Copyright and publication details
Against Imprisonment: An Anthology of Abolitionist Essays
David Scott
ISBN 978-1-909976-54-2 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-1-910979-53-2 (Epub E-book)
ISBN 978-1-910979-54-9 (Adobe E-book)
Copyright 2018 This work is the copyright of David Scott. All intellectual property and associated rights are hereby asserted and reserved by the author in full compliance with UK, European and international law. No part of this book may be copied, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, including in hard copy or via the internet, without the prior written permission of the publishers to whom all such rights have been assigned worldwide.
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Table of Contents
List of Tables
I would like to thank all of my excellent friends and colleagues at the Open University for their encouragement, especially Avi Boukli, Victoria Canning, Mary Carter, Vickie Cooper, Linda Copeland, Lynne Copson, Deborah Drake, Julia Downes, Ross Ferguson, Samantha Fletcher, Jacqui Gabb, Sian Hamlett, Kier-Irwin Rogers, Gabi Kent, James Mehigan, Gerry Mooney, Adam Nightingale, Alison Penn, Abigail Rowe, Steve Tombs, Amanda Vaughan, Louise Westmarland and Nicola Yeates. Many thanks are also due to my friends and family for their constant encouragement and helpful distractions, especially Fabrice Andrieux, Michelle Denham, Neil Denham, Ian Nickson, Emily Nickson, Kim Nickson, Michael Parkin, Richard Wilbraham, Sue Wilbraham, Eric Wilbraham, Doug Wilbraham, Helen Maher, John Roland Scott, Ben Scott and Ian Scott.
I would also like to thank all the activists engaged in struggles against inequalities and the penal industrial complex in the United Kingdom I salute you for your commitment, solidarity and direct engagement. Finally I would also like to say a special thank you to all my friends in the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control. In particular, thank you Chris Allen, Kym Atkinson, Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi, Giles Barrett Alana Barton, Anette Ballinger, Vanessa Barker, Andrea Beckmann, Monish Bhatia, Michelle Brown, Tony Brockovich, Tony Broxson, Tony Bunyan, Bree Carlton, Eamonn Carrabine, Mick Cavadino, Kathryn Chadwick, Gilles Chantraine, Becky Clarke, Roy Coleman, Deborah Coles, Mary Corcoran, Janet Cunliffe, Tom Daems, Marion Dammit, Pamela Davies, James Deane, John Dennison, Anita Dockley, Andrew Douglas, Anne Egelund, Yarin Eski, Billy Frank, Peter Francis, Stratos Georgoulas, Joanna Gilmore, Barry Goldson, Helena Gosling, Fabrice Guilbaud, Penny Green, Sarah Greenhow, Simon Hallsworth, Emily Luise Hart, Anne Hayes, Andrew Henley, Paddy Hillyard, Jim Hollinshead, Antoinette Huber, William Jackson, Janet Jamieson, Andrew Jefferson, Robert Jones, Elton Kalica, Laura Margaret Kelly, Sarah Lamble, Alessandro Maculan, Margaret Malloch, Thomas Mathiesen, Simon Mackenzie, Maureen Mansfield, Maeve McMahon, Will McMahon, John Moore, Linda Moore, Wayne Morrison, Bepe Mosconi, Ida Nafstad, Martin OBrien, Christina Pantazis, Georgios Papanicolaou, Justin Pich, Hannah Pittaway, Scott Poynting, Paddy Rawlinson, Rebecca Roberts, Mick Ryan, Simone Santorso, Alvise Sbraccia, Holger Schmidt, Sebastian Scheerer, Phil Scraton, Joe Sim, Ann Singleton, Paula Skidmore, Ragnhild Sollund, Faith Spear, Carly Speed, Lizzy Stanley, Rene van Swaaningen, Sarah Tickle, Katherine Tucker, Waqas Tufail, David Tyrer, Francesca Vianello, Reece Walters, Steve Wakeman, Tony Ward, Lisa White, David Whyte, Patrick Williams, Tunde Zak-Williams and Per Jorgen Ystehede.
Despite all of the help of the above I take responsibility for any errors that lie within.