Consider this book as a testimony of a real immigrant who went through all the hoops and requirements to become an American citizen.
Why this book?
The idea of me writing this book originated many years ago.
In the eyes of the world and especially Western Europe, the USA always was looked upon as a global superpower, leading the way in many aspects of modern society and a leading example of democracy.
In 1994, while I had my own practice in Antwerp, Belgium, as a European-trained osteopath and physical therapist and was teaching at the university level in Belgium, I was contacted by headhunters from the USA offering me and my family to move to the USA because there was a shortage in the USA of professionals in my field.
Being very excited about the opportunity, my family and I moved to Southwest Michigan, where I started working for a regional hospital system and was offered a position as a contract professor at a local university.
During all the years thereafter, I learned to live the American way by working hard and becoming very successful in my profession.
However, I also immediately noticed the very different way of living compared to how society is built in Western Europe.
I learned about the very conservative, puritan behavior of the American people, the weaknesses in the educational system, in medicine, and health care, the judicial system full of inconsistencies and unfairnesses, the rigidness of the democratic system, very conservative ideas about subjects that are generally accepted in Western Europe.
I learned about the lack of interest of the general American public for anything that doesnt happen in the USA, and the apprehensiveness to change.
Europe always looked upon the United States as the big brother, and still until this day. Europe is very thankful that the United States liberated them from the Germans in WWII. From then on, the image of the USA as the protector of the modern Western world was set in stone. But that was seventy-five years ago.
The eagerness of writing this book became even more intensified after what we saw happening during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.
The impression Western Europe had about the George W. Bush administration was one of disbelief. His reelection in 2004 came over as a joke in the eyes of the Western world and was the cause of a drop in the credibility of the USA.
With Barack Obama, the whole world was happy that the USA finally elected someone who was going to bring change but realized very quickly that nothing was going to happen. On the contrary, Barack Obama dug the USA even deeper into the ground.
No system is perfect, but over the years, I realized that the USA is definitely not the ideal example to the world and could do so much better and learn from others if only their leaders and people would even listen and think logically.
During the last few years, weve finally seen some major attempts to bring changes under the President Donald Trump administration. They are intensively and successfully working to correct many of the issues mentioned in this book, but there is a long way to go.
Not being the outspoken lawyer, who speaks above everybodys head, he leads this country like a business, a company, a factory with one intentionto make the USA great again for the sake of the USA and not for being a sugar daddy for the rest of the world.
Despite all the efforts being taken by the media and the Democratic Party to put President Trump and his administration in a bad spotlight, I believe, as many in Europe and the rest of the world, that during the first three years of this administration, more changes for the benefit of this country have been made than the last three presidencies together.
It is a shame to see how the Democratic Party is trying to impeach President Trump with false accusations, false information to their own voters, trying to discredit the efforts taken by the Trump administration. Im sure that the impeachment process was already planned when President Trump took his oath in January 2016.
With the old carcass of Nancy Pelosi in the lead and this new lawyer, who popped up out of nowhere by the name of Adam Schiff (lying weasel, another rich kid who went to Harvard and Stanford, and got his law degree most likely by answering multiple-choice questions with even the FBI caught lying), one can only ask the question how the world sees the USA, who pretends to teach other countries about democracy and cant even come clean about the corruption that is going on in this country. Its an abomination!
If the American people want to see the image of their country to be regained as leader of the world, they should do what they did in November 2015 by voting for Donald Trump and reelect him for another term in 2020.
The American people should follow the example of their own veterans who served (and still serve) this country and risk their life for it by standing up and taking responsibility so that they can truly mean when they say, Im proud to be an American.
Everything I wrote is based on facts that everyone can look up on the internet and based on my own experience by living in this country for twenty-five years. I love this country. I wouldnt want to live anywhere else. I served this country as I did serve my home country, Belgium.
No system is perfect. I only wish that the American people would take a stance and step up to the plate to make this country great again!
Dr. P. Luyckx
Its going to be quite a task to make a comparison between the European and American social, economic, and institutional systems.
It is right to say that both systems are based upon the one true value that is called democracy. In the majority of Western Europe, the constitution is based on the code civil, going back to the reign of Napoleon, whereas in the USA, the constitution was developed by the Founding Fathers in what we all know as the Constitution of the United States signed in 1789.
When the first pilgrims left Europe to find freedom of religion, they didnt know that the continent they moved to would become the base of a superpower centuries later.
It became a superpower in the latter two-thirds of the twentieth century.
As with anything in the USA, people (politicians, intellectuals, and common people) feel the urge that the country needs to go through some changes. It was the main motto of Barak Obama in his run for the presidency in 2007, We want change. This was a first sign of the recognition that this country needed to change or face the reality that it would lose the grip on being a leading power in the world in the future to come.
Looking at the European model of health care, Barack Obama tried to introduce a major change in medical care. It didnt work, not only because the character of the institution itself, ruled by two parties, where the opposition will do everything to boycott any suggestions for change by the other party, but also because in my opinion, one has to look at the whole picture and not just try to change one system without affecting all the other systems that are related to the functioning of a wholelike a country .