Women and Disasters in South Asia
This volume provides an important contribution to the scientific literature by [not only offering] new data and analyses, but also indicating what ought to be done for policy and practice [A] solid overview of gender and disaster for countries across South Asia, informing the rest of world.
(Ilan Kelman, Reader, Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction and Institute for Global Health, University College London, UK)
South Asia is one of the most vulnerable areas of an increasingly disaster-impacted world, with cyclones, earthquakes, floods and droughts causing several casualties and disrupting lives and livelihoods every year. Yet the impacts of disasters are not equally distributed across the peoples of the region. Women and men experience disaster differently, and their needs in the aftermath of disaster often differ.
Bringing together perspectives from academics, emergency response specialists and development practitioners, the volume investigates to what extent and in what ways gender affects the course of post-disaster reconstruction. Conversely, it also explores in what ways gender politics may be altered by disaster and post-disaster reconstruction.
The study includes:
- a comprehensive overview of key issues facing women and men, as gendered beings, in reconstruction and development;
- a targeted observation of specific South Asian disaster contexts; and
- a sustained discussion of case studies and their implications and lessons.
This book will interest scholars and researchers of disaster management, rehabilitation studies, gender, environment, ecology and sociology. It will also be useful to institutions dealing with natural and man-made disasters, non-governmental organisations and disaster recovery professionals.
Linda Racioppi is Professor of Comparative Cultures and Politics, and International Relations, Michigan State University, USA.
Swarna Rajagopalan is an independent scholar and Managing Trustee, The Prajnya Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
First published 2016
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2016 selection and editorial matter, Linda Racioppi and Swarna Rajagopalan; individual chapters, the contributors
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ISBN: 978-1-138-12208-6 (hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-65063-0 (ebk)
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Madhavi Malalgoda Ariyabandu is Sub-Regional Coordinator, Central Asia and South Caucasus, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Mihir Bhatt is Ashoka International Fellow, Fellow of Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, and leads the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Zenaida Delica-Willison has been the disaster risk reduction adviser of the United Nations Office for SouthSouth Cooperation (UNOSSC, formerly the Special Unit for SouthSouth Cooperation in UNDP).
Prema Gopalan is Founder and Executive Director of Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Pamela Jenkins is Professor of Sociology, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA. She is also Associate Member of the UNOs Center for Hazard Assessment, Response and Technology.
Vinay Kumar is Secretary of Water Action, West Champaran, Bihar, India.
Ramona Miranda is a development communications professional currently serving on the steering committee of Duryog Nivaran.
Julia Novak Colwell is a doctoral student in Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University, Michigan, USA.
Mehul Pandya is at the All India Disaster Management Institute, Gujarat, India.
Brenda Phillips is Associate Dean, Ohio UniversityChillicothe, Ohio, USA.
Chaman Pincha is an international gender consultant and trainer with a focus on humanitarian actions and disaster-risk reduction.
Pradeep Poddar is Programme Officer for Megh Pyne Abhiyan, Bihar, an organisation that works in the flood-prone areas of north Bihar, India.
Eklavya Prasad is a development specialist and Managing Trustee of Megh Pyne Abhiyan, New Delhi, India.
Linda Racioppi is Professor of Comparative Cultures and Politics, and International Relations, Michigan State University, USA.
Swarna Rajagopalan is an independent scholar and Managing Trustee, The Prajnya Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Nibedita S. Ray-Bennett is Lecturer in Risk Management at the University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom. She manages the MSc Programme on Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management.
Sabrina Regmi is a doctoral candidate based in Japan and researches on gender studies. She has worked as a freelance researcher on women, development and disasters in Nepal.
Ranju H. Sahoo is Associate Professor, Department of Sociology & Social Anthropology, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Sana Saleem is a blogger and activist based in Pakistan and one of the founders of Bolo Bhi, a non-profit organisation engaged in research and advocacy on gender and Internet rights.
Mamata Swain is Dean, School of Social Sciences, and Professor of Economics, Ravenshaw University, Odisha, India.
Mrutunjay Swain is Senior Research Officer and Assistant Professor (SS) at the Agro-Economic Research Centre, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India.
Prem Verma is Secretary of Samta, Khagaria, Bihar, India.
Kusala Wettasinghe is an independent psychosocial practitioner based in Sri Lanka.