Specialty Restaurants (as identified by restaurant owners). The distributions all conform to regional stereotypes. Source: 1992 Census of Retail Trade, Subject Series, Table 19. Principal Menu Type or Specialty.
Organizational Styles of Restaurants. Most geographic research on restaurants focuses on types of food sold, but several organizational styles have spatial patterns worthy of attention as well. Franchises includes both restaurants (waiter service) and refreshment places (no waiter service). Sources: 1992 Census of Retail Trade, Subject Series, Table 18. Primary Type of Food Service. 1992 Census of Retail Trade, Subject Series, Table 21. Establishments Using a Trade Name Authorized by Franchisor.
Selected Types of Food Stores. Retail bakeries, convenience stores (including food stores and food/gasoline stores), and delicatessens all exhibit distinctive regional patterns. Delis are easily linked with ethnicity, but the other two distributions are more mysterious. Source: 1992 Census of Retail Trade, Geographic Area Series, Table 4. Establishments and Sales.
Bagels and Coffee. Bagel popularity has spread unevenly across the country from a hearth in the Northeast. Similarly, Starbucks Coffee has extended its presence in this specialized beverage market beyond its home base on the West Coast. Source of both maps: Big Yellow ( http://s17.bigyellow.com ), August 1997. The first map is based on use of bagel(s) in business name.
Taco and Thai Restaurants. Tacos are an ethnic fast food that has become well established throughout the western half of the United States. Thai restaurants, in contrast, represent a trendy ethnic cuisine with a decidedly coastal and urban spatial pattern. Source: Big Yellow ( http://s17.bigyellow.com ), August 1997. The maps are based on the use of taco or Thai in a restaurant business name.
Locations of Steak n Shake Restaurants. The birthplace for the Steak n Shake restaurant chain was Normal, Illinois, in 1934. Source: Data from the companys Takhomasak menu, 1996.
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