Soviet politics. The series includes work that progresses comparative analysis of post-Soviet politics, as well as case study research on political change in individual post-Soviet states. The series features original research monographs, thematically strong edited collections and specialized texts.
Uniquely, this series brings together the complete spectrum of work on post-Soviet politics, providing a voice for academics worldwide.
Also in the series
Shadow Separatism:
Implications for Democratic Consolidation
Matthew Crosston
ISBN 0 7546 4090 6
First published 2004 by Ashgate Publishing
Published 2017 by Routledge
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Copyright Iulia Shevchenko 2004
Iulia Shevchenko has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Shevchenko, Iulia
The central government of Russia : from Gorbachev to Putin. - (Post-Soviet politics)
1. Russia (Federation) - Politics and government - 1991
2. Soviet Union - Politics and government - 1985-1991
I. Title
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shevchenko, Iulia.
The central government of Russia : from Gorbachev to Putin / by Iulia Shevchenko.
p. cm. - (Post-Soviet politics)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7546-3982-7
1. Cabinet system--Russia (Federation) 2. Executive departments--Russia (Federation) 3. Public administration--Russia (Federation) 4. Russia (Federation)--Politics and government--1991- 5. Soviet Union-Politics and government--1985-1991.
I. Title. II. Series.
JN6696.S53 2004
ISBN 13: 978-0-7546-3982-4 (hbk)
Stages of government development
Presidium membership, 1989-1991
Russian executive branch, 1979-1989 (aggregate statistics)
Government composition (July 1990 - June 1991)
Presidium membership (July 1990 - June 1991)
Cabinet-level bodies, 1990-1991
Executive branch, 1990-1993 (aggregate statistics)
Government composition (November / December 1991 - December 1993)
Membership of the Decision Board and the Presidium (November / December 1991 - December 1993)
Partial list of governmental commissions (GC), interdepartmental commissions (IDC), and councils, 1991-1993
Government composition (January 1994 - July 1996)
Top cabinet leadership (January 1994 - December 1995)
Executive branch, 1994-2004 (aggregate statistics)
Government composition (August 1996 - April 2000)
Presidium membership (May 1998 - April 2000)
Government composition (May 2000 - January 2004)
Top cabinet leadership (May 2000 - January 2004)
This book would not have been possible without the financial support of the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., which granted me a residential fellowship from September 2002 to May 2003. Funds for earlier stages of my research were generously provided by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Grant # 01-68437-000), the U.S. Social Science Research Council (Program on Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security), and the Central European University, Budapest. I wish to acknowledge the assistance provided to me at my home institution, European University at St. Petersburg. I am particularly indebted to Grigorii V. Golosov, who helped me both as a scholar, by giving me valuable advice, and as my husband, by supporting me throughout the project. I would like to extend my gratitude to Jean Blondel, who offered an insightful and inspiring critique of an earlier draft. I am also grateful to the anonymous reviewer whose comments allowed me to substantially improve the theoretical argument of the book. Those errors of fact and interpretation that remain in the book, as well as the views expressed, are entirely mine.
AP | Administration of the President |
APR | Agrarian Party of Russia |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CPRF | Communist Party of the Russian Federation |
CPSU | Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
CUI | Commission on Urgent Issues |
FAR | Fatherland-All Russia |
GC | Government commission |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GKI | State Property Committee |
IDC | Interdepartmental commission |
IEC | Interstate Economic Committee |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
ITAR-TASS | Information Telegraph Agency of Russia - Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union |
KGB | Committee on State Security |
LDPR | Liberal Democratic Party of Russia |
OHIR | Our Home is Russia |
PRUC | Party of Russian Unity and Concord |
RAS | Russian Academy of Sciences |
RC | Russias Choice |
RDC | Russias Democratic Choice |
RF | Russian Federation |
RSFSR | RussiaivSoviet Federative Socialist Republic |
SLA | State Legal Administration |
VChK | Temporary Extraordinary Commission for Tax Collection and Budget Discipline |
To my parents,
Vera Ivanovna and Dmitrii Tikhonovich Shevchenko,
with love and respect