AIG | American International Group |
APDRP | Accelerated Power development and reform Programme |
AT&C | average transmission and commercial |
BGS | Basic Generation Supply |
BIFR | Board of Industrial and Financial rehabilitation |
BJP | Bharatiya Janata Party |
BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics |
BPO | business processing outsourcing |
BPT | business, professional, and technical |
CAC | capital account convertibility |
CARE | California Alternative Rates for Energy |
CBO | Congressional Budget office |
CERC | Central Electricity Regulatory Commission |
CMC | Computer Maintenance Corporation |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model |
CPSU | Central Public Sector Undertaking |
CPUC | California Public Utilities Commission |
CRR | cash reserve ratio |
DMK | Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
EC | European Commission |
ECSFM | Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers |
E&H | education and health |
EIA | Energy Information Administration |
EPO | engineering processing outsourcing |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
EU | European Union |
FCAC | fuller capital account convertibility |
FDI | foreign direct investment |
FERA | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
FICCI | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
FPC | Fifth Pay Commission |
FPI | Fund for Public Investment |
FPRC | Fiscal Policy Review Council |
FRBMA | Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act |
FRC | Fiscal Review Council |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GFD | gross fiscal deficit |
GST | goods and services tax |
HRD | Human Resources and Development |
IDA | Industrial Disputes Act |
IDA | International Development Association |
IIM | Indian Institute of Management |
IIT | Indian Institute of technology |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMR | Information Management Resources |
IR/PS | International Relations and Pacific Studies |
ISC | Inter-State Council |
ISO | independent system operator |
IT | information technology |
ITES | IT-enabled services |
KPO | knowledge process outsourcing |
LMP | locational marginal prices |
MFA | Multi-Fiber Arrangement |
MMC | Monopolies and Mergers Commission |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOF | Ministry of Finance |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
NAS | National Accounts Statistics |
NBER | National Bureau of Economic Research |
NCLT | National Company Law Tribunals |
NCMP | National Common Minimum Programme |
NDA | National Democratic Alliance |
NDC | National Development Council |
NDTL | net demand and time liabilities |
NEP | National Electricity Policy |
NERGA | National Employment Rural Guarantee act |
NETA | New Electricity Trading Arrangements |
NIC | National Informatics Centre |
NIPFP | National Institute for Public Finance and Policy |
NJBPU | New Jersey Public Bureau of Public Utilities |
NOPR | notice of proposed rulemaking |
NRI | nonresident Indian |
NSDL | National Securities Depository Limited |
NSS | National Sample Survey |
PSBR | public-sector borrowing requirements |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RGGVY | Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana |
SCID | Stanford Center for International Development |
SEB | state electricity board |
SERC | State Electricity Regulatory Commission |
SEZ | Special Economic Zone |
SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |
SLR | statutory liquidity ratio |
SSI | small-scale-industry |
STP | Software Technology Park |
T&D | transmission and distribution |
TFC | Twelfth Finance Commission |
TFP | total factor productivity |
TIN | Tax Information Network |
TRC | Tax Reforms Committee |
UGC | University Grants Commission |
UPA | United Progressive Alliance |
USPTO | U.S. Patent and Trade office |
VAT | value-added tax |
WTO | World Trade Organization |