Chinas Thought Management
Chinas Thought Management argues that by re-emphasizing and modernizing propaganda and thought work since 1989, the CCP has managed to overcome a succession of local and national level crises the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the impact of the collapse of socialism in the Eastern Bloc, SARS, ethnic clashes in Tibet and Xinjiang, to name but a few emerging re-strengthened and as dominant in Chinese society as ever. The contributors to this book address such crucial issues as the new emphasis on economic propaganda, the continued importance of the PLA propaganda system in Chinas overall propaganda work and political stability, how the CCP uses Confu-talk in its foreign and domestic propaganda, and new approaches to mass persuasion such as campaigns of mass distraction..Each chapter is a case study of the multiple ways in which the CCP has modified and adjusted its propaganda to reflect Chinas changed economic and political environment.
Challenging readers to reconceptualize mainstream understandings of the CCPs hold on power and the means the CCP government adopts to maintain its authority to rule, this book will be invaluable reading for anyone interested in the Chinese media and Chinese politics.
Anne-Marie Brady is Associate Professor in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Routledge studies on China in transition
Series editor: David S. G. Goodman
1 The Democratisation of China
Baogang He
2 Beyond Beijing
Dali Yang
3 Chinas Enterprise Reform
Changing state/society relations after Mao
You Ji
4 Industrial Change in China
Economic restructuring and conflicting interests
Kate Hannan
5 The Entrepreneurial State in China
Real estate and commerce departments in reform era Tianjin
Jane Duckett
6 Tourism and Modernity in China
Tim Oakes
7 Cities in Post Mao China
Recipes for economic development in the reform era
Jae Ho Chung
8 Chinas Spatial Economic Development
Regional transformation in the Lower Yangzi Delta
Andrew M. Marton
9 Regional Development in China
States, globalization and inequality
Yehua Dennis Wei
10 Grassroots Charisma
Four local leaders in China
Stephan Feuchtwang and Wang Mingming
11 The Chinese Legal System
Globalization and local legal culture
Pitman B. Potter
12 Transforming Rural China
How local institutions shape property rights in China
Chi-Jou Jay Chen
13 Negotiating Ethnicity in China
Citizenship as a response to the state
Chih-yu Shih
14 Manager Empowerment in China
Political implications of rural industrialisation in the reform era
Ray Yep
15 Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary China
The search for national identity under reform
Yingjie Guo
16 Elite Dualism and Leadership Selection in China
Xiaowei Zang
17 Chinese Intellectuals Between State and Market
Edward Gu and Merle Goldman
18 China, Sex and Prostitution
Elaine Jeffreys
19 The Development of Chinas Stockmarket, 19842002
Equity politics and market institutions
Stephen Green
20 Chinas Rational Entrepreneurs
The development of the new private business sector
Barbara Krug
21 Chinas Scientific Elite
Cong Cao
22 Locating China
Jing Wang
23 State and Laid-OffWorkers in Reform China
The silence and collective action of the retrenched
Yongshun Cai
24 Translocal China
Linkages, identities and the reimagining of space
Tim Oakes and Louisa Schein
25 International Aid and Chinas Environment
Taming the yellow dragon
Katherine Morton
26 Sex and Sexuality in China
Edited by Elaine Jeffreys
27 Chinas Reforms and International Political Economy
Edited by David Zweig and Chen Zhimin
28 Ethnicity and Urban Life in China
A comparative study of Hui Muslims and Han
Chinese Xiaowei Zang
29 Chinas Urban Space
Development under market socialism
T. G. McGee, George C. S. Lin, Mark Y. L. Wang, Andrew M. Marton and Jiaping Wu
30 Chinas Embedded Activism
Opportunities and constraints of a social movement
Edited by Richard Louis Edmonds and Peter Ho
31 Marketization and Democracy in China
Jianjun Zhang
32 The Chinese State in Transition
Processes and contests in local China
Edited by Linda Chelan Li
33 Chinas Governmentalities
Governing change, changing government
Edited by Elaine Jeffreys
34 Chinas Cotton Industry
Economic transformation and state capacity
Bjrn Alpermann
35 Serious Crime in China
Policing and politics
Susan Trevaskes
36 The Chinese States Retreat from Health
Policy and the politics of retrenchment
Jane Duckett
37 Chinas Changing WelfareMix
Local perspectives
Edited by Beatriz Carrillo and Jane Duckett
38 Small Town China
Rural labour and social inclusion
Beatriz Carrillo
39 Tiger Girls
Women and enterprise in the Peoples Republic of China
Minglu Chen
40 Chinas Thought Management
Edited by Anne-Marie Brady
First published 2012 by Routledge
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by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
2012 editorial selection and matter, Anne-Marie Brady; individual contributions, the contributors.
The right of Anne-Marie Brady to be identified as editor of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Chinas thought management / edited by Anne-Marie Brady.
p. cm. - - (Routledge studies on China in transition ; 40)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Propaganda, Chinese. 2. Propaganda, International. 3. Public relations and politics- -China. 4. Social control- -China. 5. China- -Politics and government- -2002- I. Brady, Anne-Marie.
JQ1512.Z13P8526 2011
303.3750951- -dc22
ISBN 978-0-415-61673-7 (hbk)
ISBN 978-0-203-80345-5 (ebk)