The Cuban Revolution
About The Authors
Hugh S. ThomasLord Thomas of Swynnertonan eminent historian and foreign policy adviser to British Prime Minister Thatcher, is currently Chairman of the Centre for Policy Studies, a leading British think tank. Educated at Cambridge University and at the Sorbonne, Lord Thomas served in the British Foreign Office and later became United Kingdom delegate to the United Nations. He also taught at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, before becoming Professor of History and Chairman of Graduate Studies at the University of Reading, where he taught until 1976. Lord Thomas is the author of Cuba: The Pu rsuit of Freedom. He has also published The History of the Spanish Civil War (1961), The Suez Crisis (1967), and The History of the World (1979). Lord Thomas is the chairman of the CSIS Cuba Project working groups.
Dr. Georges Fauriol is a Fellow in Caribbean Basin Studies at the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He is currently Director of the CSIS Cuba Project (the basis for this volume), the Immigration and National Security Project, as well as other Caribbean Basin efforts. He was previously associated with the Foreign Policy Research Institute and worked at the Inter-American Development Bank. Dr. Fauriol is the author of several publications: Guatemala and Central Americas Northern Flank, Caribbean Basin Security (co-authored with Admiral Thomas Moorer), The FAO, Immigration Policy and the National Interest, The Foreign Policy Behavior of Caribbean States , Caribbean Basin Environment: Policy Responses in the 1980s in Strategic Responses to Conflict in the 1980s , and The Americas in Strategic Require mentsfor the Army to the Year 2000.
Juan Carlos Weiss is a Research Assistant in the Latin American Studies Program at CSIS. He has worked on Latin American foreign policy, security, and economic issues, particularly concerning Cuba, Mexico, and Brazil. He, along with William Perry, is the coauthor of The Brazilian Defense Industry: Combining National Security With Commercial Success (forthcoming 1984), Lessons of the Cuban Revolution (Washington Quarterly Winter Issue 1984) and co-editor and contributor to Latin American Insurgency Movements (forthcoming 1984). Mr. Weiss is the rapporteur for the CSIS Cuba Project.
About The Book
January 1984 marked the 25th anniversary of Fidel Castros emergence to power. The Cuban Revolution: 25 Years Later is a product of the CSIS Cuba Project, a long-term effort to focus public as well as policymakers attention on Cuba-related affairs. The lead author, Lord Thomas of Swynnerton, is the dean of political-historical studies on Cuba, and author of the encyclopedic Cuba: The Pursuit of Freedom.
A great deal of myth surrounds the evolution of Cuba since Castros emergence to power over 25 years ago. Some of this myth is the product of official Cuban propaganda; some of it is also due to a generally misinformed American public. Sifting through available data to distinguish between fact and fiction, this book evaluates broadly the impact of Castros regime on Cuba itself. Based on the findings of the CSIS Cuba Project, the book draws on the assessments of 18 top Cuban specialists on the political, economic, cultural, and social development of Cuba since 1959. In contrast to democracies such as Costa Rica, the equalization of society that has taken place under Castros leadership has been accomplished by redistributing existing resources, not by creating new wealth. Moreover, the authors conclude that in politics, culture, and the economy, Cuba under Castro has become and remains rigid, stagnant, enormously militarized, and ideologically absolutist.
CSIS Significant Issues Series Volume VI, Number 11
Series Editors: Amos A. Jordan, William J. Taylor, Jr. Editors: Jean C. Newsom, Nancy B. Eddy
First published 1984 by Westview Press
Published 2019 by Routledge
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Copyright 1984 by The Center for Strategic and International Studies.
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Main entry under title:
The Cuban Revolution, 25 Years Later.
(Significant issues series, ISSN 0736-7163; v. 6 no. 11)
1. Cuba History 1959 2. Cuba History Revolution,
1959Influence. I. Thomas, Hugh,1931 II. Fauriol, GeorgesA. III. Weiss, Juan
Carlos. IV. CSIS Cuba Project. V. Series.
F1788.C827 1984 972.91064 84-10315
ISBN 13: 978-0-367-29111-2 (hbk)
The Center for Strategic and International Studies of Georgetown University is a policy center concerned with providing anticipatory, integrated assessments of major international issues confronting U.S. policymakers. The world about us is constantly changing, sometimes in ways that we only dimly perceive. This is a chronic problem in the Caribbean Basin where our attention is at best cyclical and rarely very thorough or insightful.
The Centers Latin American Studies Program is aimed at making a significant contribution to the development of a realistic, long-term strategy toward the area; a strategy that recognizes regional conditions, reflects U.S. interests, and is acceptable to the U.S. public. A central component of this contribution is the Cuba Project, which is an on-going effort to dispel some of the myths about Cuba and its revolution in order to establish a policy that is balanced and realistic.
This publication has been prepared by a working group involving a diverse mix of the most insightful analysts of Cuban affairs from iis country and abroad. It makes a major contribution to an understanding of the domestic impact of Castros revolution and his government.
Amos A. Jordan
President, CSIS
Events in the Caribbean Basin are at a critical juncture. Rising above the tide of rhetoric are dangerous trends for the regions political security and economic viability. At the epicenter of this geopolitical environment stands Cubafoe to some, model to others.
The Castro revolution of 1959 now stands as a decisive landmark in the modern history of Latin America. Throughout Latin America the magnetism of Castros personality, the indoctrination and regimentation of Cuban society, the communization of the economy, and the ruthlessness of the political system have aroused deep sentiments and caused striking developments within the region. Moreover, Cubas impact over the last 25 years has acquired extra-hemispheric dimensions. In political and military affairs Havana has become a major influence in Third World radicalism and a key component of Soviet global strategy.
A reevaluation of the Castro regime is apropos on the occasion of the Cuban revolutions silver jubilee. In particular the question arises: what is the extent and significance of the thorough permutation of Cuba under Castro? In this period of reappraisals, the Cuban government remains eager to maintain and disseminate a self-created and assiduously cultivated image of constant positive achievements. The domestic transformation of Cubas society has in fact been widely viewed as moving toward the development of a socialist environment. Although no longer viewed as a panacea for the problems of the developing world it is still widely proposed as a problem-solver for Latin Americas social ills, if not those of the entire Third World. But to what degree are these much-publicized images myths? What are the significant feats of the Cuban regime since 1959?