Praise for The New Players in Life Science Innovation
A wealth of insights and foresights about the global rise of the knowledge-based industry. Drivers and modulators from emerging economies make it necessary to look beyond the usual industry sector horizon. Using The New Players in Life Science Innovations well researched and comprehensive road map of India and Chinas approach for becoming future innovative R&D players offers a strong medicine to business leaders who want to build organizations with an understanding on how the future may unfold.
Martina Flammer, Senior Director, Emerging Markets, Pfizer Inc.
This is a stimulating and original take on the changes in the life sciences industry worldwide.
Helen Lawton Smith, Chair, Management Department,
Birkbeck College, University of London
Really understanding the evolution in science and technology around the world demands numbers and analysis, which can be very difficult to find and combine in a clear manner, but thats just what readers get in The New Players in Life Science Innovation.
Mike May, Editorial Director, Scientific American Worldview
The New Players in Life Science Innovation is a valuable resource for academics, policy makers, and practitioners alike as it deals in breadth and depth with currently key related issues in the areas of R&D management, policies, and practices and in the context of a world that is increasingly globalizing as well as dividing. Insights from this book will remain relevant for some time and may well provide prophetic as well. I highly recommend it as a key resource for both academic as well as policy and practice contexts.
Elias Caryannis, Professor of Science, Technology, Innovation, and
Entrepreneurship, School of Business, George Washington University
The book documents that science-based business is no longer the exclusive domain of the West. In the future, competitors from emerging economies will be playing increasingly important roles in life science innovation. This trend is gathering momentum and is indeed irreversible.
Y. Eugene Pak, Director of R&D Sector, Seoul National University
Advanced Institutes of Convergence Technology
Emerging partners and emerging markets are now key. Mroczkowski documents finally what weve been seeing individually as practitioners in technology transfer and biotech business development in recent years. These new regional partners and markets are no longer limited to late stage adaptors or me-too manufacturers, but have the technological capacity and financial strength to push novel early-stage biotech discoveries to market.
Steven M. Ferguson, CLP, Chair, Technology Transfer, Foundation for
Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) Graduate School at NIH
The good old days of the pharma industry are gone, the old models are over, and new paradigms and new paths for future successes are opening up. But we dont know precisely what they are going to be. We are facing a bunch of weak or strong signals, and it is difficult to segregate. This means that trial and error is the name of this new game. We all know how errors are expensive and can be scary, too. To minimize the risk, we need to get to grips with new/emerging R&D and business drivers. Definitively, this book is a very relevant tool to achieve that.
Charles Woler, CEO, Evotec
The New Players in Life Science Innovation
Best Practices in R&D from Around the World
Tomasz Mroczkowski
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2012 by Tomasz Mroczkowski
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Mroczkowski, Tomasz F.
The new players in life science innovation : best practices in R&D from around the world /
Tomasz F. Mroczkowski.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-13-211990-0 (hbk. : alk. paper)
1. Biotechnology industries--Developing countries. 2. Life sciences--Research--Developing
3. Research, Industrial--Developing countries. 4. Technology and state--Developing
countries. 5.
Science and state--Developing countries. 6. Industrial policy--Developing countries. I. Title.
HD9999.B443D486 2012
ISBN-10: 0-13-211990-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-211990-0
To my wife, Joanna, and our children,
Janek, Basak, Magda, and Adrian
This book required extensive research, travel, and fact checking. The chapters took shape often as a result of lively discussions with colleagues in academe and industry in a number of countries. The book would not have been written without the help and generous support of a number of people.
First, I want to thank my family, and especially my wife, for their patience and support during the time I was researching and writing the book.
I extend warm thanks to Roland Kozlowski, Martina Flammer, Pamela Demain, and Richard Scroth, who shared with me their profound knowledge of the biopharmaceutical industry. They also read chapter drafts and provided valuable comments and criticisms. Discussions with Janek Rozycki helped me greatly in understanding better recent developments within genomics and molecular biology and how they impact the life sciencebased industry. Dr. Eugene Pak and Miroslaw Miller provided me with information and invaluable insights about the emerging innovation clusters they are involved with.
I want to thank colleagues at the Kogod School of Business: Kathy Getz for her unfailing support for the book project, Michel LeGoc and Shyam Chidamber for valuable comments and insights, and Bonnie Auslander for reading and providing editorial comments on several chapters. I wish also to acknowledge the support of The Kogod Global Management Institute for some of the research during the final phase of the project, without which the book would not have been completed on time.
I also want to extend special thanks to my research assistants, who performed a tremendous amount of diligent work on behalf of the book: Shareen Jolly, Camilla Kuo, Ozden Deniz, and Nicole Jawerth. Their patience and dedication was remarkable.
About the Author
Tomasz Mroczkowski