A series edited by Nancy Rose Hunt and Achille Mbembe
Islam and Racial Capitalism in Algeria
Durham and London 2022
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Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
Designed by A. Mattson Gallagher
Typeset in Garamond Premier Pro, Univers, and Clarendon
by Westchester Publishing Services
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Davis, Muriam Haleh, author.
Title: Markets of civilization : Islam and racial capitalism in Algeria / Muriam Haleh Davis.
Description: Durham : Duke University Press, 2022. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021052363 (print) | LCCN 2021052364 (ebook) | ISBN 9781478015871 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781478018506 (paperback) | ISBN 9781478023104 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: RaceReligious aspects. | Islam and politicsAlgeria. | MuslimsAlgeriaEconomic conditions. | AlgeriaHistory1830-1962. | AlgeriaHistory1962-1990. | FranceColoniesEconomic policy. | AlgeriaColonial influence. | BISAC: HISTORY / Africa / North | POLITICAL SCIENCE / Colonialism & Post-Colonialism
Classification: LCC DT285 .D37 2022 (print) | LCC DT285 (ebook) | DDC 305.6/97065dc23/eng/20220420
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
Cover art: Bachir Yells, Plan Quadriennal postage stamp, Algeria, 1970s. Courtesy of the artist.
Duke University Press gratefully acknowledges the Humanities Institute at the University of California Santa Cruz, which provided funds toward the publication of this book.
For my parents
AFCAL | Association pour la formation et le perfectionnement des cadres agricoles dAlgrie |
ALN | Arme de libration nationale |
AUMA | Association des ulmas musulmans algriens |
BNASS | Bureau national danimation du secteur socialiste |
CACAM | Caisse algrienne de crdit agricole mutuel |
CAPER | Caisse daccession la proprit et lexploitation rurale |
CDC | Caisse des dpts et consignations |
CEDA | Caisse dquipement du dveloppement de lAlgrie |
CGP | Commissariat gnral au plan |
CHEAM | Centre des hautes tudes sur lAfrique et lAsie modernes |
CIRL | Centre international dtudes pour la rnovation du libralisme |
CREA | Centre de recherches conomiques appliques |
DRS | Dfense et restauration des sols |
ENA | toile nord-africaine |
FA | Fdration anarchiste |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
FFS | Front des forces socialistes |
FIDES | Fonds dinvestissement pour le dveloppement conomique et social |
FIO | Fdration internationale doliculture |
FIS | Front islamique du salut |
FLN | Front de libration nationale |
GPRA | Gouvernement provisoire de la Rpublique Algrienne |
ICO | Information et correspondance ouvrire |
IEDES | Institut dtudes du dveloppement conomique et sociale |
INA | Institut national agronomique |
INSEE | Institut national de la statistique et des tudes conomiques |
IRFED | Institut international de recherche de formation ducation et dveloppement |
MNA | Mouvement national algrien |
MPS | Mont Plerin Society |
MTLD | Mouvement pour le triomphe des liberts dmocratiques |
OAS | Organisation de larme secrte |
OCDE | Organisation de coopration et de dveloppement conomiques |
OCRS | Organisation commune des rgions sahariennes |
OECE | Organisation europenne de coopration conomique |
OFALAC | Office algrien daction conomique et touristique |
ONACO | Office national de commercialisation |
ONRA | Office national de la rforme agraire |
PCA | Parti communiste algrien |
PCF | Parti communiste franais |
SAP | Sections agricoles de prvoyance |
SAS | Sections administratives spcialises |
SCET | Socit centrale dquipement du territoire |
SEAA | Secrtariat dtat charg des affaires algriennes |
SEDES | Socit dtudes pour le dveloppement conomique et social |
SGCI | Secrtariat gnral du comit interministriel pour les questions de coopration conomique europenne |
SIP | Socits indignes de prvoyance |
UGTA | Union gnrale des travailleurs algriens |
In transliterating words from Arabic, I have used a modified version of the guidelines of the International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES), omitting all diacritics except for the ayn () and hamza (). I have adopted the most common spellings for proper names (i.e., Ben Bella rather than Ibn or Bin Balla, Oran rather than Wahran), at times leaving out the ayn or hamza (as with Ferhat Abbas). In general, I have used the more common spelling in the body of the text (fellah, Abdel Nasser), but opted for a more accurate transliteration when citing these terms in the endnotes (fallah, Abd al-Nasir).
Working between common French and English transliteration produced a few inconsistencies. For example, the definite article in Arabic is often written al- in English, but I have kept the original spelling when quoting from French sources (as in El Khayen or el baraka). I have followed a similar strategy in my endnotes; when French sources use a spelling different from my transliteration, I remain true to the former. For example, while I have transliterated the term for ex-combatants from the War of Independence as anciens mujahidin in the text, the term sometimes appears as anciens moudjahidine when I cite French archives. The notes also alternate between French and English titles for organizations. I have opted to use English names when the French translation is clear (Direction of the Plan and Economic Studies, General Planning Commission), but otherwise used the original French (Caisse daccession la proprit et lexploitation rurale). My goal has been to make these terms legible for my readers so they can navigate archival catalogs or follow up on my references. In documenting the many organizations that played a role in economic development, as well as their acronyms, readers will find English translations in parentheses following the original French.
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