About the Author
JAY WEINSTEIN is professor and former head of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). He received his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois and his M.A. from Washington University, St. Louis. He has taught and conducted research in the fields of demography, social change, and urban sociology at EMU, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Iowa, and was twice Fulbright Professor in India. He has served as president of the North Central Sociological Association, the Society for Applied Sociology, and the Michigan Sociological Association and as chair of the American Sociological Association Council on Sociological Practice. He is the recipient of the John F. Schnabel Award for lifetime Achievements in Teaching Sociology, two EMU Excellence in Teaching Awards, the Charles Horton Cooley Award for Outstanding Contributions to Sociology in Michigan, the Alex Boros Award for contributions to the field of applied sociology, and the Marvin Olsen Award for Service to the Profession.
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