Reform, Rebellion and Party in Mexico, 18361861
Series Editors
Professor David George (Swansea University)
Professor Paul Garner (University of Leeds)
Editorial Board
Samuel Amago (University of Virginia)
Roger Bartra (Universidad Autnoma de Mxico)
Paul Castro (University of Glasgow)
Richard Cleminson (University of Leeds)
Catherine Davies (University of London)
Luisa-Elena Delgado (University of Illinois)
Maria Delgado (Central School of Speech and Drama, London)
Will Fowler (University of St Andrews)
David Gies (University of Virginia)
Gareth Walters (Swansea University)
Duncan Wheeler (University of Leeds)
Other titles in the series
Women, Memory and Dictatorship in
Recent Chilean Fiction: Palabra de Mujer
Gustavo Carvajal
Doa Brbara Unleashed: From Venezuelan
Plains to International Screen
Jenni M. Lehtinen
Ophelia: Shakespeare and Gender in Contemporary Spain
Sharon Keefe Ugalde
Madness and Irrationality in Spanish and Latin American
Literature and Culture
Lloyd Hughes Davies
Fantastic Short Stories by Women Authors from
Spain and Latin America: A Critical Anthology
Patricia Graca and Teresa Lpez-Pellisa
Carmen Martn Gaite: Poetics, Visual Elements and Space
Ester Bautista Botello
The Spanish Anarchists of Northern Australia:
Revolution in the Sugar Cane Fields
Robert Mason

Brian Hamnett, 2022
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e-PDF: 978-1-78683-852-0
ePUB: 978-1-78683-853-7
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Over recent decades the traditional languages and literatures model in Spanish departments in universities in the United Kingdom has been superseded by a contextual, interdisciplinary and area studies approach to the study of the culture, history, society and politics of the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds categories that extend far beyond the confines of the Iberian Peninsula, not only in Latin America but also to Spanish-speaking and Lusophone Africa.
In response to these dynamic trends in research priorities and curriculum development, this series is designed to present both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research within the general field of Iberian and Latin American Studies, particularly studies that explore all aspects of Cultural Production (inter alia literature, film, music, dance, sport) in Spanish, Portuguese, Basque, Catalan, Galician and indigenous languages of Latin America. The series also aims to publish research in the History and Politics of the Hispanic and Lusophone worlds, at the level of both the region and the nation-state, as well as on Cultural Studies that explore the shifting terrains of gender, sexual, racial and postcolonial identities in those same regions.
Dr Josefina Vzquez,
El Colegio de Mxico.
Great scholar and teacher,
who has inspired us all.

A British Academy grant enabled further research for the period from 1824 to 1884 in the reorganised archives in Oaxaca. I am grateful to Dr Manuel Esparza and subsequent Directors of the Oaxaca State Archive for their support. Dr Flor Salazar, Director of the San Luis Potos State Archive, greatly assisted my research. A grant from the Nuffield Foundation enabled several months work in the Historical Archive of the Mexican Defence Ministry. I had the pleasure of talking over many questions with the late Dr Conrado Hernndez, when we were both working there. Conversations and correspondence over many years with Dr Josefina Vzquez, Dr Andrs Lira, Dr Pablo Mijangos, Professor Brian Connaugton and Dr Jos Antonio Serrano Ortega have helped clarify the issues. Professors Connaughton and Guy Thomson kindly read and commented on sections of the manuscript. I greatly miss discussing these themes with the late Professors Jan Bazant, Michael Costeloe and Paul Vanderwood.

AAGENL | Anuario del Archivo General del Estado de Nuevo Len |
AEQ | Archivo del Estado de Quertaro |
AGN | Archivo General de la Nacin, Mexico City |
AGPEO | Archivo General del Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Oaxaca |
AHEG | Archivo Histrico del Estado de Guanajuato |
AHESLP | Archivo Histrico del Estado de San Luis Potos |
AHSDN | Archivo Histrico de la Secretara de Defensa Nacional, Mexico City |
ANO | Archivo de Notaras de Oaxaca |
BEO | Biblioteca del Estado de Oaxaca |
BJDOCS | Benito Jurez Documentos |
BLAR | Bulletin of Latin American Research |
BL | British Library, London |
BN | Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico City |
CD | Coleccin de leyes y decretos del Estado Libre de Oaxaca |
CEHM | Centro de Estudios de Historia de Mxico, Mexico City |
CMMG | Coleccin Manuel Martnez Gracida, Oaxaca |
EHMCM | Estudios de Historia Moderna y Contempornea de Mxico |
FEBJ | Fondo Especial Benito Jurez |
HAHR | Hispanic American Historical Review |