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Robert W. Malone - Lies My Govt Told Me: And the Better Future Coming

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Robert W. Malone Lies My Govt Told Me: And the Better Future Coming
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With contributions from eminent doctors, scientists, and experts in their fields, Lies My Govt Told Me offers a comprehensive look at the coronavirus pandemicwhere we are today, how we got here, and whats on the horizon. Challenging the mainstream government-pharma-media narrative, the chapters in this book will not only outrage readers but will also inform and give readers hope.

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Copyright 2022 by Robert W Malone All Rights Reserved No part of this book - photo 1

Copyright 2022 by Robert W Malone All Rights Reserved No part of this book - photo 2

Copyright 2022 by Robert W. Malone

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should be addressed to Skyhorse Publishing, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.

Print ISBN: 978-1-5107-7324-0

eBook ISBN: 978-1-5107-7325-7

Cover design by Brian Peterson

Printed in the United States of America

Dr. Malones experiences working in basic science and biodefense, along with his incisive analysis, perceptivity, and clarity of thought, make his book a fascinating read that will leave you in wonder and admiration of the breadth and depth of his insights. The forces he understands so well will continue flexing their influence unless deterred by trustworthy leadership and a resistant public.

Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD , Florida Surgeon General and author of Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health

Reading this book is a bit like having a surrealistic nightmare, but one you dont wake up from. Although factual, informative, and not sentimental, the story is blood-curdlingwith a magnitude of scandal that defies any imagination. Roberts deep insights into the system leave us with profound disappointment and disdain for all those involved in this crime against humanity, while offering a realistic perspective to our children and grandchildren for a better way forward.

Geert Vanden Bossche , PhD, virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)

To understand the devastation of our times, to comprehend the scale and depth of the emergency that we face, Robert Malone is the leading person in the world you want as your guide. His scintillating book, filled with candid truths only he would know, is a gift to the worldto you, me, and everyone who seeks to understand. For decades, he has been at the center of the arena, as a scientist, intellectual, and moral force. His credentials are impeccable, even legendarybut just as remarkable is his willingness to speak. He could have been like so many others in his echelon of knowledge; he could have joined the junta of control, played along, or just stayed quiet. Something inside this man said, No. And his moral compass guided him, same as so many other dissidents today. People who care owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Malone for this literary achievement.

Jeffrey Tucker , author, founder of the Brownstone Institute

Essential reading for anyone willing to comprehend the madness we have endured during the past few years.

Paul Marik, MD , former professor of medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School

Dr. Robert Malones expertise and knowledge in the fields of vaccinology and infectious disease countermeasure technology is unparalleled. Despite this, he was systemically banned and censored by big tech and the US government for merely sharing his views. His book provides a road map for our nation to reform our crony capitalist society before even more harm results.

Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS , author of The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered the Biggest Lie in History

Melding brainpower with compassion and solid values, Robert and Jill Malone stand out among the COVID truth-tellers. They have stayed grounded; they have continued to act with integrity and grace as they led the rest of us toward truth. Now they have the generosity to produce a work like this: a book that tells us exactly where we are, how we got here, and how we can create the world we must now bring into being.

Meryl Nass, MD

Robert Malone might have been the most influential critical thinker and voice during the corona crisis. He continued to speak out, no matter how much resistance he met.

Mattias Desmet , professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University

Dr. Robert Malone gives us an essential, captivating, and comprehensive guide to our historical moment, from lockdowns and mRNA vaccines to the administrative state and the game plan to control people via propaganda and groupthink. A scientist who also has deep knowledge of government, history, politics, and psychology, as well as great personal courage, Dr. Malone gives us this page-turning overview of where we are and how to move forward with our humanity intact.

Naomi Wolf , bestselling author of The Beauty Myth

As one of the top vaccinology experts, and the inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Malone was naturally tapped by the government to help in the early stages of the COVID pandemic. When he began to ask hard questions, the fury of censorship and coordinated personal attacks led him on a journey of self-discovery and awakening. This book reveals the truth of the last two-plus years and exposes how our public health institutions really make the sausage.

Ed Dowd, former Black Rock managing director, author of Cause Unknown

An extraordinary and deeply researched tour through the engineered global brainwashing experiment known as the COVID-19 pandemic. Through hard-hitting, data-driven critiques authored by the brightest medical science thinkers of our time, this book bears witness to the true COVID conspiracy unleashed upon the world. If Western medicine is to be salvaged in the aftermath of this worldwide pandemic fraud, it will require an honest reading of this groundbreaking book that, if properly considered, can change the course of the history of medicine. Dr. Robert Malone and all his co-authors are to be applauded for their courage, determination, and passion, telling the unpopular truth in an age of convenient lies.

Mike Adams , founder, NaturalNews.com and Brighteon.com

Soon after the madness started, I stumbled across Robert Malone in the forest of the online world. His presence, his voice, what he had to say and why, were balm for my troubled soul. Here in this book is the story that explains why this softly spoken man did what he did. He has been true north for so many who felt utterly lost. I have nothing to offer but gratitude.

Neil Oliver , author and GB News host

Dr. Malones critical thinking skills were honed while working with US military intelligence. His precise analysis of the COVID science was not only accurate, but presciently predicted what is now widely accepted. He exposed the lies and fraud of the COVID narrative early on, including during a Joe Rogan podcast that is among the most watched of all time. This book goes further into the truth that attracted those 50 million views.

Dr. Joseph Mercola, founder of Mercola.com, the most visited natural health site on the internet for the last twenty years

A Tribute to My Partner in Everything

The truth of the matter is that both my daily life and this book have been a partnership, and Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone PhD (Biotechnology and Public Policy) has contributed at least as much as I have to the resulting products. We requested that she be listed as a coauthor, but the (sky)horse had already left the barnthe cover graphics were prepared long ago, initial marketing had already been done, and the project had developed such momentum that we could not turn it around. She often writes under my name, after all these years we still routinely finish each others sentences, and this book absolutely would not have been completed without her constant effort, intellectual contributions, advice, daily writing and editing for over a year now. Her spirit, ethical compass, and probing mind is interlaced throughout the resulting work. At our wedding so many decades ago, I read the passage from Kahil Gibrans The Prophet concerning marriage, and as I look back, I believe that we have lived to that advice. Over the many years of our partnership, we have truly become both two separate and one together. When you read the word I in this book, often it should really read we, as both have experienced each of these events as one, and the journey of the book and the intellectual insights herein have emerged from our constant shared dialog. Allowing my sole authorship while so freely giving of herself has been her gift to me, but the reader should know that the product has completely been a joint effort, and will please recognize and acknowledge the shy intellectual genius tomboy who has been woven throughout these pages. If you read carefully, you will see her peek out here and there from behind the words and ideas. Thank you, Jill, for all that you do, have done, and have freely given these many, many years. I look forward to many more, continuing to love and protect, and hope that we can return someday soon to our quiet life together of farm, gardening, horses, and dogs, far from the madding crowd.

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