London 2021
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978-1-914208-47-8 (Softcover)
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Constantin von Hoffmeister
Cover and Layout
Tor Westman
The Great Reset
Prince Charless Five Points
I n 2020, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the forums founder, Klaus Schwab, and Charles, the Prince of Wales, proclaimed a new course for humanity, the Great Reset.
The plan, according to the Prince of Wales, consists of five points:
1. To capture the imagination and will of humanitychange will only happen if people really want it;
2. The economic recovery must put the world on the path of sustainable employment, livelihood and growth. Longstanding incentive structures that have had perverse effects on our planetary environment and nature herself must be reinvented;
3. Systems and pathways must be redesigned to advance net zero transitions globally. Carbon pricing can provide a critical pathway to a sustainable market;
4. Science, technology and innovation need reinvigorating. Humanity is on the verge of catalytic breakthroughs that will alter our view of what it possible and profitable in the framework of a sustainable future;
5. Investment must be rebalanced. Accelerating green investments can offer job opportunities in green energy, the circular and bio-economy, eco-tourism and green public infrastructure.
The term sustainable is a part of the most important concept of the Club of Romesustainable development. This theory is based on yet another theorythe limits of growth, according to which the overpopulation of the planet has reached a critical point (which implies the need to reduce the birth rate).
The fact that the word sustainable is used in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which, according to some analysts, should lead to population decline, has caused a significant reaction globally.
The main points of the Great Reset are:
Control over public consciousness on a global scale, which is at the heart of cancel culturethe introduction of censorship on networks controlled by the globalists (point 1);
Transition to an ecological economy and rejection of modern industrial structures (points 2 and 5);
Humanitys entry into the 4th economic order (to which the previous Davos meeting was devoted), i.e. the gradual replacement of the workforce by cyborgs and implementation of advanced artificial intelligence on a global scale (point 3).
The main idea of the Great Reset is the continuation of globalisation and the strengthening of globalism after a series of failures: the conservative presidency of anti-globalist Trump, the growing influence of a multipolar worldespecially of China and Russia, the rise of Islamic countries like Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and their withdrawal from the influence of the West.
At the Davos Forum, representatives of the global liberal elites declared the mobilisation of their structures in anticipation of Bidens presidency and the victory of the Democrats in the USA, something they strongly desire.
The marker of the globalist agenda is the Jeff Smith song Build Back Better (Joe Bidens campaign slogan). Meaning that after a series of setbacks (such as a typhoon or Hurricane Katrina), people (meaning the globalists) build back better infrastructure than they had before.
The Great Reset begins with Bidens victory.
World leaders, heads of major corporationsBig Tech, Big Data, Big Finance, etc.came together and mobilised to defeat their opponentsTrump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Erdogan, Ayatollah Khamenei, and others. The beginning was to snatch victory from Trump using new technologiesthrough capturing imaginations (point 1), the introduction of internet censorship, and the manipulation of the mail-in vote.
Bidens arrival in the White House means that the globalists are moving on to the next steps.
This will affect all areas of lifethe globalists are going back to the point where Trump and other poles of rising multipolarity had stopped them. And this is where mind control (through censorship and manipulation of social media, total surveillance and data collection of everyone) and the introduction of new technologies play a key role.
The Covid-19 epidemic is an excuse for this. Under the guise of sanitary hygiene, the Great Reset expects to dramatically alter the structures of control of the globalist elites over the worlds population.
The inauguration of Joe Biden and the decrees he has already signed (overturning virtually all of Trumps decisions) means that the plan has begun to be put into action.
In his speech on the new course of U.S. foreign policy, Biden voiced the main directions of globalist policy. It may seem new, but only in part, and only in comparison with Trumps policies. On the whole, Biden simply announced a return to the previous vector:
Putting global interests ahead of national interests;
Strengthening the structures of World Government and its branches in the form of global supranational organisations and economic structures;
Strengthening the NATO bloc and cooperation with all globalist forces and regimes;
The promotion and deepening of democratic change on a global scale, which in practice means:
1. escalating relations with those countries and regimes that reject globalisationfirst of all, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, etc;
2. an increased U.S. military presence in the Middle East, Europe and Africa;
3. the spread of instability and colour revolutions;
4. widespread use of demonisation, de-platforming and network ostracism (cancel culture) against all those who hold views different from the globalist one (both abroad and in the U.S. itself).
Thus, the new White House leadership not only does not show the slightest willingness to have an equal dialogue with anyone, but only tightens its own liberal discourse, which does not tolerate any objection. Globalism is entering a totalitarian phase. This makes the possibility of new warsincluding an increased risk of World War IIImore than likely.
The Geopolitics of the Great Reset
The globalist Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which expresses the position of U.S. neoconservative circles, recently released a report recommending to Biden that some of Trumps positions such as:
1. increasing opposition to China,
2. increased pressure on Iran
are positive, and that Biden should continue to move along these axes in foreign policy.
The reports authors, on the other hand, condemned Trumps foreign policy actions such as:
1. working to disintegrate NATO;
2. rapprochement with totalitarian leaders (Chinese, DPRK, and Russian);
3. a bad deal with the Taliban;
4. withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.
Thus, the Great Reset in geopolitics will mean a combination of democracy promotion and neoconservative aggressive strategy of full-scale domination, which is the main vector of neoconservative policy. At the same time, Biden is advised to continue and increase the confrontation with Iran and China, but the main focus should be on the fight against Russia. And this requires strengthening NATO and expanding the U.S. presence in the Middle East and Central Asia.
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