Volume 1
Edited by
First published in 1986
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1986 Thomas Childers
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The Formation of the Nazi Constituency 19191933
Edited by
Thomas Childers 1986
Croom Helm Ltd, Provident House, Burrell Row
Beckenham, Kent BR3 1AT
Croom Helm Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 4, 6th Floor
6476 Kippax Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
The Mobilization of Nazi support 19181933.
1. National socialismHistory
2. GermanyPolitics and government19181933
I. Childers, Thomas, 1946
335.60943 DD240
ISBN 0709934599
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Biddles Ltd, Guildford and Kings Lynn
Thomas Childers
Rudy Koshar
Zdenek Zofka
Detlef Mhlberger
Michaela W. Richter
Richard Bessel
Michael H. Kater
Jane Caplan
Jrgen W. Falter
Thomas Childers
Richard Bessel is Lecturer in History at the Open University and the author of Political Violence and the Rise of Nazism. At present he is completing a work on German demobilisation at the end of the First World War.
Jane Caplan is Assistant Professor of History at Bryn Mawr College. She has written numerous articles and reviews on modern German history and is preparing a study of the civil service in Nazi Germany.
Thomas Childers is Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of The Nazi Voter. He is currently at work on a history of Nazi propaganda before 1933.
Jrgen W. Falter is Professor of History at the Freie Universitt in West Berlin. He is the author of works on political sociology and electoral behaviour and is at present director of a major research project on National Socialist voting in Germany and Austria.
Michael H. Kater is Professor of History at York University in Canada. He has written extensively on Weimar and Nazi Germany. His most recent book is The Nazi Party, and he is currently working on a study of the medical profession under National Socialism.
Rudy Koshar is Associate Professor of History at the University of Southern California and the author of many essays and reviews in the field of modern German history. His most recent book is Social Life, Local Politics, and Nazism(1986).
Detlef Mhlberger teaches history at Oxford Polytechnic and is the author of a dissertation on National Socialism in Westphalia as well as articles on the social composition of the pre-1933 NSDAP.
Michaela W. Richter is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. At present she is completing an analysis of the relationship between European protest movements and political parties in both contemporary and historical contexts.
Zdenek Zofka is an historian based in Munich. He was a participant in the important Bayern in der NS Zeit project, and is the author of Die Ausbreitung des Nationalsozialismus auf dem Lande.
Parties and Organisations
DDP/DSP | Deutsche Demokratische Partei/Deutsche Staatspartei |
DNVP | Deutschnationale Volkspartei |
DVP | Deutsche Volkspartei |
KPD | Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands |
NSB | Nationalsozialistisher rtzebund |
NSDAP | Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei |
NSDStB | Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund |
RL | Reichsleitung (der NSDAP) |
RPL | Reichspropaganda Leitung (der NSDAP) |
SPD | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands |
VB | Vlkischer Block |
Z | Zentrum |
DHS | Deutsche Hochschulstatistik |
DSt | Deutsche Studentenschaft |
HJLG | Hessisches Jahrbuch fr Landesgeschichte |
HLZ | Hessische Landeszeitung |
HMB/Mfr. | Halbmonatsberichte/Mittelfranken |
HMB/Ofr. | Halbmonatsberichte/Oberfranken |
HT | Hessisches Tageblatt |
HV | Hessische Volkswacht |
NSBZ | Nationalsozialistische Beamtenzeitung |
OZ | Oberhessische Zeitung |
SJDS | Statistisches Jahrbuch deutscher Stdte |
StDr | Statistik des Deutschen Reichs |
SVB | Schwbisches Volksblatt |
VB | Vlkischer Beobachter |
AUWAR | Archiv der Universitt Wrzburg. Archiv der ehemaligen Reichsstudentenfhrung und des NSDStB |
BA | Bundesarchiv (Koblenz) |
BDC | Berlin Documents Center |
BHSA | Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv (Munich) |