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Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - FAR-AMT 2022: Federal Aviation Regulations for Aviation Maintenance Technicians

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Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) FAR-AMT 2022: Federal Aviation Regulations for Aviation Maintenance Technicians

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ASAs FAR-AMT is the most accurate and reliable regulatory reference on the market for aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs), maintenance operations, and repair shops. This 2022 edition of AMT-related Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) from Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations clearly marks all changes from the previous year. Also contains additional AMT references such as some of the most often used FAA Advisory Circular publications and FAA Orders.

This edition includes:

  • Title 14 Parts 1, 3, 5, 13, 21, 23, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 48, 65, 91, 110, 119, 121 (J, L, Z, AA, DD), 125, 135, 145, 147, and 183
  • Advisory Circulars 20-62E, 20-109A, 21-12C, 39-7D, 43-9C, and 43.9-1G
  • Comprehensive FAR index
  • ASAs FAR/AIM series has been the standard regulatory reference of the industry for 75 years. ASA consolidates the FAA regulations and procedures into easy-to-use reference books full of information pertinent to pilots, flight crew, and aviation maintenance technicians.

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    FAR-AMT Federal Aviation Regulations for Aviation Maintenance Technicians - photo 1
    FAR-AMT Federal Aviation Regulations for Aviation Maintenance Technicians - photo 2


    Federal Aviation Regulations for Aviation Maintenance Technicians

    2022 Edition

    Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
    7005 132nd Place SE
    Newcastle, Washington 98059

    19452021 Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    This publication contains current regulations as of July 9, 2021.

    Visit the FAAs website to review changes to the regulations: https://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/faa_regulations/

    Visit ASAs website to sign-up for free FAR/AIM Update subscription service: http://www.asa2fly.com/farupdate

    Also visit ASAs website for a Reader Resource page for this book with additional regulatory information pertinent to Aviation Maintenance Technicians: http://www.asa2fly.com/reader/faramt

    None of the material in this publication supersedes any documents, procedures, or regulations issued by the Federal Aviation Administration or Department of Transportation.

    ASA does not claim copyright on any material published herein that was taken from United States government sources.

    Front cover photo: iStock.com/aapsky


    ISBN 978-1-64425-105-8

    Additional formats available:

    Print Book ISBN 978-1-64425-103-4

    eBook PDF ISBN 978-1-64425-107-2

    eBundle ISBN 978-1-64425-104-1 (print + eBook PDF download code)

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    ASA 2022 FAR/AIM Series
    FAR/AIM FAR for Flight Crew FAR for AMT

    ASA has been supplying the standard reference of the industry, the FAR/AIM series, for more than 75 years. The 2022 series continues to provide information directly from the Federal Aviation Regulations and the Aeronautical Information Manual. Each regulation Part is preceded by a table of contents. Changes since last years printing are identified in the Summary of Major Changes. In the AIM, changes are explained in a list at the beginning. It is recommended you familiarize yourself with all the changes to identify those that affect your aviation activities.

    Changes affecting the regulations can take place daily; the AIM changes every 6 months. ASA tracks all changes and offers you two options for free Updates:

    You can download Updates from the ASA website anytimego to www.asa2fly.com/farupdate.

    You may sign up on our website for ASAs free service to have Update notices automatically emailed to you.

    Visit the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website at www.faa.gov to review Advisory Circulars (AC), Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), current regulations, FSDO contact details, and FAA Orders and publications. Pilots operating internationally should be familiar with Customs and Border Patrol regulations, which can be found at www.cbp.gov.

    Although ASA is not a government agency, and we do not write the regulations or the AIM, we do work closely with the FAA. Questions or concerns can be forwarded to our attention, and we will in turn pass the comments on to the responsible office within the agency. It is interested in user feedback and your comments could foster improvements in the regulations that affect the entire industry.

    FAR/AIM Comments

    Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
    7005 132nd Place SE
    Newcastle, Washington 98059

    Internet: www.asa2fly.com
    Fax: 425.235.0128

    Summary of Major FAR Changes Since the 2021 Book Was Published These regulation - photo 8

    Summary of Major FAR Changes Since the 2021 Book Was Published

    These regulation changes from the Federal Register affect this book as follows:

    14 CFR

    Part 1

    Amends regulations to conform to the removal of Part 101, Subpart E, Special Rule for Model Aircraft, which is no longer consistent with statutory law.

    Adds unmanned aircraft system (UAS) definition to facilitate the implementation of the Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft final rule.

    Part 13

    Adjusts for inflation minimum and maximum civil monetary penalty amounts for statutory civil penalties subject to FAA jurisdiction.

    Part 21

    SFAR 118, which provided regulatory relief for compliance with certain training, recent experience, testing, and checking requirements during the national emergency concerning COVID-19, was removed. This SFAR expired April 30, 2021.

    Amended to permit the routine operation of small UAS at night or over people under certain conditions.

    Part 43

    Amended to permit the routine operation of small UAS at night or over people under certain conditions.

    Part 47

    Adds serial number requirements for unmanned aircraft as part of the requirements for remote identification of unmanned aircraft.

    Part 48

    Amends registration and marking requirements for small unmanned aircraft.

    Part 65

    SFAR 118, which provided regulatory relief for compliance with certain training, recent experience, testing, and checking requirements during the national emergency concerning COVID-19, was removed. This SFAR expired April 30, 2021.

    Part 91

    SFAR 118, which provided regulatory relief for compliance with certain training, recent experience, testing, and checking requirements during the national emergency concerning COVID-19, was removed. This SFAR expired April 30, 2021.

    Amends SFAR No. 112Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Tripoli Flight Information Region (FIR) (HLLL).

    Extends and modifies SFAR No. 79Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Pyongyang Flight Information Region (FIR) (ZKKP).

    Amends and extends SFAR No. 77Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Baghdad Flight Information Region (FIR) (ORBB).

    Amends and extends SFAR No. 113Prohibition Against Certain Flights in Specified Areas of the Dnipropetrovsk Flight Information Region (FIR) (UKDV).

    Adds SFAR No. 117Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Tehran Flight Information Region (FIR) (OIIX).

    Extends SFAR No. 114Prohibition Against Certain Flights in the Damascus Flight Information Region (FIR) (OSTT).

    Amends requirements for ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use and for ADS-B Out equipment and use as part of the new regulations for remote identification of unmanned aircraft.

    Amends the administrative requirements and procedure for requesting a special flight authorization for supersonic aircraft to operate in excess of Mach 1 over land in the United States.

    Part 125

    SFAR 118, which provided regulatory relief for compliance with certain training, recent experience, testing, and checking requirements during the national emergency concerning COVID-19, was removed. This SFAR expired April 30, 2021.

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